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Guest port marine red

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Guest port marine red

If we can get nigh on a million for Leroy its good business. He's had one full season at our level, a good one at that, but a few have excelled in the lower leagues and found the step up a bit hard (Andy Morrell springs to mind). As somebody has already pointed out, we turned down a sizeable bid for Aaron Brown from WBA and look what we got for him in the end.

However, what I can't understand is why we let Heff go when Leroys departure was already being muttered about. He would have been a ready made replacment and had already scored 20+ goals for a relegated team in our division. Now, THAT doesn't make sense. Unless, of course, Tinnion already has a proven replacement lined up. But who? Proven goalscorers, the fox-in-the-box type, are hard to find. Luke Beckett has been mentioned by a few of you on here and I think he would be an excellent signing. Sure, he's had a few injurys but the way he played last season for Oldham and Huddersfield would suggest that they are a thing of the past. Why not test Bournemouths metal with a bid for James Hayter? Again, proven at this level and the perfect "big man-little man" foil for Steve Brooker.

Personally, I would like to see two new signings. A commanding centre half (Danny Culip would be perfect) and a new centre forward (Matt Jansen appears to be surplus to requirements, perhaps a season long loan).

Still, time will tell

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If we can get nigh on a million for Leroy its good business. He's had one full season at our level, a good one at that, but a few have excelled in the lower leagues and found the step up a bit hard (Andy Morrell springs to mind). As somebody has already pointed out, we turned down a sizeable bid for Aaron Brown from WBA and look what we got for him in the end.

However, what I can't understand is why we let Heff go when Leroys departure was already being muttered about. He would have been a ready made replacment and had already scored 20+ goals for a relegated team in our division. Now, THAT doesn't make sense. Unless, of course, Tinnion already has a proven replacement lined up. But who? Proven goalscorers, the fox-in-the-box type, are hard to find. Luke Beckett has been mentioned by a few of you on here and I think he would be an excellent signing. Sure, he's had a few injurys but the way he played last season for Oldham and Huddersfield would suggest that they are a thing of the past. Why not test Bournemouths metal with a bid for James Hayter? Again, proven at this level and the perfect "big man-little man" foil for Steve Brooker.

Personally, I would like to see two new signings. A commanding centre half (Danny Culip would be perfect) and a new centre forward (Matt Jansen appears to be surplus to requirements, perhaps a season long loan).

Still, time will tell

My frustration is more aimed at these situations we find ourselves in.

Surely if they really wanted him to sign an extension, mid to late last season would have been the time to start. They would have had a clear indication of wether or not he would sign in time to hold to Heff and not be left short.

It's like the Butler/Ireland situation we don't seem to be able to apply any degree of foresight and end up forced into decisions that seem hasty.

If now we are in a position to spend some of the money, I worry that we end up with a player like the Torquay lad who seemed to carrying more baggage than we'd want! we could easily spend 200K on a very indifferent player.

To be honest, I would rather stick with Brooker, Stewart, Gillespie and play cotterill up front (where he wants to play) asess how they perform and make a move if needed in the January Window. I hope to god we don't waste cash on crap players.


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Surely if they really wanted him to sign an extension, mid to late last season would have been the time to start. They would have had a clear indication of wether or not he would sign in time to hold to Heff and not be left short.


To be honest, I would rather stick with Brooker, Stewart, Gillespie and play cotterill up front (where he wants to play) asess how they perform and make a move if needed in the January Window. I hope to god we don't waste cash on crap players. ph34r.gif

I don't think the issue of the contract extension is relevant. After all, Leroy's still under contract to us as the moment. All that matters is that Reading came in with an apparently large enough offer, and Leroy (for understandable reasons) is interested as well.

And I think Heff was likely to go anyway. Having spent one season warming the bench behind Lita/Brooker, the prospect of a similar season but this time behind Stewart/Brooker won't have been very appealing.

I agree with you though about not wasting cash on a panic buy striker.

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Why would there be a "panic buy" striker?

Its been common knowledge for ages that Tinnion is after a big center forward to add an alternative style of play to a relatively lightweight City attack.The departure of Lita hasn't changed that at all.

Plenty of time yet with the season not starting until three weeks Saturday.

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Why would there be a "panic buy" striker?

Its been common knowledge for ages that Tinnion is after a big center forward to add an alternative style of play to a relatively lightweight City attack.The departure of Lita hasn't changed that at all.

Plenty of time yet with the season not starting until three weeks Saturday.

I still don't really see why he needs another big striker.

Surely this is a time for assessing what we have, give gillespie a chance, let Cotterill play in his proper position.

why do we need more bench warmers


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Guest DrFaustus
why do we need more bench warmers

It gets awful chilly in South Bristol. You ned to keep your arses warm.

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I still don't really see why he needs another big striker.

Another? what big striker have City already got?

Surely this is a time for assessing what we have, give gillespie a chance, let Cotterill play in his proper position.

All too lightwieght

why do we need more bench warmers

for the reasons I posted in my earlier reply - an alternative style of play.


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