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'united Kingdom' Football Team

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It has been announced that should we win the 2012 olympic bid we would enter a full UK footy team.

Should we have a UK footy team this year who would make the team?

This is relevent to city as we have a current international who would make a current UK team....


Left back.........Cole

Centre back....Cambell

Centre back....Rio

Right Back.......Neville

Mid..............Tommy Doc






Does not leave too much room for the jocks or the welsh!

Any challenges to the above team?

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Tommy Doc?

What are you on? How about Robbie Savage. 10 times fitter than Doherty and probably a better all round player.

Its probably all hypothetical anyway as I expect the team will have to be seen to be politically correct and comprised of roughly equal numbers of players from the home countries or pro rata to size of population or by age.

Can't really see it happening, particularly if we had to qualify.

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Robinson (Lee & Eng)

Bridge (Chel & Eng)

Johnson (Chel & Eng)

Woodgate (Newc & Eng)

Terry (Chel & Eng)

Scholes (Manure & Eng)

Beckham (RM & Eng)

Gerard (Liv & Eng)

Parker (Char & Eng)

Owen (Liv & Eng)

Rooney (Liv & Eng)

Subs: James, Neville, A. Cole, Campbell, Dyer, Beattie, Vassel

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Whats the point, we all know that it would be a squad of English players anyway - why not call it England

With the exception of Giggs (better than any left sided English player IMO)

As for Tommy Doc!? So you would play him ahead of Butt, J Cole, Lampard, P Neville. Shall I go on?

As good as Tommy is he is not as good as any of the above mentioned players. I doubt that he would even be considered for any potential United Kingdom squad.

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EEk! this is something we don't want to happen. Many foreign countries complain that there are four nations using the same passport. If we enter a UK team, those countries will demand only one, not four, UK voices within FIFA and UEFA. Only one team in Intenational competitions and our four clubs for the Champions League could well be Arsenal, Celtic, Linfield and TNS.

On Radio 5 the question was asked "How many Scots would turn up at Hampden to support a UK team comprising 10 Englishmen and Ryan Giggs"? At the risk of being racist/snobbish etc, a UK team would bring England and Scotland down towards the level of N Ireland and Wales in both club and country games.

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