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Dedicated Singing Area

Guest Neo

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I added 3 polls recently which asked the following questions: -

1. Where would you want a dedicated singing area; behind the net view (Atyeo or EastEnd) or side view (Dolman or Williams)?

2. For Atyeo people only; would you move to a side view to be in the singing area?

3. For Dolman/Williams people; would you move to a behind the new view to be in the singing area?

The results are that overall, 62% of people would want the area behind the net (average roughly every 3 in 5 people). 19% (1person in 5) wanted a side view whilst the other 1 in 5 people didn’t care about location.

Of the people who sit in the Atyeo, 77% or roughly 3 out of 4 would move to the Williams or Dolman to be in the singing area.

Of the Williams or Dolman people, 67% or every 2 in 3 people would move to a behind the net view.

Hard to draw too many points out of 3 different polls; my interpretation of these results would be: -

A majority would like the singing area behind the net. However, because 3 out of 4 would clearly move to a side-view, it suggests the answers to Q1 may have been more fuelled by the East End hype going around.

If this poll was limited to just the Atyeo and the Dolman as choices, would the percentages have changed? Perhaps people who answered behind the net can expand?

Less people would be prepared to leave a side view in general, however, their would be a willingness to.

Overall, if nothing else, this set of polls probably proves location is not a major factor for most fans

Any other conclusions? Anybody really care? :D

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Well, the obvious overall conclusion to make is that there is a need for a specific singing area in one of the three major stands. The Eastend thing is great, but in the long run we need a permanent area for singing supporters where they can buy season ticket seats. The obvious place would be one of the blocks in the Dolman or Atyeo.


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As percentages, the votes look fairly convincing, but the truth is that only 21 or 22 people voted on each poll.

I'm not sure that's an adequate representative sample, if the hope was to present these to the club (I don't know if it was or not) as part of an attempt to introduce a dedicated singing area to Ashton Gate.

All it does prove, really, is that not many people look at the Polls forum.

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As percentages, the votes look fairly convincing, but the truth is that only 21 or 22 people voted on each poll.

I'm not sure that's an adequate representative sample, if the hope was to present these to the club (I don't know if it was or not) as part of an attempt to introduce a dedicated singing area to Ashton Gate.

All it does prove, really, is that not many people look at the Polls forum.

Very true it is only a small percentage of people who responded.

It is the same with all my attempts to get any interest in this!; perhaps when the dream of being in the East End every week becomes an unachievable reality more effort/ideas will come.

I certainly won't be presenting anything to the club on this; that'll be down to the Fans Committee if they choose to; as far as i'm concerned I was just trying to give them some insight in to the possibility and the general feeling; that's why it is a bit disappointing that the only ideas I have been able to present via P.M. to Tom are my own.

As for me, that's about it on this particular subject as i'm sure the committee have all they need to pursue the idea if/when the subject comes up. :D

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