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Aaron Brown Is A ______ ?


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..........Person with a very short future at Ashton gate if it's true he said "F off" to the crowd
He was lucky, in that people laughed at him rather than taking offence.

However, if the lady in front of me, who had brought her two young boys to the game, chose to report Aaron, I wouldn't blame her at all.

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On his day, Aaron Brown is a skilful, direct player with a good first touch, an ability to beat his man and get to the by-line and whip in inch perfect crosses. He's a ferocious tackler, strong and physical, the sort of player who opponents hate playing against. He chips in with some vital goals too.


Aaron's days are few and far between, and that's why he infuriates so many fans. If he could only get more consistency into his game and produce the sort of performances we see from him one game in five at best, then he could go on to play at a higher level. As it is, we're left to guess which Aaron is going to turn up this week. He must be a manager's nightmare.

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He must be a manager's nightmare.
And yet Wilson continues to pick him! but its not a new state of affairs - last season Wilson persisted with Brown week after week despite Brown failing to show up.

City looked far more threatening when Bell came on in place of him last Saturday.

Maybe Aaron Brown is a..... long lost relative of Wilson?

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Why all the snide remarks about Wilson picking Aaron? OK so the guy is inconsistent and I too would leave him out occassionally just to make sure he remembers he is not guaranteed a place.

But it seems every time Danny shows some faith in a player, we get loads of comments about him having his favourites, maybe he's related to them, maybe this, maybe that :)

Could it be that Danny sees a different Aaron in training and continues to keep faith with him because even on an off day the guy is still capable of hitting a goal or setting a couple up? Could it be part of the process of building up his confidence?

I do agree that on Saturday Aaron was not up to it, and had a really poor game - and guess what, he was substituted! :P

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Well, it's definitely not Amazing

How about A "tad" inconsistent, with a liberal use of "tad", like covering a small plate of salad with an entire bottle of Heinz Salad Cream Dressing.

How about consistantly inconsistant, frustrating for us supporters, his team mates and management. i've seen enough of him now and don't mind if I never see him pull on the shirt again. We have better. End of.

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Why all the snide remarks about Wilson picking Aaron?  OK so the guy is inconsistent and I too would leave him out occassionally just to make sure he remembers he is not guaranteed a place.
I agree.

Brown scares defenders with his pace and presence alone. I'd still pick him every game as he is the best player at the club in that position.

Any excuses to have a pop at DW for some though innit.

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I'd still pick him every game as he is the best player at the club in that position.

Any excuses to have a pop at DW for some though innit.

I would say he was the best player at the club in that position but isn't necessarily so anymore, since Marc Goodfellow arrived.

Why aren't people allowed to question the manager's decisions? Is he infallable?

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I'm really getting fed up with all this moaning at aaron brown alright he did not have the bestest of games on saturday but you cannot play well 46 games a season can you.

aaron brown has scored 4 goals this season which in january is not bad for a player who only scored 3 goals last season.

I'm a big brian tinnion fan but i have to admit he did not play too well on saturday and when he did a bad pass he would get half of the abuse of that aaron brown gets.

i suspose fans have to pick on one player but the point i am trying to make is aaron brown is having a good season and it would not do him any good if fans moan at him which usually means his confidence goes down.

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I would say he was the best player at the club in that position but isn't necessarily so anymore, since Marc Goodfellow arrived.

Why aren't people allowed to question the manager's decisions? Is he infallable?

Robbored etc made the point of "why does Wilson persistently play Brown every week".

I put forward the counter arguement that Brown is the best player at this club on the left side and firmly believe I am right.

As you rightly say now Goodfellow has come along and is playing very well on the right side of midfield. Time will tell whether or not he is as good on the left and whether DW see's Roberts or Brown as being more effective in their respective positions.

Allowed to question DW, of course, but in this instance I think its harsh to criticise him. Its well known that AB plays very well in training but bottles it too often on the pitch.

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Robbored etc made the point of "why does Wilson persistently play Brown every week".

I put forward the counter arguement that Brown is the best player at this club on the left side and firmly believe I am right.

As you rightly say now Goodfellow has come along and is playing very well on the right side of midfield. Time will tell whether or not he is as good on the left and whether DW see's Roberts or Brown as being more effective in their respective positions.

Allowed to question DW, of course, but in this instance I think its harsh to criticise him. Its well known that AB plays very well in training but bottles it too often on the pitch.

Brown doesn't do it often enough! One good game in five or even less.

Wilson surely knows that "doing it" in training is hardly the same as "doing it" on match day.

Someone said that Brown "bottles it" - spot on.How many more inept performances does Brown have to put in before Wilson sees what most of can see already - that he's luxury and shouldn't be playing in every game.

Bell is a much more versatile player,sure he lacks the pace of Brown but imho makes up for that with his passing and vision.Bell when given license to bomb forward is a tidy player.

Goodfellow is also an alternative as already suggested and the sooner Brown is "rested" the better in my view.

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Guest Dolman Moaner

I think he is one of our most creative players when going forward.

Also, I think that too much is expected of him because of his undoubted talent.

Very few players at any level will be able to consistently perform at the top of their game week in week out.

I agree, there are times when he doesn't look as interested as he could, but that's his style and will never change.

I would also dispute that he is unable to cross the ball.

Robbored has a point when he talks of playing Mickey Bell, but to my mind this should be with Bell at left back and Brown in left midfield, particularly at home when we need to go at teams.

The two combine very well, whereas Matt Hill is a better defender than Bell, he seems to struggle when going forward.

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Robbored has a point when he talks of playing Mickey Bell, but to my mind this should be with Bell at left back and Brown in left midfield, particularly at home when we need to go at teams.

The two combine very well, whereas Matt Hill is a better defender than Bell, he seems to struggle when going forward.

Why not drop butler put hill in the centre and have bell at left back , although i would rather see woodman , he can put in a decent cross as well as defend.
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Guest Dolman Moaner
Why not drop butler put hill in the centre and have bell at left back , although i would rather see woodman , he can put in a decent cross as well as defend.

Like it, Bell or Woodman (Bell for me) but I would rather see Woodman than Hill.

Move Matty to left centre half and give Phil Neville a "rest"

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contender for the title of biggest under-achiever of the decade. The guy has an obvious talent, but that means nothing when you know that when he has a great game, he's going to be doing nothing for the next 5 or 6... I think Wilson's comment of "Marc will come in on the right wing initially" may mean that he already has doubts about AB. Whether he seriously means to play a Roberts/Goodfellow wing system, or just make AB worry about his place in a bid to secure some consistency from him remains to be seen.

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