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Steve Philips


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Got a great reception when he came over to the East End today. Punching the air with both fists and he looked like he for one had really noticed the difference that everyone in there made today.

"Englands number one" as opposed to any references to "flapper".

Obviously there were plenty of forumers in the East End today and I thought it was very fitting that despite some unfair criticism last week for him the general consensus is that he is very much appreciated.

Respect to the Eastenders.

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Guest BCFC Matt

Yes i agree, fair play to him aswell.

I feel the stick and nickname is unjust.

Englands Number 1, Englands, Englands, Number 1!

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Guest City positive

Well said,PhatWill i thought the reception you guys gave Steve at the start of the second half was top drawer.The fantastic support you gave all match was a lesson to us all on how to get behind the City, you kept us all going not to mention the team and contributed greatly to a good win

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Sorry, but he does tend to flap. Good shot stopper, but really needs to get those crosses and be a bit more aggressive in the area.

He needs to work on his game a bit more - he certainly has worked on his kicking and it's paid off.  So maybe a bit more time and he'll be the finished article - but he aint yet.

No need to apologise, no-one is saying he is the finished article.

Just supporting the lad who clearly gives more than two sh(1)ts about the club he plays for...

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Guest Dolman Moaner

After all the debate earlier in the week, I decided to have a bit of a "Phillips Watch" yesterday.

I thought he played well.

I'll type it again, in case anyone didn't get it the first time.

I thought he played well.

He coped pretty well on the kicking front, there were no howlers, a couple of half miskicks in the first half that seemed to find our midfielders anyway.

There was one slight "flap" on the "flapometer" on a first half corner, but other than that he was fine.

Mind you, he didn't really have a shot to save for the entire game to demonstrate his one strength, as Chesterfield were so pi$$ poor.

I still stand by all my opinions from the posts in the week and am glad that the particular thread raised some lively debate with 70 replies and over 1000 views.

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Just to back up what Dolman Moaner said as I joined in with him od the Phillips watch; he was very sound yesterday and did virtually nothing wrong.

Crosses is the major concern. The corner he did come for he missed by a good 3 feet and if Peacock wasn't just behind him, Chesterfield would of had an empty net; I believe the score was still nil-nil at the time.

If he worked on this particular weakness more, then things like the odd mis-kick would probably not be talked about and he would lose the "flapper" tag. He was very confident when he received a back-pass and simply side-stepped the onrushing striker; proof that he is confident in hiw own ability.

One last point; good to see this thread wasn't titled "Where's the Phillips knockers now?" After all, as D.M. said, the last thread was well debated with opinions 50/50; so no need to fuel arguments as others do with the it's all gone quiet over there type titles!

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One last point; good to see this thread wasn't titled "Where's the Phillips knockers now?"  After all, as D.M. said, the last thread was well debated with opinions 50/50; so no need to fuel arguments as others do with the it's all gone quiet over there type titles!
I just about managed to refrain myself from doing that as I felt that some of the criticism he recieved was unfair.

The fact was that he didn't really have anything to do on Saturday, it was the reception/appreciation he got from the East End contingent that was pleasing.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Personally i think hes a fantastic keeper, and if he just touches up a few things about his game he will be outstanding.

His shot stopping is top drawer and that cannot be knocked. Fair play to the bloke shown passion and that means a lot to me and I'm sure everyone else too.

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I decided to have a bit of a "Phillips Watch" yesterday.

I thought he played well.

He coped pretty well on the kicking front, there were no howlers, a couple of half miskicks in the first half that seemed to find our midfielders anyway.

There was one slight "flap" on the "flapometer" on a first half corner, but other than that he was fine.

Mind you, he didn't really have a shot to save for the entire game to demonstrate his one strength, as Chesterfield were so pi$$ poor.

I still stand by all my opinions from the posts in the week and am glad that the particular thread raised some lively debate with 70 replies and over 1000 views.

Also Neo's post:-

Just to back up what Dolman Moaner said as I joined in with him od the Phillips watch; he was very sound yesterday and did virtually nothing wrong.

After everything both of you said in your last well debated posts. it's nice to see that you can take time to look and see if you can back up the some of the uncalled for things you did say, and come on and partically see that you were wrong on some counts.

I saw a couple of good saves from Steve on saturday?. even DM should of seen them unless he left extra early? I know the Dolman stand leaves 5 minutes before time but not 5 mins before half time?.

But. I too found myself watching Steve to see if I could find any sign of the "flapping" you and a small minority were adament about. but I saw nothing to back up anything that was said?.

Infact. I think he looked very confident, and I hope he continues to improve.

It takes a big person to admit they were wrong, even if it is partically.

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He does flap at some shots, and does have the occasional mare with crosses, but considering he came from non league Paulton Rovers to a Div 1 relegated team, and no time to develop, before being in the 1st team, he's done OK, and you do have to have confidence in your defence, as they do in the keeper, so its not entirely down to Steve, when there are mistakes made, and goals conceded

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After everything both of you said in your last well debated posts. it's nice to see that you can take time to look and see if you can back up the some of the uncalled for things you did say, and come on and partically see that you were wrong on some counts.

I saw a couple of good saves from Steve on saturday?. even DM should of seen them unless he left extra early? I know the Dolman stand leaves 5 minutes before time but not 5 mins before half time?.

But. I too found myself watching Steve to see if I could find any sign of the "flapping" you and a small minority were adament about. but I saw nothing to back up anything that was said?.

Infact. I think he looked very confident, and I hope he continues to improve.

It takes a big person to admit they were wrong, even if it is partically.

As I said there was 1 moment of poor keeping when he come for a corner and was caught in no mans land as he didn't reach it.

Apart from that, it was a good performance on Saturday. I'm sure you appreciate, comments made previously were over a quite a few games.

I think there is a general feeling here that I don't like Phillips. That simply isn't true. I think he is a good keeper who is progressing slowly on sorting out his weaknesses; the biggest of which is dealing with crosses.

In answer to your other point, I tend to start making my way down to the front of the stand shortly in to injury time and walk out the stadium as soon as the whistle goes. I have an 8 year old daughter who panics a bit in crowds and I have found if I try to leave my seat when the whistle goes there is more jostling and it frightens her.

I could of course wait until the crowd goes down, however, last time I tried this, it added 30 minutes to the afternoon and in this weather she gets cold and wants her tea and slippers. Do I need to apologise for this?

One last point. I can't be arsed to go and look at the last thread, however, I can't actually remember saying anything (too) bad about Phillips; I think I said very good shot-stopper, mediocre (i.e. average) in other areas. I thought my main involvement was criticising fellow posters who IMO were trying to make their answers to D.M. personal and not debating the topic?

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