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Liam Scores For Fulham....


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Still the reserves though.. and aint gettin a shout in the firsts... wonder what he is thinking now when he looks at the league tables.. promotion on one hand and a good respected squad player, and reserve team table showing only mid table and not a good showing at that....

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Lia m scored the equalizer for Fulham ressies in their last outing, before that he hadnt made the reserve squad in a month...

Liam's had a back injury, hence he hasn't been playing for the reserves for the last month or so.
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He always stated his natural postion was Right Back.

It was Wilson who played him out of postion so to speak.

Given that it appears he saw himself as the youngest would-be player manager in history (another CM victim?) perhaps he's lucky Wilson saw fit to play him at all? I much prefer Leroy Lita's broader understanding of his own development programme at the same age.

Lou Carey is a darned good right back who was ready willing and able for the second half of last season, his presence in that position instead of Lee-I-am obviously lent the team a better balance of youth/experience; having benefitted from the academy culture which encourages flexibility IMHO Rosenior jnr should have been grateful for whatever flying hours he could get, bided his time and taken such opportunity as might have come his way. In other words, wait for the chance in your favoured position the make it your's by the strength of your own actions, not politicking.

For example, he would have been better prepared to slot into the right-back role he craved having benefitted from a number of run-outs wherever it helped the team than simply being kept out of the limelight before being thrown into it.

His interview with Incider started by exonerating the management and coaching staff then vaguely hinted at a cosy-club culture but with no substantiation to back it up. On relection, his (and his agent's) charm offensive has failed to convince me that the reason for departure is not very closely related to his father's.

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