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Have A Feeling It Could Be A Big Mistake

Percy Parrot

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no, I don't think Simon Clist was going to make it in the Premiership. But, he is, as far as I'm concerned a good division 2 player.

I am also aware of competition in centre midfield- Tins, Doc, Wilkshire, Burnell- but I still believe we have lost a player who provided good competition- and to have a player of that quality pressing the first team was superb.

To be honest I'm glad we MIGHT be some money from the deal- but without knowing if the £30k will come after 10 appearances or 100 we might as well accpept that he's gone on a free.

Real shame to see a player with a lot of talent leave for next to nothing.

I only wish him well at Barnet and hope he does prove DW wrong by doing well and coming up through the divisions.

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Guest Bootylicious

Without doubt he will rise through the divisions.

He is still young and his few performances this season, suggested that he had improved immensely from the season before.

It was probably Simon's choice as much as anybody's. He wanted first team footie and knew that, under DW, he was never going to get a fair look in.

We've let a good player go!

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I think it's a coup.

If he's not of calibre outside of this division as you say anyway...

He would have left for nothing in the summer anyway, but by letting him go now we...

Save on all of his wages from now until when his contract was to expire

Acquire 30k, most likely based on whether Barnet get promoted this season, which is a real possibility

I dont know, for a player not making a difference in the side, and with wilkshire coming back in a week or two, I don't see much on the negative side from this one...

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I tend to agree with Percy P.

As I said on another thread, when this move was first mentioned:

If Simon had been afforded the same sort of patience and the same number of second chances that the likes of Lee Peacock and Tommy Doherty have enjoyed, he might have been able to prove his worth.

One appearance, one MOTM award and then shoved out onto the right wing before finally being discarded. Not my idea of a fair crack of the whip, really.

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Simon Clit quite literally never put a foot wrong.

He was/is a very technically gifted footballer and the kind of player I like.

He hasn't been treated fairly by Danny, especially when you consider that to$$ers like Aaron Brown continue to be picked after every lacklustre half-arsed performance.


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Guest pogue mahone

clist has managed the occasional good performance mixed in with plenty more games in which he was totally anonymous, he has now found his proper level. no great loss.

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I am surprised that people seem to feel Clist hasn't been given a chance - he has had his chance to impress in training for every week of his contract at City. For whatever reason he hasn't and others have been chosen ahead of him.

I hope he goes on and does very well but to me this deal makes good sense - we now have plenty of central midfield players and that is where Clist would want to play - he certainly wouldn't make it in my team ahead of Doherty or Wilkshire, while since he doesn't play left side of midfield suggesting him as a replacement for Aaron Brown is wide of the mark. Granted AB needs to be more consistent and the words rocket up and a***e often seem appropriate but Clist could not have fulfilled his role in the side. Roberts looks a more likely replacment.

Any way I would prefer the judgement of those who saw him work day in day out than those who saw only cameos.

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Nice player, hadn't developed into anything special. Unfortunately the truth is if had been better we wouldn't have needed to spend money on others.

Another way of looking at it is, with the academy starting to kick in if he hasn't made it by the age of 22 then it's time to move aside and let the next generation have a shot. This could be the start of quite a clear out.

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Good deal for Simon and the club and I wish him well, but I think its quite telling that Leroy, who knew him at City and then took him on loan at Torquay, never tried to sign him even though he has been available for some time.
Yep, good point.

Good deal allround.SC wanted 1st team footy & Barnet are a club that can rise again.

Not a player I could say was seen enough to rate. Some people seem to believe that he was a class act, but I can't see how he can be judged on the odd performance.

One game dosn't make a player - but I do agree that one good game & then moved out of position is a little unfortunate on him.

I also think that if he was really up to it then a few clubs would have stepped in by now.

Good squad player, but no real loss to the promotion push.

Especially if it gives DW space to add another face?

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He hasn't been treated fairly by Danny, especially when you consider that to$$ers like Aaron Brown continue to be picked after every lacklustre half-arsed performance.

I'm no great fan of Aaron because I think he is a little too inconsistent, but I have to say that there is no comparison between him and Clist. I'd rather see Aaron in the side any day :D

Clist has been given another chance to prove himself elsewhere, I hope he does and that his career really takes off now, but he didn't cut it here

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Not good enough, glad to be rid of the wages. We're looking towards division 1 - could Clist cut it there? No.

A decent Div 2 player - no more. Reminds me of Matt Hewlett in some ways.

Best of luck to the lad but his lack of physical presence let him down. Onwards and upwards.

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Guest twaters

Yeah i think it is in the best interest for the club to let him go, but i also agree he didnt get a fair crack of the whip. Every time i saw him he looked very good, and actually threatening in the oppositions box.

The one comment i dont agree with is this constant Arron Brown baracking. He has been good this season, and yes he has his off games but he has now scored a fair few goals and is starting to get his game going. I think he should keep his place and be given a good run of games.

I am Roberts biggest fans, from the moment we signed him i liked his style. A player that when he gets the ball excites me. But Brown deserves this run, a run that clist never got these past two seasons despite at one point looking very usefull indeed.

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