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Guest steady1975

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I think the name 'Rob Elstob' will eventually be revered throughout the football world.

It was a very shrewd early move to abbreviate his first name so that it rhymes with his surname.

ROB el STOB. Absolutely superb.

In fact i'd go so far as to say that if he does ( or should i say WHEN he does) become internationally lauded as a football genius he should give due credit to his parents for their foresight in giving him a Christian name that could be so suitably shortened. It strikes me he is the sort of humble man to do this automatically.

The genius that is Mr. Elstob is nearing legend status at City already. Assuming his unrivalled progress continues, there's absolutely no doubt this football mastermind will soon be a household name the length and breadth of the globe. :city:

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I just heard some guys talking about Rob Elstob in my local. He apears to be becoming a bit of a legend!

Wait a minute - are you sure this isn't the same Rob Elstob from Banbury Karate Club?!


If it is, he's a bit young to be coaching the City squad...

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Guest steady1975

No that is definately not the real Rob Elstob, the legend that is Rob Elstob is a lot different in not only facial features but carries more of a barrel like physique. Check the City dug out and you will see him looking like Mike Basset with a very similar puffer jacket

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No that is definately not the real Rob Elstob, the legend that is Rob Elstob is a lot different in not only facial features but carries more of a barrel like physique. Check the City dug out and you will see him looking like Mike Basset with a very similar puffer jacket

He's doing a great job in charge with Magic Johnson.

I hear he is to be knighted for services to football and his general improvment of the human race purely by being alive.

I personally revere him like a God.

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Just bothered to read this thread! and o my!

I don't think ive laughed like this for a while :blush:

Steady even likes to have a conversation with himself! imagine what hes like at home :o

Him and Rob :yawn:

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I hate to break this to you Steady. But i have a very good source (trust me - you'll see) and in the next few days you'll find that Rob Elstob will be working at Rovers along Paul Trollope. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. If any of you don't believe me thats fair enought but you'll see. Rovers can recognise real talent when they see it...

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Guest steady1975

alfie he's deffo not going to Rovers, he'd rather kill himself than go there. The great man Elstob will be making an appearance on this web-site too

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alfie he's deffo not going to Rovers, he'd rather kill himself than go there. The great man Elstob will be making an appearance on this web-site too

Spot on steady.

When Rob Elstob decides the time is right to leave his beloved City he'll be leaving Bristol far behind. Lets face it, he'll have his pick of any club in the world and it's not going to be the world's smallest.

Anyway although he doesn't make a big thing of his detestation for the gas, it's always there bubbling just under the surface.

Have you thought of launching an Official Rob Elstob Fan Club, steady?

I think it is long overdue and it is the least City fans can do to show our appreciation of his magnificent contribution to the Club and perhaps even delay slightly his inevitable departure on his next stride to the highest pinnacle of the game.

It's no exaggeration to say that the aura surrounding this truly emminent man, coupled with his legendary coaching prowess, would provoke an immense clamour and the membership would surely be several thousand strong within a couple of days, if not hours.

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I know for certain that Rob Elstob would not leave city for rovers. However I have heard from various people that steady1975 was once a first team coach at West Ham! Is this true steady? :yawn:

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Guest steady1975

No Homer i was a reserve team player at Leyton Orient in my younger days, but close guess. Have you heard anymore about Mr Elstob around the pubs and clubs of Bristol or Somerset?

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Everything I keep hearing about Rob Elstob seems to be good Steady! The bloke seems to already be a legend. My sister loves him, can't blame her though she is only human.

Did you play with anyone who went on to be any good during your time at the mighty Orient? :yawn:

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Have you heard anymore about Mr Elstob around the pubs and clubs of Bristol or Somerset?

I climbed up Dunkerry Beacon last weekend.

At the top i encountered a large group of ramblers engaged in an animated conversation.

Pretending to look at the view, I have to admit i eavesdropped, and would you believe it - they were talking about Rob Elstob!

Thankfully i can now report that everything these excitable but knowledgeable ramblers said was EXTREMELY positive.

THe whole of the West Country is talking about the Elstob the Great, and in glowing terms too. :city:

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No Homer i was a reserve team player at Leyton Orient in my younger days, but close guess. Have you heard anymore about Mr Elstob around the pubs and clubs of Bristol or Somerset?

It was announced that Rob Elstob "Bristol City's finest" (sic) was in the house in Oceana on Friday and then again in the Wetherspoon by Temple Meads yesterday.

A standing ovation was given.

I tried to chat him up, but he's a legend with the ladies and he wouldn't let me escprt him home for coffee. :(

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Guest steady1975

Elstob is furious, he went drinking in Wetherspoons and did recieve a standing ovation as you said but he is raving mad today. To quote him in the Western Daily "i go drinking for one night and leave Johnson alone to run my team and we go and lose to Barnet, i will be back alongside him on the bench Saturday as he can't be trusted with the team on his own"

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Steady, you seem to have a lot of info regarding the wonderful and as some people are classing him across the west country "legendery Rob Elstob". Do you know him or something? :yawn:

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Guest steady1975

I more know of him rather than know him personally, going by the rumours i've heard, he's actually quite hard to get to know and is a bit of a mysterious character. Apart from his senior position at City, i have heard he hails from the Shepton Mallet area

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Guest steady1975

Rumour has it that Johnson has heard about Elstob's wherabouts being doubted on this site and he will be doing a press statement soon to clarify the situation. Elstob is currently in Serbia scouting for City

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Rumour has it that Johnson has heard about Elstob's wherabouts being doubted on this site and he will be doing a press statement soon to clarify the situation. Elstob is currently in Serbia scouting for City

The Elstob Doubters must be few and far between now surely? :dunno:

I would like this Master Coach and General Manager Extraordinaire to literally take centre stage at the next home match.

I suggest Rob Elstob takes a bow in the centre circle before the game so that his hordes of admiring City fans can show their adulation.

Be prepared for a delayed kick-off though, i would expect the rapturous applause from the Stand's to be thunderous and prolonged.

ROB ELSTOB :chant6ez: ROB ELSTOB :chant6ez:

After everything he's achieved at City it's the very least he deserves. :city:

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Guest steady1975

At last the hordes of City doubters are converting to the new faith that is Elstobism - a chant around the ground would get the great man to rise from his seat. I have been thinking of getting an announcement ovet the tannoy but a chant around the ground sounds better.

I can reveal EXCLUSIVELY (Clue 1) that the leg-end that is Elstobism sits in the Atyeo stand.

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At last the hordes of City doubters are converting to the new faith that is Elstobism - a chant around the ground would get the great man to rise from his seat. I have been thinking of getting an announcement ovet the tannoy but a chant around the ground sounds better.

I can reveal EXCLUSIVELY (Clue 1) that the leg-end that is Elstobism sits in the Atyeo stand.

Rise from his seat? Elstob doesn't rise from his seat, he powers from it!

No, he should sit in a high powered ejector seat in the rear of the Atyeo and be catapaulted into a fast moving Aston Martin or Rolls Royce to tour the track around the ground in a triumphant cavalcade as befits this all-conquering hero.

We all know Rob Elstob could see off Schumacher etc. if he had a mind to.


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Guest steady1975

Elstob the Leg-end is making a rare public appearance tonight, he will be signing autographs at the Poachers Pocket (Cranmore, Somerset) public house from around 7.30pm onwards. Get there early as City fans will be queueing round the bloke to get the great man's signature tonight. Buy him a pint or packet of peanuts and he'll treat you to a lesson in tactics that have been passed on to him through the years by Osman, Ward, Tinnion, Jordan etc

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I am not going to miss this for the world!

Just imagine I may actualy be able to meet the great one Rob Elstob.

Once I have been down there (as I live near there) I will report back. My mate Steve Poole is so excited he has wet himself (Twice). :yawn:

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Is this thread still going??!!! :disapointed2se:

:Sleep12: :Sleep12:

It's only just started, Sirben.

We all have so much more to learn about, and from, The Master. :dance::city:

You must be aware a fortuitous anagram of your name is Ersnib, which is uncannily close to:

:chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez:

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Guest steady1975
Elstob the Leg-end is making a rare public appearance tonight, he will be signing autographs at the Poachers Pocket (Cranmore, Somerset) public house from around 7.30pm onwards. Get there early as City fans will be queueing round the bloke to get the great man's signature tonight. Buy him a pint or packet of peanuts and he'll treat you to a lesson in tactics that have been passed on to him through the years by Osman, Ward, Tinnion, Jordan etc

Things must be bad at City, only 1, yes only 1 fan bothered turning up to see Elstob the great at the Poachers Pocket, still that fan did have the time of his life and was up at the bar in his City shirt loving seeing Elstob in action with the skittles

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I was heart broken the other day as I was unable to get to the Poachers Pocket to see the great one himself.

I can inform you that the city fan at the bar was my mate Steve Poole. Upon Rob Elstob entering the pub he wet himself 4 times then ran out.


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Guest steady1975

Great news. Johnson has said after last night's display that Elstob is going to take charge of coaching the defence, watch for Saturday's display against Southend and you will see a vast difference in how the back 4 play.

Elstob "Bristol City's Defensive Coach" :pray:

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The man is a legend. One minute he is playing skittles in a somerset drinking hole - next min he is in training the deffence.

I don't think I will be the last to say this:



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The man is a legend. One minute he is playing skittles in a somerset drinking hole - next min he is in training the deffence.

I don't think I will be the last to say this:



I gather he was also responsible for organising the massive clean-up of your friend Steve's 'pool'.

This from a man who has shared urinal's and looked down on the likes of Pele, Rivelino and Socrates in his boyhood days.

What a Man, indeed! A SuperMan, a Man of the people, a Man Manager, a Manfred Man and a Man Mountain!

The Best Man for the job? :chant6ez: E L S T O B! :chant6ez:

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Guest steady1975

Elstob ahs been dumped after only 1 game as City's defensive coach - as you can see the lads were all over the place on saturday and have asked that Elstob be promoted from defensive coach to midfield coach - watch the effect he has on the midfield against Swindon.

Elstob = the man, the magic, the myth, the midfield coach at City :dance:

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Elstob was in my local last night playing skittles!


There was a que of girls waiting to see him. I supose you can't blame them they are only human!


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Guest steady1975

Oh my god, what a leg-end what a man. Not only does he train City's midfield and also train the Shepton Mallett FC defence, but he is part of the award winning Poachers Pocket skittles team.

I don't think enough is known about this great man so i will enlighten you. Apart from being Johnson's number 2 he loves Stella, KP nuts, kebabs and collects authentic Spanish coffee tables which he uses for another hobby of his.

The great one also loves curly wurlys.

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I have heard Elstob will be going to a Mike and the Mechanics concert on Sunday night. Don't worry though he is not gay, he is only going to keep his mate company, who we will call SP. SP has been one of their biggest fans sice the eighties and rumor has it he went out with the drummer for a bit!

Rock On!


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Guest JournoJoe


It seems this Elstob bloke has been involved with the club before.

My knowledge of City is not as comprehensive as most of you, I'm sure, but their press office reckons, the only Elstob on record has connections with the club as a former coach of the youth team at the end of 99/00.

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It seems this Elstob bloke has been involved with the club before.

My knowledge of City is not as comprehensive as most of you, I'm sure, but their press office reckons, the only Elstob on record has connections with the club as a former coach of the youth team at the end of 99/00.

Journo Joe, it is good to see the media taking an interest in this story.

Elstob is evidently front page as well as back page news.

In fact, to my mind the circulation of all national newspapers would benefit greatly by filling each and every page exclusively with 'Elstob News' and retitle accordingly.

As for The Master's early associations with the Club, i believe it was stated much earlier in this thread that Mr. Elstob started in the seemingly absurdly lowly position of ASSISTANT COACH TO CITY'S UNDER 10'S.

Such has been his meteoric progress that Steady recently informed us of his progression to GENERAL MANAGER at City and clearly many are convinced his next logical step up will be to manage BRAZIL, as soon as he completes his vital scouting mission in Serbia.

As well as this i notice from Homer he is also recognised in Somerset as the world's premier pub skittler, and in the world of motor sport is widely tipped to be the next World Champion.

From being slightly sceptical at first, i am one of many thousands to be now completely convinced and almost overwhelmed by the genius that is ELSTOB, clearly one of the most remarkable men ever to walk this planet.


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Guest steady1975

Nogbad i have good and bad news regarding the leg-end that is Elstob, the good news is that Elstob actually returned from the scouting trip to Serbia late on Friday and he has found us a good Serbian talent called Krisichev Kalashnikov who Johnson is keen to sign.

The bad news is that he was nearly beaten up 3 times over the weekend. Incident 1 was at the Charlton Inn Shepton mallet where bar stools where thrown around the pub, fortunately he wasn't sitting at his favourite bar stool and avoided being hit with a stool. 2nd was Saturday night at Shepton Firweworks display where things turned nasty as people were climbing through a hole in the fence to get in for free, the Round Table who hosted the event kicked off and Elston nearly got done again by them. Third and worst of all he had to go to Colston Hall with his assistant SP on Sunday to see Mike and the Mechanics in action and things turned really nasty.

Rovers fans got wind of the fact Elstob would be turning up and planned an ambush, Elstob was about to get done over but thankfully he has an assistant in SP who was prepared to jump in the way and take the full force of a guitar in the face which enabled our hero to get away unscathed.

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Rovers fans got wind of the fact Elstob would be turning up and planned an ambush, Elstob was about to get done over but thankfully he has an assistant in SP who was prepared to jump in the way and take the full force of a guitar in the face which enabled our hero to get away unscathed.

Guitar full in the face? :dunno:

Bet that was music to his ears. :farmer::city:

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My mate spoke to Elstob the other day and he confirmed that not only did SP receive injuries to his face at the Mike and the Mechanics gig. But also some injurys apeared aparant after he emerged from an alley at the back of the Colston Hall closely followed by the drummer (for explanation see my previous post).

Rumor has it that Elstob was again in action last night for his skittles team. Does this man ever stop? Once again I find myself needing to say the following:

WHAT A MAN! :yawn:

I also forgott to mention that SP managed to watch the whole Mike and the Mechanics gig only wetting himself 5 times. I think a big congratulations is in order.

WELL DONE :chant6ez:

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Guest steady1975

Rob "Special One" Elstob has finally revealed more about himself, he is such a legend in his home town that they have named his road after him, click on the link and you'll also see his silver car.


Johnson is thinking of promoting Elstob again to chief executive of City, rumours sweeping Colston Hall on Sunday for the Mike & the Mechanics concert are that Elstob will turn the role down as he wants to stay as Midfield coach.

Elstob may be down the Charlton Inn (Shepton Mallet) for an autograph signing session tonight

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Rovers fans got wind of the fact Elstob would be turning up and planned an ambush, Elstob was about to get done over but thankfully he has an assistant in SP who was prepared to jump in the way and take the full force of a guitar in the face which enabled our hero to get away unscathed.

It is very worrying that groups of jealous Rovers fans are attempting to ambush Lord Elstob before he can complete his mission to lead City to the highest echelons of world football, and extremely gratifying to note his dedicated, if somewhat incontinent, chaperone Mr. Poole is willing to take the brunt of their unwelcome attentions. I'm worried things may escalate and he may even have to endure a tambourine attack at some stage in the future. Every true City fan must be grateful to SP for his selfless actions on behalf of our hero, and indeed he is fast rising to near pygmy status himself amongst the Elstob adoring thousands.

It's very noticable that this outrage occurred at a Mike and The Mechanics concert rather than at one of our General Manager's skittling exhibitions where he would have swiftly upended the envious usurpers with his unerring balls. If they hadn't already skidded over on SP's anticipatory 'welcome mat', that is.

This man, this legend, this :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez::city:

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Guest steady1975

Bad news City fans, Rob Elstob will not be at Johnson's side for tonight's match at Swindon. He was taking Murray and Brown through there paces today with some light jogging when he turned his ankle and is currently in a too poor a state to travel tonight.

To quote the man himself on City's ClubCall this morning "The ankles in a bad way, it's heavily bruised and looks like Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan have been jumped on me, Gary Johnson will be ok without me tonight".

Doesn't look good for our chances tonight with Elstob not leading the troops from the bench, lets hope he doesn't have anymore injuries that look like he's taken part in WTF Wrestling :sweatingbullets:

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Bad news City fans, Rob Elstob will not be at Johnson's side for tonight's match at Swindon. He was taking Murray and Brown through there paces today with some light jogging when he turned his ankle and is currently in a too poor a state to travel tonight.

To quote the man himself on City's ClubCall this morning "The ankles in a bad way, it's heavily bruised and looks like Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan have been jumped on me, Gary Johnson will be ok without me tonight".

Doesn't look good for our chances tonight with Elstob not leading the troops from the bench, lets hope he doesn't have anymore injuries that look like he's taken part in WTF Wrestling :sweatingbullets:

Such is his physical prowess that even a broken ankle could not stop Elstob.

He could certainly HOP to Swindon if he had a mind to.

More likely he has decided to dictate General tactics to GJ via his mobile though there is huge irony that a training ground mishap may have incapacitated our hero rather than the motley collection of gas ambushers.

It seems that Mr. Elstob's stated desire to "kick a few backsides" may have misfired, but City fans can be assured Our Marvellous Leader would have got his point across very forcefully beforehand and this must certainly show in an ELSTOB- inspired City performance tonight. :city:

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Guest steady1975

He was taking Murray and Brown through there paces today with some light jogging when he turned his ankle and is currently in a too poor a state to travel tonight.

There you go, proof if ever it was needed on the influence Elstob has at City. He was training Murray personally and he scored our only goal at Swindon and secondly he couldn't travel too the game and we lost.

Johnson is going to "looking back over his shoulder" in case Elstob gets given the manager's job by Landsdowne. Elstob will get the lads fired up for the Chesterfield game and hopefully if his ankle is better he will be at the game which will make all the difference and inspire a win.

Elstob = the future of City :cool:

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Just thought I had better let all you "Elstobaholics" know, SP Elstob's left hand man has been sent on a scouting trip to Rome. Rumor has it that he only wet himself twice on the flight, then once again and passport contol in Rome when aproached by a good looking Italian Security Man. SP thought his luck was in when the Guard demanded to strip search him.

Other news from the Elstob Camp, a big congratulations to SP who has been rewarded with his very own sponsorship contract! He is the new face of Vaseline!


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Guest steady1975

Good to know were looking at signing some Italian players, i hear were interested in signing an Italian international who is related to the City assistant manager.

To quote from the Johnson camp "We are looking at signing Italian under-21 International star Roberto Elstobio from Juventus, although there are bigger clubs after him we are leading the chase due to his connections with my assistant manager"

City Assistant manager Rob Elstob has said"Roberto is a great young player and his momma will be coming over with him and working in the City canteens cooking pasta which will boost the players diets, so really this is like a double signing"

The Western Daily speculates that Roberto and his momma will be available for around the £100,000 mark.

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Rumor has it that as yet SP has not filed a report from his recent trip to Italy, perhaps he has bumped into the drummer from Mike and the Mechanics again and has something else on his mind.


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Guest steady1975


Come on what's wrong with you? This is the only thread where you find out waht is really happening at City straight from Elstob (the horse's mouth).

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Who is the masterfull Elstob trainging this week steady?

Hopefuly SP will not be in attendance otherwise we maybe at risk of a waterlogged pitch, if you know what i mean!


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Guest steady1975

Elstob the magnificent has been according to reports been training Marcus Stewart up all week, they've been having special 1 on 1 sessions. Johnson has given this special task to his right hand man Elstob and i say 100% that Stewart will score tomorrow and it will all be down to Elstob

Elstob = Marcus Stewart's training manager.


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Elstob the magnificent has been according to reports been training Marcus Stewart up all week, they've been having special 1 on 1 sessions. Johnson has given this special task to his right hand man Elstob and i say 100% that Stewart will score tomorrow and it will all be down to Elstob

Elstob = Marcus Stewart's training manager.


Unbelievably exciting Elstob-related news coming out of the Gate this week steady.

This Marcus Stewart news, hard on the heels of the Roberto Elstobio coup, is really lifting the gloom.

There again the future will always be bright while the club has the good fortune to have the mercurial Rob Elstob as it's heartbeat. :city:

I too think that Marcus Stewart will benefit hugely from this special training from a man who will undoubtedly be the best coach he will ever have worked under. I take Marcus to bag a brace against Chesterfield now and just watch him run to celebrate with The Master General afterwards.

Can't wait - Ashton Gate will be rocking as never before as the City fans rise as one to salute their prodigal hero:

:chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez:

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Guest steady1975

Elsob and Johnson had a blazing row on Saturday, Elstob is furious with Johnson's tactics and rumours are rife that Landsdowne is going to give the manager's job to Elstob.

Rumours from the corridors of Ashton Gate are that if Elstob isn't given a more senior role at the club then he may look to move away from City to maybe Liverpool, Man Utd or Chelsea where Abramovich who is a close mate wants him to lead Chelsea.

Elstob has said he needs 48 hours of drinking, skittling and being with his coffee table before he makes a desicion. Watch this space, Elstob is revolting.

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Rumor has it that Elstob has recently been working with Hulk Hoggan and Andre the Giant.

Unfortunately Hulk has lost a bit of his enthusiasm for doing just about anything but Andre is still firing on all cylinders.

He reported that these two legend clash on a regular basis often refereed by Rick Astley!

Another Rumor I have heard is that Elstob (The Great One) is trying to arrange an american style wrestling match featuring the two wrestling legends. Unfortunately Hulk and Andre have both put in a bit of weight since their glory days.

P.S SP enjoyed watching them get changed before the bout!


Edited by Homer
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Guest steady1975

Bumped into Steve Landsdowne in Asda over the weekend and he said that Elstob has walked out on Johnson, they had a furious row over a coffee table session and Elstob feels as though he's been crapped on.

Landsdowne has been checking the snooker clubs of Somerset to try and find our hero but thinks Johnson has pushed him too far, Elstob could leave the City coaching team and go back to his first love of Skittling.

Elstob said "no one craps on me, i do the dumping on people round here". let's hope for all our sakes that Elstob comes back to City or else we could all be in the doo doo.

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At last the hordes of City doubters are converting to the new faith that is Elstobism - a chant around the ground would get the great man to rise from his seat. I have been thinking of getting an announcement ovet the tannoy but a chant around the ground sounds better.

I can reveal EXCLUSIVELY (Clue 1) that the leg-end that is Elstobism sits in the Atyeo stand.

I would chant from the East End, but it's closed on me!

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Guest steady1975

Climb into the East End and take a large banner saying "Rob Elstob to be manager - so say the East End Terry Webb appreciation society"

Elstob has declared he is coming back to City, Landsdowne talked him round and our legend is back today taking the boys through there paces.

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Guest steady1975

Elstob held a talk session at the training ground today and explained to the lads that although we lost 2-0 to Donny Rovers, they did beat Aston Villa 3-0 last night. He went on to say that this is pure evidence that this proves City are better than Villa and are really a mid-table Premiership side. This went down well with the lads and will inspire them to victory over Bradford they all said.

Elstob has also been speaking to Landsdowne and Johnson about getting Tommy D back, Elstob was instrumental in Tommy's career at City and would be reason enough for Tommy to come back.

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