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Police Are About To Get Very Heavy Handed

Guest WillsbridgeRed

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

New plans to prevent football hooligans causing trouble at next year's World Cup have been unveiled.

The proposals, agreed by police chiefs and the Crown Prosecution Service, are likely to focus on more minor offences and lower level bad behaviour.

Under legislation introduced five years ago, football hooligans can be banned from travelling overseas.

They have to report to local police stations and hand in their passports ahead of big international matches.

CPS prosecutors and police across the country said they will now opt for prosecuting hooligans for minor offences rather than cautioning them, meaning they would also be barred from travelling if found guilty.

Chief Crown Prosecutor for the West Midlands David Blundell said: "We want to prevent the small minority of yobs from travelling to Germany for the World Cup in 2006."

The recent changes in the law have been hailed as a success and have helped restore English supporters' tarnished reputation.

However, some police have reported a rise in anti-social acts such as throwing objects out of train windows, urinating on seats and shouting abuse.

Translates as - We (as football fans) are about to get nicked for even less reason, and get squeezed as the police try and show they are on top of badly behaved fans.

Now I don't want to get into a debate about people being arrested, but take note of what Force that copper comes from.

If all police are going to start acting like the criminals at Walsall we all have problems.

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Guest MaloneFM

Well old Rog heard a filthy and probably true rumour that the friendly derby a few weeks ago was really just an exercise in videoing hoolies for next years barn dance.

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