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Bet Your All Glad Your City Fans Not Swindon Fans

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Well apart from the swindon fans who infiltrate the city forum.

As opposed to their own forums,which must be pretty boring considering the amount of swindon followers on our west country forum.

Any way this years open day at swindon will not go ahead,after a poor attendance

at last years Swindon Town open day.

When you hear news like this it makes you feel proud to a Bristol City and West country football follower.

Maybe the swindon followers on this Bristol City forum can explain why they love this forum better than thier own

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Guest Ben Wah Balls

No I'm glad I'm a Swindon fan and not a city fan though. cool.gif

We have some great forums, a lot better than this one but nothing wrong with keeping an eye on your rivals, we get plenty of city fans on our forums.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
No I'm glad I'm a Swindon fan and not a city fan though.  cool.gif

We have some great forums, a lot better than this one but nothing wrong with keeping an eye on your rivals, we get plenty of city fans on our forums.

Your forums are full of muppets

You're one of them!

How can any of your forums be better than this one? For a start every swindle forum has the same posters, none seem to have a higher IQ than below average and to make matters worse you seem to think your some sort of super fans!

It;s called denile, Rovers suffered from it for years, but now realise they're the same as every other fan in the country.

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Guest stfc red
Your forums are full of muppets

You're one of them!

How can any of your forums be better than this one? For a start every swindle forum has the same posters, none seem to have a higher IQ than below average and to make matters worse you seem to think your some sort of super fans!

It;s called denile, Rovers suffered from it for years, but now realise they're the same as every other fan in the country.

yes it is denial we would love to under achieve year after year like yourselves rofl2br.gifrofl2br.gif

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Guest South Coast Red
Your forums are full of muppets

You're one of them!

How can any of your forums be better than this one? For a start every swindle forum has the same posters, none seem to have a higher IQ than below average and to make matters worse you seem to think your some sort of super fans!

It;s called denile, Rovers suffered from it for years, but now realise they're the same as every other fan in the country.

And they,re all related farmer.gif

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Guest stfc red
The only reason City underachieve is because we have expectations, based on the quality of our players and club in general.

Swindon are just mediocre season after season, with no hope or expectation.

that really doesnt help your argument there mate you under achieve because the quality of your players dunno.gif thats kinda what i pointed out...we have expectations thanks and we manage to reach them last year apart,,,i don't hate you lot in a ideal world we will both go up so good luck but come on to have a dig about a crappy open day is funny. which by the way also has some thing to do with a game we have that day

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Guest stfc red
And they,re all related    farmer.gif

thats quite a immature comeback that one now....i would rather be in the fastest growing and one of the richest towns rather than the dumbest(which has been proved) full of crack heads and smack heads and yardys asians the list goes on are you multicultural or just over run now rofl2br.gif

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thats quite a immature comeback that one now....i would rather be in the fastest growing and one of the richest towns rather than the dumbest(which has been proved) full of crack heads and smack heads and yardys asians the list goes on are you multicultural or just over run now  rofl2br.gif

Still, I saw summat in the paper about how Bristolian guys last far longer in the sack than guys from any other region.

But then, I doubt your sister is too appealing a prospect fro you Swindlers, hey?

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Lets break this down and expose the inner moron that is STFC Red

thats quite a immature comeback that one now

Immature comeback from the lad maybe, but you have the English skills of a child.

....i would rather be in the fastest growing and one of the richest towns

Thats wide of the mark in both aspects.

Swindon is not rapidly growing, especially compared to towns in the North and South East.

One of the richest Swindon is certainly not.

rather than the dumbest(which has been proved) full of crack heads

Because GSCE results are poor in inner-city Bristol that fails to provide a true picture. Try looking at the results for South Glos, they are higher than Swindon borough, as are that of BANES and North Summer. These areas are greater Bristol.

and smack heads and yardys asians the list goes on are you multicultural or just over run now 

Smack heads? What town doesn't, Swindon certainly has its fair share of addicts. It is also the home to the highest rate of sexual offences per head of population in the country.

I'll agree yardys are oderous scum, but the rest of that sentance is just racist nonsense. Overrun? Hardly

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Guest stfc red


Lets break this down and expose the inner moron that is STFC Red

Immature comeback from the lad maybe, but you have the English skills of a child.

Thats wide of the mark in both aspects.

Swindon is not rapidly growing, especially compared to towns in the North and South East.

One of the richest Swindon is certainly not. 

Because GSCE results are poor in inner-city Bristol that fails to provide a true picture.  Try looking at the results for South Glos, they are higher than Swindon borough, as are that of BANES and North Summer.  These areas are greater Bristol.

Smack heads?  What town doesn't, Swindon certainly has its fair share of addicts.  It is also the home to the highest rate of sexual offences per head of population in the country.

I'll agree yardys are oderous scum, but the rest of that sentance is just racist nonsense.  Overrun? Hardly

laugh.gif I'm racist you should tell my asian girlfreind that she would love that comment..we could argue the toss allday end of the day this is about football and like i said before the most honest of you will admit there isnt a great deal of difference between us on the pitch there hasnt been for a while and to keep going on about our finances when in fact i heard your £6mill in debt aswell is quite boring

the simple fact is we get it in the papers more because of our high profile problems in the past and will for a long time to come but there are alot of teams in the same position you don't hear about

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Guest stfc red
Swindon is home to a young lass who had 6 kids by.....................HER OWN FATHER (story from The Sun about 6-9months ago)

thats sick though don't you think. you can all have a dig if you want now but i lived round the corner from that sick ######

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Guest Ben Wah Balls
Your forums are full of muppets

You're one of them!

How can any of your forums be better than this one? For a start every swindle forum has the same posters, none seem to have a higher IQ than below average and to make matters worse you seem to think your some sort of super fans!

It;s called denile, Rovers suffered from it for years, but now realise they're the same as every other fan in the country.


I can assure you my IQ is far higher than average so you're wrong there.. One of the most annoying things abotut this forum is you get hundreds of threads about the same thing eg. Lita leaving all saying basically the same thing, we don't get that on the townend and even oxford fans have admitted our non footy forum is class.

The only reason City underachieve is because we have expectations, based on the quality of our players and club in general.

Swindon are just mediocre season after season, with no hope or expectation.

No hope or expectation but we've still won a championship in the last 10 years. At least the majority of our fans can remember winning a league anyway. razz.gif

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No hope or expectation but we've still won a championship in the last 10 years. At least the majority of our fans can remember winning a league anyway. razz.gif

Thats the problem with Swindon fans, they hang onto past glory where we look to the future and stick together and try and get out this division

Yes, it's been hard, but at least were trying, unlike our so called derby freinds, and that isn't the G*s.


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Guest Fred Fjord
Swindon is home to a young lass who had 6 kids by.....................HER OWN FATHER (story from The Sun about 6-9months ago)

The family had only recently moved from deepest O*fordshire when this situation came to light......

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Guest Ben Wah Balls

We have past glories that we can remember so why would we want to forget them. City Dan claimed we'd been mediocre year after year, clearly this isn't true as our last championship was only a few years ago.

We also look to the future too, I believe we can over achieve this year and once again battle for promotion against the odds. There is a lot of optimism at Swindon at the moment but we don't have the pressure to achieve that you do.

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