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Why Was Amankwaah Taken Off?

Ashcott Boy

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Fully deserved to be taken off, was apalling. Did not interested in the game at all.

I don't care who you are, how good you are supposed to be, but if you're not going to give it 100% then don't bother turning up.

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Amankwaah was an utter disgrace to his profession. Here is a young man earning good money and enjoying a sport as his job and basically showed a total lack of professionalism today.

His entire body language was apparent that he wasn't interested; his head was down and he didn;t run with any committment. He gave up far too easily and this sent a bad message to the rest of the team.

Frankly I'd dock him a weeks' wage as a punishment and tell him outright that unless he got his act together he'd not get another game.

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Well let me tell you the real reason

He was Cr@p. I've seen Amateurs play better. Complete lack of effort, willingness, anything. Sh!te, utter rubbish.

Would you like it any clearer?

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it was because the formation because he even said on the radio :Party12:

Are you trying to say is that Amankwaah was taken off because the formation was changed (sorry didn't understand what you were saying)?

It wasn't, trust me. It's because Amankwaah could not be bothered, lacked interest, and then went to sulk on the bench. Don't think he was very happy at all, but then what does he expect?

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Don't understand Wilsons decision to play him, He's been #### for Cheltenham throughout his loan spell, Wilson knew he was lacking fitness, to play in any 2nd division team you have be at least 95% fit every game or your team will go to pot, like today. I don't think it was Kevins fault, Danny picked him.

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Because he is the most laclustre useless donkey i have ever seen on a football field , he didnt even try he just walked about for most of the first half. If he is sooooo good put him on the transfer list and get some dosh in for him , i would take 20k for that donkey. :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5:

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