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Young Uns In The East End


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it was nice to see a lot of youngsters enjoying the east end atmosphere, i tried to explain to one of them, imagine what it was like back in the 70"s, there was 5,000 of us jam packed in there singing our hearts out, it made a fantastic noise, the kids were impressed with the noise and atmosphere of 300, i guess you just had to be there.

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it was nice to see a lot of youngsters enjoying the east end atmosphere, i tried to explain to one of them, imagine what it was like back in the 70"s, there was 5,000 of us jam packed in there singing our hearts out, it made a fantastic noise, the kids were impressed with the noise and atmosphere of 300, i guess you just had to be there.

yep brilliant day for everyone i also spotted some old geezers in there to :P


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Its a real shame that today's youngsters have to almost plead to be allowed to create an atmosphere at AG.We older fans were priveledged to be it the East End every game when we were teenagers and creating an atmosphere was a natural occurance.Now,the youngersters have ask permission from the club!The 300 or so that were yesterday really did make a difference and I would welcome the opening of East End more regularly.

Of course safety and crowd control has to come first so to expect it open every game would be unrealistic,but against poorly supported clubs who don't bring many away fans...why not??

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