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Lets face it, we are never going to be an attractive club to young supporters. When they go to school they are made to feel like outcasts, because they do not support Manure or Arseholenell and most of the time their dads support the said money grabbing giants.

The only way we are going to increase our fan base is by bringing new blood to the Gate ourselves, whether that be kids or mates, who support big teams but dont go to the matches. Back in 1989 a friend of mine said "come to watch BCFC with me, you will love it". I at the time supported Liverpool! It took one match for me to be converted and have been hooked ever since. The atmosphere back then was so different than it is today, but it looks as though, at long last, the club has realized what has been missing. I am sure that if we can keep the East End the atmosphere will return, thus we can confidently bring new blood and know they are going to enjoy themselves.

If every 5 City supporters encouraged just 1 new face, that would increase our average gate to about 15,000. Come on we know we can do it!

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I agree. It is up to all of us to try and encourage mates along to games etc.

Support will never just come. The club and fans need to aggressively market bcfc and get people through the turnstiles.

A fan base is ESSENTIAL to a club. Even in these days of high business in the football world- you are no-where without a fan base. Sponsors want to sponsor teams that have 50,000 at their games each week...not 5,000!

And while results make the biggest SHORT term difference to gates- you need to develop the fan base LONG term to make a real difference. Just look at Fulham- who are now top half of the Premiership but still getting gates of just 16,000 on average. Although they have Chairman Mo bankrolling them- there is only so far even his money can go.

In the long term they cannot compete with the likes of Man Utd who have such an enormous fan base.

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I also am in agreement, let's all bring a friend. There is one fly in the ointment though. Because we are all encouraged to become season ticket holders, a friend cannot be assured of standing, sorry, sitting next to you or even in the same row.

Perhaps the way forward would be to have generic season tickets; anywhere in the Wedlock, any seat in block H of the Atyeo etc.

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Following on from original post, wouldnt it be great if on Tuesday night the club did a special deal for the east end, whereby 2 people could get in for say £20.00. I know that the group of 5 I travel down with, could all find someone to take if it were a £10.00 each or £5.00 and one season ticket voucher!.

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I totally agree with this and feel strongly about increasing the fan base. All the time i am trying to introduce new people to city. I made Knapster into a city fan who is currently a season ticket holder after getting the half season ticket.

Three others too and am forever trying to persuade more people.

I have in total got 4 people who would not have went otherwise to go every week and now converted city fans.

If every other fan could do this then it would do the world of good for money and for the club. I feel that this is the way foward and every fan needs too feel that they can make a difference.


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Guest Ciderhead Reynolds

I'm my time of supporting city i have bought along at least 6 mates who havny supported other local teams all supporting someone like man u or newcastle , and now they to share my passion 4 the city and attend home games reguarly and i have even persuaded 1 of them 2 come 2 hillsborough with me, out of the 6 , 3 come 2 pretty much every home game with me now , just gotta persuade em 2 come 2 away games 2 now :sport18: :sport19: :sport18: :sport19: :sport18: :sport19: :sport18:

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Well I had a few Americans on the fence of becoming fans a couple years ago, mainly by continuely playing the games at work and talking about City non-stop. But alas I'm sure part of the reason we aren't attracting fans is that audio commentary is no longer free (I still think this is a continueing large mistake by the team).

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Totally agree with this, i came to uni in Bristol specifically because i wanted to see City more often. Since I've been down hee i've got loads of people interested in football in general and in particular in City. ne of my proudest moments was against Cardiff in the play off second leg last season seeing 6 of my mates stood up singing abuse at the cardiff players/fans along with 17.000 other City fans

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