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Guest steady1975

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Shame he has a broken leg ! :doh:

This is true but bear in mind that the long-striding gargantuan that is Elstob actually set off early to WALK to Doncaster last Saturday in order to put fears about his sickening ankle tweak to bed.

Apparently he arrived just as the teams were warming up and, resisting any natural fatigue, set the City players a fantastic example by bombing round the pitch forty times non-stop at break neck speed. You can imagine the galvanising effect this had on or coach weary heroes.

Heffernan, in his post match interview said he was absolutely sick to score a goal against a team so masterfully coached by his all- time hero, Rob Elstob.

As Elstob set off manfully on the long walk back to Bristol in the pitch black, a huge phallanx of overwhelmed Doncaster fans stopped dancing in the streets to give him a standing ovation and my source says that fully grown hard bitten Yorkshiremen were in tears of admiration

Elstob is revered around the world, and you can add Doncaster to the list now.

I'm dumbfounded in my admiration for Rob Elstob, and i think the fact he was on his 3rd pint of Blackthorn in the Rising Sun by 8 0'clock on Saturday evening ready to take an all night training session running up and down the Dolman steps tells us all we need to know about City's fitness guru and Maestro.

The Marvellous Elstob talks the talk and he most definitely walks the walk.

:chant6ez: Walking in an ELSTOB WONDERLAND :chant6ez::city:

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I tell you what Nogbad, I am running out of words to describe how brilliant Elstob is.

Once again I find myself unable to think of anything else but:

"LEGEND!" :me?:


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You're so right, Homer, no Dictionary is big enough to fit in all the superlatives the long striding cider imbiber so richly merits.

The Magnificence that is Elstob really is beyond words, us mere mortals can only watch his amazing prowess dumbstruck in awed admiration. How fortunate we are to be able to bask in his reflected glory and thank our lucky stars that it is OUR club, Bristol City, he has chosen above all others to lead to the pinnacle of world football.

We City fans will be forever in his debt, and i can only agree wholeheartedly that Rob Elstob is indeed legendary at BCFC and around the Globe, the supreme Skittler and puddle wiper upper.

I gather it is Rob Elstob's birthday next week, :yawn: - ( actually December 7th has been marked on my Calendar since January) presumably you and steady have got something arranged to celebrate this day of all days- the only problem would be finding a venue to accommodate the many thousands of Elstob Fanatics who would be determined to attend.

Please keep me posted on this, and all other :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez: related matters. :city:

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Guest steady1975

Sorry Nogbad some bad news, Elstob's birthday is actually 20th August but like the Queen we should give him 2 birthdays per year. I think December 25th would be perfect as he is almost Jesus like in the miracles he performs.

Elstobaholics need to know that Elstob has let rip in more ways than one at Murray on the training pitch, and Murray has promised to bang a couple in tomorrow in honour of Elstob.

News on the ankle - i can tell you that Elstob is walking fine or at least fine by his standards now and he's even thinking of getting the coffee table out this weekend. He will be making a guest appearance at the Charlton Inn Shepton Mallett this Friday for a signing session. :razz:

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Guest joe moore (city til i die)

1 day wen I'm jus soo feedup of seein tht east end empty I'm jus going to get up and go and walk in there from the dolman! no 1 would stop me! could be a laugh! :laugh:

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1 day wen I'm jus soo feedup of seein tht east end empty I'm jus going to get up and go and walk in there from the dolman! no 1 would stop me! could be a laugh! :laugh:

I'm sure Elstob would be supportive.

I'm sure he'd give you English lessons too, the kind soul that he is.

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Any more news on the great one Steady?


I heard on radio 4 that there was an ambush in Basra and that the charred remains of that ghost Elstrobe Light was found at the scene but no other bodies. so seems thats the end of that then and we can now get on with real topics of conversation instead of all this crock of S hit

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Guest steady1975

Havanatopia have no fear, Elstob was in Iraq on a scouting mission but he came through the Basra ambush unscathed and is fine and well. He has actually signed up some Iraqi guerillas from the Kurdistan region for the City first team.

Rumour is that he is persuading Johnson to start these 2 in the line up against Port Vale, our midfield could now be Murray, Brown, El-Helmi and Al-Khamis.

Elstob the man, the myth, the magic, the coffe table will save City from the dreaded drop.

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Any news on the great one steady?

My friend saw SP in a gay bar in Bristol on Friday night and he said that Elstob was at a christmas party. Any good stories?



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Guest steady1975
Elstobaholics need to know that Elstob has let rip in more ways than one at Murray on the training pitch, and Murray has promised to bang a couple in tomorrow in honour of Elstob.

Proof if ever it was needed with the above quote, Elstob was personally responsible for Murray's training over the last 7 days and he goes and scores, Elstob what a trainer.

Friday night was the 'official Bristol City Somerset based Staff party' for all City staff living in the Somerset area, Elstob being head of this group took the team off to the Camelot Inn in Galstonbury for a fun filled night.

The legend not only content with saving City, he with his magic mistletoe managed to get 26 different women to kiss him at the staff party - legend, lad, lady-killer, elstob. :)

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being based in the yorkshire area i can 'officially' report that both high flying championship sides Sheffield United and Leeds United are on the brink of enquiring about Elstob's availablity. As proven by his record (which i think every fan will support, fully) and undeniable ability as a coach, both teams see him as an ideal addition to their staff for the push toward premiership football. When questioned over the move, Leeds chairman Ken Bates responded today "Whoever the !%!* he is he can !%!* off!". Sheffield United boss Warnock has also released a statement; "Yes, it is true i've heard our chairman is inquiring about Rob Elstob, but this in no way means i'm going to be replaced. i have full faith in our board, none of whom i agree with, like or indeed can stand in the same room with. Although Elstob's rep it fantastic i can't see him replacing me. And if he does, i'll kill every one assosiated with this !%!*ing club".

Rob himself has so far been unavailable for comment and it is though that he is still waiting the call from Gary Johnston for him to fill the still vacant role of club psychologist, which Elstob believes he was born to take. And it is quite true every player enjoys a good probing by Elstob.

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Bad news for fans of SP (elstob's untrusty side kick). Rumor has it he was arrested last night after a local Somerset Reindeer farmer rang the police worried about an intruder on his farm. SP was arrested in rather compramising circumstances in the Reindeer enclosure. The policeman said "I did not realise that humans and reindeer were compatable in that manner".

I think it is safe to say that rudolf's nose is not the only thing that will be red this christmas if SP has his way!


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Bad news for fans of SP (elstob's untrusty side kick). Rumor has it he was arrested last night after a local Somerset Reindeer farmer rang the police worried about an intruder on his farm. SP was arrested in rather compramising circumstances in the Reindeer enclosure. The policeman said "I did not realise that humans and reindeer were compatable in that manner".

I think it is safe to say that rudolf's nose is not the only thing that will be red this christmas if SP has his way!


Thanks. Just put me off my Sugar Puffs :(

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Sorry Nogbad some bad news, Elstob's birthday is actually 20th August but like the Queen we should give him 2 birthdays per year. I think December 25th would be perfect as he is almost Jesus like in the miracles he performs.

Elstobaholics need to know that Elstob has let rip in more ways than one at Murray on the training pitch, and Murray has promised to bang a couple in tomorrow in honour of Elstob.

News on the ankle - i can tell you that Elstob is walking fine or at least fine by his standards now and he's even thinking of getting the coffee table out this weekend. He will be making a guest appearance at the Charlton Inn Shepton Mallett this Friday for a signing session. :razz:

Fantastic news about Elstob's birthday being August 20th, steady.

It seems i succeeded, as i've always dreamt, of coinciding my daughter's birthday, with the Mighty One. It took alot of planning, as you can imagine.

Like all females she is naturally a huge admirer of Rob Elstob and she'll be over the moon with this confirmation that she shares her birthday with quite probably the Greatest Man ever Born in the Western World.

My wife geatly prefers Elstob to myself, of course. I'm sure any man, if he's being honest, would say the same of their own wife.

I can only admire Elstob, his great prowess with the ladies, his virtuoso skittling performances, his undercover scouting missions in the world's battle zones, his Coaching and Management skills, and his unsurpassable use of a Slurpex sponge. No puddle is big enough to phase Rob Elstob.

Marvellous Elstob raises his legendary status daily with yet more incredible achievements.

All together now: :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez:

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Found the following here; http://www.mcsch.org.uk/Parents/relife.html

"Elstob Dormitory is named after Lt. Colonel Wilfrith Elstob, the former French teacher from Merchiston, who won a posthumous Victoria Cross during the Ludendorff Offensive, in March 1918."

Proof (if needed) of the amazing Elstob bloodline. His fore father's French skills also proving that Rob's ancestors are not just war heroes but cunning linguists too! Oh, to be an Elstob! What an honour it would be!

It is also fact that this 'king-among-men' has village in Durham named after him, which i think leads to the logical move of Bristol City doing a Wimbledon/MK Dons style relocation and becoming Elstob City! I for one would be happy to travel half the length of this United Kingdom to watch such an illustrious team!

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Guest BristolOwen

A Google image search for the word Elstob brings up many interesting photos and possible relatives of the great Elstob, such as the golfer Graeme Elstob.

It also shows us this, a planned house named the Elstob residence, which looks fit for a leader of Elstob's stature and taste.


(Sorry, couldn't paste the pic for some reason, I must ask Elstob for some IT tutoring.)

Speaking of Lt Wilfrith Elstob, here's a picture of his memorial. Maybe something similar could be erected in memory of Elstob's already great achievements in the footballing world.


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It also shows us this, a planned house named the Elstob residence, which looks fit for a leader of Elstob's stature and taste.


Not enough precious metals for a man of Elstob's standing, plus needs at least another 25 floors. But it will do as his garden shed I suppose! :)

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Guest steady1975

Elstob is furious that you've somehow tracked down his house plans and wants to know how you found them, he does though also want to know what you reckon of his luxurious pad.

Also before anyone asks, yes Elstob did do some 1 on 1 training with Brooker last week which probably explains why he played so well and scored on Saturday.

Boxing day our legend will be travelling down to Gillingham with the boys to spure them on to another victory, he is taking his caravan down with him so it's going to be party time. The legend, the man, the myth, the magic that is Elstob.

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Guest steady1975

Funny you should say that, but Carey has been given a good 1 on 1 session with Elstob lately. The great one has also been putting Alex Russell and Bas Savage through there paces so watch out for some exceptional performances from them next game.

Elstob is also now known as Macho Man Randy Rob by the lads in training, i hear this is down to his exploits at the 'Official Bristol City Somerset based Staff party' where he went on the rampage. Rumours are abound that a photo of Elstob is due to appear on this site soon taken at the xmas party and could be quite incriminating to him. Landsdowne is said to be furious and is trying to have the picture destroyed before it makes it onto the web.

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Steady, is it right that you have a picture of the great man? Surely this is not possible as angelic figures normaly do not come out on film.

I have heard that several people have shuned Christmas this year, and are instead celebrating Elstobmas.


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Guest steady1975

Bad news for all you Elstobaholics at this special time of year Elstobmas, macho man randy rob Elstob has in fact been found guilty by Landsdowne of disgracing the club at this years 'Official Bristol City Somerset based Staff party' where he went on the rampage, kissing and letching over women and getting drunk. Although the photo's taken at the party have been destroyed, some have made it onto the web and i will be tracking them down and putting them on the forum shortly. Elstob has been sent by Landsdowne to the USA while he decides whether to sack him to visit his red neck family and stay at there cafe, he will be scouting for the club still looking at promising American football youngsters Cody Morris and Butch Stripes. Here is the welcome that appeared at the cafe in downtown Dallas when Elstob arrived - click on link below

Kentucky County Welcomes Legend

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Guest steady1975

I will be celebrating Elstobmas by paying homage to the great one Rob Elstob and watching City's revival continue under his leadership.

On behalf of our esteemed leader Elstob, he wishes all you Elstobaholics a happy Elstobmas and a happy new Elstob-year.

Click below for our leaders cheery Xmas message.

Elstob's Xmas message

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Guest steady1975

Great news Elstobaholics, we've won the Forum award for 'Funniest Topic of the Year' well done all followers of the legend and great to see his one to one training with Murray is paying off.

Happy Elstobmas and a Happy New Year followers.


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I have some worrying news for Elstobaholics accross the world!

I saw the great one himself in Broadmead the other day (I could not look directly at him as he was omiting an angelic like auora that was quite blinding).

Elstob reveiled to me that he had been aproached by Man Utd to stop their decline from the top!

Don't panic to much though as The Great One informed me that he would not be taking the post, but he would offer to spend some time with the United squad to try to boost their performences.

Steady I suggest that we monitor United's future games for any improvement.

Elstob also seemed to be sugesting that he would be going to Germany with the England squad in the summer. I think it is fair to say that if by some chance we were to win the world cup all thanks should go to Elstob!



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Steady, whats the news from the great one's camp? (Or have you not seen SP?)


I can help you with a couple of bits of very exciting Elstob news Homer.

According to sources close to the Maestro, Elstob was much in demand in December switching on Christmas lights around the country. After Bristol ( i was there along with the biggest crowd ever assembled in the city, according to the police) and London, he finished his mammoth tour in front of adoring legions of Elstob fanatics in Doncaster where he received a 2 hour standing ovation in recognition of his lgendary trek to the recent league encounter. When the cacophony eventually calmed, the Mayor of Doncaster stepped forward to offer Elstob the freedom of Doncaster and as you can imagine the crowd erupted into a further 4 hour ovation.

In his acceptance speech Elstob thanked the hard bitten Yorkshire masses for their thousands of heartfelt enquiries about his horrific ankle tweak and assured them he held out every hope of a complete recovery. This great news naturally led to a prolonged standing ovation and chants of :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez: long into the night and throughout the following day. 43 Northern Elstob fanatics were actually hospitalised over the New Year with "adulation exhaustion" according to the local media.

My other fascinating update of our legendary hero concerns the City carol concert where apparently Rob Elstob led the singing in virtuoso fashion. Such was the supreme power of his singing that at the end SL asked him to curtail the evening with a solo, it being apt that such an influential figure at the Gate round off City's year in rousing fashion. :chant6ez:

Elstob masterfully chose to sing, 'Walking in the air' and such was it's spellbinding impact that by the final note the fortuitously assembled festive City fans were in tears of delirium and the overworked stewards had to work manfully to prevent an invasion of the podium.

SL, brimming with emotion, took the microphone to announce that it was the finest baritone rendition of the song he had ever heard and personally gave Elstob a 2 day standing ovation until he literally fell asleep on his feet, his hands raw and a beaming smile locked on his face, and sad to report he apparently missed his Christmas dinner. :o:city:

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Guest steady1975

Thanks for that update Nogbad, i had been wondering what the legend had been up to over Elstobmas. I can inform all Elstobaholics that the Leg-end has been getting into his New Years resolution to shed some weight and is doing very well.

Weighing in at 18 stone 9 lbs on the richter scale before Xmas he weighed last week at 18 stone 5 lbs, weigh day is tomorrow and Rob 'The Machine' Elstob reckons he will have lost more. Elstobaholics wishing to catch sight of the great one in training can catch a glimpse of him from between 6.30 to 7pm of an evening cycling along Park Road in Shepton Mallett.

'New Manager' Forum Winner of Funniest Topic of the Year 2005/06

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Hi Steady, whats the news from the Machine? Has he managed to shed any more pounds of legend?

Also should we be worried about him losing this weight? Will he be any less of a great one?

Once again I have to say it "legend"

By the way I thought I had better mention that I bumped into SP in Cribs yesterday he was having a coffee with a man that looked a lot like the drumer from Mike and the Mechanics. He seemed to be there carrying out his duties as the face of Vaseline (if you know what I mean).


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Guest steady1975

Brill news all you Elstobaholics out there, Rob 'Cyborg' Elstob shed at the last weigh in another 4lbs. 2 weeks of dieting and he's lost 8lbs in total and is now 18 stone 1 lb, i caught up with the new slim line Legend last night and he said "Move over George Foreman, i'm the lean mean slimming machine around here".

Meanwhile back at City's training ground Johnson is well pleased with Elstob's 1 on 1 training with Murray, yet another goal last night straight from the Elstob training regime.

'New manager' Forum Winner of Funniest Topic of the Year 2005/06

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Guest steady1975

The great one has been shrinking before our very eyes and is now 17stone 10lbs, he is so light that he beat Stewart in the 100 metres race in training yesterday.

Elstobaholics need not fear the absence of the great one recently though as he has been sent to America again on a scouting mission. He will be taking in the pleasures of the Superbowl while there and has so the rumour goes got a date with Britney Spears (he'll probably turn her down though as she's not up too his usual standard).

Bush has also requested to see him but i'm not sure if this is President Bush or any old Bush. Don't panic Elstobaholics he'll be back soon, and hopefully all those burgers won't have put the weight back on

'New manager' Forum Winner of Funniest Topic of the Year 2005/06

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Elstob is a legend!

Nogbad / steady any news?


Homer, as a fellow fanatical Elstob follower you will be aware that he is renowned for keeping a low profile in January, both to contemplate his magnificent achievements of the previous year and to plan carefully his earth shattering/ground breaking/lawn mowing coaching techniques for the year ahead.

This year i can report that the Master has been in hibernation in Papua New Guinea. :Sleep12:

That time has now passed and on Feb. 1st the revitalised, slim ( you're right there, steady) and bearded Elstob BURST FORTH. :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez:

Immediately on awakening Elstob took on, and mastered, all-coming pygmies at skittles whilst simultaneously mercilessly battering a gas bush wacking crew who had travelled across the world in the hope ( fat chance) of catching him unawares. I am glad to say he quickly spotted their incongruous camp pirate costumes and gave them extremely short shrift. The pygmies then dropped their balls to give him a standing ovation.

The world-wide ELstob grapevine now reports his one man plane is presently powering over the rainforest and should be touching down in Somerset this week, in which case you could well be in the best position to give us any breaking news concerning the LEGEND that is :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez::city:

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Nogbad as you correctly predicted Elstob's plane (Air Elstob 1), touched down at Bristol airport this morning. Elstob was rushed through the airport by several bodyguards who seemed to strugle slightly with the amount of women that had asembeled just to try to touch the great one.

Elstob was then rushed to Ashton Gate where another large group of females had gathered, along with a couple of back door bandits who were swiftly removed. Elstob's meeting with Johnson and landsdown was delayed by some 3 hours as they both insisted on giving him a standing ovation.

Elstob seemed to have a new addition to his entourage, I think i managed to make out someone calling her Ann Marley, the best way to describe this woman would be - "skag head" she was smoking 3 joints and swiging from what looked like a bottle of white lighting cider. Hopefuly Elstob is not falling in with the wrong crowd.

Elstob seemed to be sporting a new look city training top, on the back was writen "Legend" and on the front it apeared to have the slogan "This man turns gay women straight and straight men gay!"



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Guest steady1975

Correct Homer, Air Elstob 1 did in fact land at Bristol International Airport yesterday and the great one was rushed to his adoring public at Ashton Gate.

The legend that is Elstob was greeted by Johnson and Landsdown for a high level meeting that i can reveal exclusively on the Forum. In attendance with the legend, Johnson and Landsdown was a football agent called Ann Marley who represents Paul Merson. After sharing a reefer amongst themselves i can reveal that Merson may be coming to City as assistant to Elstob and will be officially titled "City youth supplier".

More great news for all you Elstobaholics is that SP his trusty assistant has been in talks with Somerset's Orchard FM to have a slot called 'Elstob hour' broadcast on a regular basis. Slim line Rob said 'I'm going to be covering important social issues such as Skittles, Cycling, Coffee tables, Stray Cats and Weight Loss'.

Elstob was seen leaving Ashton Gate last night but Ann Marley may still be in the ground, were not sure though as cloud of thick green smoke did leave Ashton gate but whether that was Ann Marley or not i cannot yet confirm.

'New manager' Forum Winner of Funniest Topic of the Year 2005/06

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Rumor has it that Ann Marley was arrested last night in Bristol City Centre for being under the influence! She continued struggling with the police until they restrained her forcefuly!

She was found to be carrying 42 kilos of skunk and 3 grams of cocaine.

Elstob was last night rumored to be assisting the FA in their search for the next England manager, having turned down the job himself as he wishes to focus on his role at City.

News for fans of SP. He is currently seaking out new talent in the Somerton area. Rumor has it he is having a meeting with a young player on friday evening with a few to a permantent contract.

p.s. during the legend's visit to the FA several women fainted and Faria Alam was removed my force.



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Elstob was last night rumored to be assisting the FA in their search for the next England manager, having turned down the job himself as he wishes to focus on his role at City.

Why are you talking about yourself, exactly :dunno:

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Guest steady1975

Sirben, glad to see as Elstob's number 1 fan you are back on here, can't you put something interesting though or are you always so dour?

'New manager' Forum Winner of Funniest Topic of the Year 2005/06

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I'm not always dour, only when I'm bored senseless of a post which now has nothing to do with football. And is constant dribble!!

"Any news on Elstob"

If you and your mate want to tell each other stories why don't you just pm each other or find a little corner!!

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Guest steady1975

Firstly a total of 39 different members have contributed to this thread so plenty of us take part in New Manager. Secondly you yourself have written on here in September, October, November, December and February and read this thread regularly so can't find it that boring. Finally it's a bit of a laugh in what's a miserable season for City and did get voted funniest thread of the year so i suggest you lighten up and join in the fun.

Back to a more serious point, Elstobaholics out there will be pleased to know that the Legend himself has shed a further 2lbs and has bust the stone barrier. He is currently on the training ground as we speak plotting the downfall of Mad Dog martin Allen.

'New manager' Forum Winner of Funniest Topic of the Year 2005/06

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Firstly a total of 39 different members have contributed to this thread so plenty of us take part in New Manager. Secondly you yourself have written on here in September, October, November, December and February and read this thread regularly so can't find it that boring. Finally it's a bit of a laugh in what's a miserable season for City and did get voted funniest thread of the year so i suggest you lighten up and join in the fun.

Back to a more serious point, Elstobaholics out there will be pleased to know that the Legend himself has shed a further 2lbs and has bust the stone barrier. He is currently on the training ground as we speak plotting the downfall of Mad Dog martin Allen.

'New manager' Forum Winner of Funniest Topic of the Year 2005/06

Indeed, steady, i believe DourSirben is in fact a closet ElstobManiac.

Despite his scepticism and protestations he is obviously riveted and mesmerised by the incredible achievements of The Master Coaching Tactician and future City Overlord.

I'm mortified to publicly admit :blush: that i too once doubted :chant6ez: ELSTOB :chant6ez: but i am now like to think of myself as amongst his most ardent million fans and i regularly walk to Doncaster to witness his phenomenal skittle exhibitions.

In many ways this legendary man puts me in mind of Big John Galley and his song seems particularly apropriate for our Millennium Maestro as i ferventlyly stride the hard shoulders of our motorways:

:chant6ez: "I'd walk a million miles for one of your Bowls, Rob ELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSTOB :notworthy: :chant6ez::city:

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Calling all Elstobaholics!

Rumor has it that Royal Mail had to take on extra staff to deliver the post i Elstob's home region yesterday, for obvious reasons!

Elstob has since released a press statement requesting that next year female / gay supporters of the great one send emails rather than cards as this years hall resulted in several small south american forrests being wiped out to meat with the demand for cards.

Ann Marley received several cards but was to stoned to apreciate them, so instead she smoked them and headed straight out to raise further funds to feed her habbit if you know what I mean!

Ann attended a local drugs reform group, unfortunatley this was cut short when she attempted to smoke the chair leg and snort the b;ackboard chalk.

Nogbad I heard that Elstob walked back from S****horpe after masterminding city's win last night. Apparantley he managed to get back before the team coach. This resulted in the whole team giving him a standing ovation which is reported to still be going on.



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Red Rob is not Rob Elstob.

I did meet Mr Elstob at the Swansea game, he has come a bit disillusioned with the club over the last 18 months, mainly because he feels the young academy players he has developed are not getting a chance in the first team. Although his support for the club remains intact he feels he can no longer work with the current regime.

He said he applied for the Swindon job but did not get an interview.

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