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Jer Boon


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Does anyone know how Jer is getting on, cycling up to Hartlepool?

I've a feeling he set off a couple of days ago, so I wondered if he'd got there safely yet. Unless, of course, he's got another appointment on Saturday afternoon in Bristol and he's currently on his way back after a 25 minute stay in the North East.

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As he always takes a photo of himself at the destination ground it's clear that he carries a camera. If he had any consideration (or dedication to BCFC) he'd take a detour to Newcastle airport to take the picture of you, BTR_FTG and NTTDS getting off the plane. He could even hang around 25mins and take the photo of you, BTR_FTG and NTTDS getting on the plane.

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"...take a photo of you, BTR_FTG and NTTDS getting off the plane.."

Christ I hope not. The only way I'll end up on NTTDS's plane is if mine runs into his at 10,000 ft !



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Guest purple_monkey_dishwasher

Jer arrived in Hartlepool this evening.

He's not too happy about the weather forecast for next week, could make the journey to the Colchester and Grimsby games rather interesting.

Jer's Website

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Guest purple_monkey_dishwasher
If (and I mean IF) Jer makes it to Pool, Colchester and Grimsby he is definitely going to get something from me aswell. 

So the fact that he's already given up his job and cycled 5000 miles isn't quite enough then? You must be very hard to impress! :D

Hint : Sponsorship Page

There's three ways to sponsor, and if you choose to "pledge" you don't have to pay up now - you can just let Jer know how much you *will* pay him come the end of the season.

All donations appreciated, even small ones :D

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Guest purple_monkey_dishwasher
"So the fact that he's already given up his job and cycled 5000 miles isn't quite enough then?"

Fraid not, but I meant what I said!  :P

Good luck Jer!,


Fair enough :D

And don't worry - unless the weather is really extreme or the games are postponed he will make it to all 3 matches. Earlier in the season he had to get to Plymouth, Wrexham and Wycombe in a week and managed it despite being very ill at the time.

Many thanks for promising to sponsor him - he really does appreciate every penny that gets donated (that's another hint to everyone else out there!).

(Edited because I realised I was tempting fate a little too much)

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Good for him.  He deserves the publicity.
I agree. If there is a thread that deserves to be anchored to the top, this is it. Fair play to the guy for jacking his job in and doing this.

I must say, I think the amount raised so far ($2,200) is a bit disappointing considering the effort and dedication he is putting in and the large fanbase we have. If each of the people regularly going to games just donated a quid he would be well up towards 10k at least.

Come on guys, it all counts.

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