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Can You Hear The Doubters Sing?

Guest Rob

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So long as we dont crumble it looks like Wilson has got it just right and we are peaking at the time others are going through a bad patch.

Well done Danny!

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So long as we dont crumble it looks like Wilson has got it just right and we are peaking at the time others are going through a bad patch.

Well done Danny!

So what you're saying is that it's all some kind of grand plan and earlier this season we were playing badly on purpose? That's ok then :wub:
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...and stay asleep for the rest of the season until we lose again presumably!


Cheers oh tedious Phatwilly

You should market yourself as a cure for insomnia, your better than any prescribed drug I've ever had. Just a glimpse of your claptrap on here sends me off for hours

like I said ta very much! here I go again


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So what you're saying is that it's all some kind of grand plan and earlier this season we were playing badly on purpose? That's ok then  :wub:
Madger yep, its is a great run & one we should have been on months ago.

Doubters, nope!

Just certain fans were concerned that our season was going to be over by Xmas.So replaced the word doubters, with the word concerned. :P

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Guest Eddie Hitler

What Madger said.

It seems to take ages to make changes when we are on a LOSING run (I give you the DohetryBurnell pairing in midfield), it seems to be as difficult as making a U-turn in an oil tanker when you should just be changing things instantly.

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Don't really see what Openend is moaning about.  :wub:

7 wins on the trot and defeats for both the teams above us.

Doesn't really seem all that bad to me - unless this is a personal vendetta against PhatWill........

No complaints at all with they way things are going, I'm not moaning at all. Just that the title of this thread is so predictable and that was what my initial yawn was about.

Personal vendetta? um no, perhaps you could level the same observation at Phatwilly. I'm just responding to his regular boring sideswipes at my posts. That is why I have called him tedious.

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Danny Wilson has been given more money to spend than any other manager in this division and an Academy from which to hand-pick the best young, local players, yet we're still only third in a division that has little quality.

We're on a good run now, but Danny's selections have played a big part in costing us valuable points already this season, which is why we now find ourselves playing catch up with a team of no-marks like Plymouth (who still have a reasonable cushion of points above us).

We are still third and, while things look better, if you honestly believe the doubt over Wilson has or, indeed, should disappear, you are very much mistaken. How long before we leapfrog QPR and we revert to Tommy and Joe in the middle to 'shore things up'? (Just as an example of a possible future managerial masterstroke).

Danny Wilson is a reasonable manager doing an okay job. If he was any better than that, he wouldn't have been managing a second division club for the last four years. I have no idea how many jobs have become available in the Premiership in that time, or even the first division for that matter, but the fact that only Brighton have approached him from those divisions, in all that time, suggests he isn't exactly turning heads.

We should go up this season and I am optimistic that we will, but to suggest that anyone who has doubted Wilson should now fall silent is a bit over the top, especially given that we aren't actually even in an automatic promotion position at this point and given the money and Academy at his disposal.

I'm grateful to Danny for choosing to make it interesting, by deciding to lose at such footballing giants as Colchester and Wycombe but, in future, I'd be happy for him to get things right a bit more quickly, just for the record.

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Don't really see what Openend is moaning about.  :wub:

Openend is just trying to be funny/sarcastic, you'll get used to it.

He falls arse over elbow everytime he tries to make a respectable post on this forum, I wonder if he lacks social skills in real life?

I think so.

In response to edson, I agree that Danny Wilson is a reasonable manager. However I think he will always be respected by the majority of City fans as doing a good job when we needed it ie after Pubeless.

However I will reserve my overall judgement of him after the end of this season.

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Danny Wilson has been given more money to spend than any other manager in this division and an Academy from which to hand-pick the best young, local players, yet we're still only third in a division that has little quality.

We're on a good run now, but Danny's selections have played a big part in costing us valuable points already this season, which is why we now find ourselves playing catch up with a team of no-marks like Plymouth (who still have a reasonable cushion of points above us).

We are still third and, while things look better, if you honestly believe the doubt over Wilson has or, indeed, should disappear, you are very much mistaken. How long before we leapfrog QPR and we revert to Tommy and Joe in the middle to 'shore things up'? (Just as an example of a possible future managerial masterstroke).

Danny Wilson is a reasonable manager doing an okay job. If he was any better than that, he wouldn't have been managing a second division club for the last four years. I have no idea how many jobs have become available in the Premiership in that time, or even the first division for that matter, but the fact that only Brighton have approached him from those divisions, in all that time, suggests he isn't exactly turning heads.

We should go up this season and I am optimistic that we will, but to suggest that anyone who has doubted Wilson should now fall silent is a bit over the top, especially given that we aren't actually even in an automatic promotion position at this point and given the money and Academy at his disposal.

I'm grateful to Danny for choosing to make it interesting, by deciding to lose at such footballing giants as Colchester and Wycombe but, in future, I'd be happy for him to get things right a bit more quickly, just for the record.

Yep, interesting debate.

I tend to agree, this is a damn awful division & with the resources available to DW, we really shouldn't be playing catch up.

So many poor performances, bad team selections etc. But we have swung back in with a chance & it will be a great 3rd of the season.

I unfortunately don't think we will make it automatically, but will make it through the play-offs. :wub:

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Can I hear the doubters sing?

No, maybe thats because the doubters have nothing to sing about and can clearly see what a bad run and a good run is.

Us "doubters" said were not doing so good when we weren't and now when were doing well are praising the team.

Unlike you "un-doubters" who say we are doing really well whatever.

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Can I hear the doubters sing?

No, maybe thats because the doubters have nothing to sing about and can clearly see what a bad run and a good run is.

Us "doubters" said were not doing so good when we weren't and now when were doing well are praising the team.

Unlike you "un-doubters" who say we are doing really well whatever.

Sorry, but what on earth are you on about.

I'm a realist. When things are going bad I put things in perspective at Ashton Gate - look at the wider picture and don't get abusive towards players and management like some.

I'm perfectly capable of differentiating between what is a good run and what is a bad run.

I feel that there are a fair number of realists on this forum, and a fair amount of people who either unfairly criticise players/management in the heat of the moment and fail miserably in taking a step back and realising that we are all in the same boat.

Ok, a forum is for debating but it has never ceased to amaze me over the 3+ years I have used the BCFC forum, how many City fans seemingly enjoy putting the team down and shouting "crisis" when their isn't one.

I've been saying we'll still be in the shake up all season, and what can I say - stick by everything the way I see it.

Shame those who said we had NO chance of going up in October can't admit they were wrong and own up to having no sense of realism.

PS - are you basically saying that when we're doing cr@p its fine to slag the team of, but when we win all of a sudden we're the best team in this Div? The word fickle comes to mind.

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As a Doubter, my only interest is City, when players/manager perform badly I say so, when they play very well I say so. If I dont say anything at all, then I'm satisfied with life. aint hard to understand is it? City could go 2nd if we win our game in hand, on top of continuing the run, which is how we should have been from Day 1. Players are performing, the negative feeling DW was putting out up till November aint there now, he and the team exude confidence, the East End is hopefully back for good, and things look peachey. Only if City bottle it is there anything currently to worry/complain about, and should City continue in this vein there will be nothing to worry about. Div 1 will be an issue, should we go up, and obviously if we blow promotion DW will be under huge pressure to go.

I remain suspicious of DW, but currently he is doing the biz, so fair play to him, crack on DW!!

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What Madger said.

It seems to take ages to make changes when we are on a LOSING run .

Have we had a losing run.

I don't think we have even lost 2 on the trot.

A losing run is what the likes of Leeds are on (5or 6 on the spin) or Man City with 1 win in something like 17 games.

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Maybe some peoples expectations of Wilson and the team were just a little unrealistic at the start of the season and when the team were stuggling to find any rythm there was a knee-jerk reaction and Wilsons head being called for.

Yeah,right just what the club needed - a change of manager a third of the way thro' the season. Ummm....

But although some us agreed that some of his team selections were questionable and frustrating at times it was not suggested that Wilson should go by those of us that were able to see the see the season as a 46 game campaign and not a 5 or 6 game sprint.Another vital factor is the so few games that City have actually lost despite some poor performances.

Now...City are well placed,brimming with confidence,with healthy competition for outfield places and on a run of 7 back to back wins.

Wilson has thro' trial and error got us to where we are now and our promotion chances are looking pretty good.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken
Sorry, but what on earth are you on about.

I'm a realist. When things are going bad I put things in perspective at Ashton Gate - look at the wider picture and don't get abusive towards players and management like some.

I'm perfectly capable of differentiating between what is a good run and what is a bad run.

I feel that there are a fair number of realists on this forum, and a fair amount of people who either unfairly criticise players/management in the heat of the moment and fail miserably in taking a step back and realising that we are all in the same boat.

Ok, a forum is for debating but it has never ceased to amaze me over the 3+ years I have used the BCFC forum, how many City fans seemingly enjoy putting the team down and shouting "crisis" when their isn't one.

I've been saying we'll still be in the shake up all season, and what can I say - stick by everything the way I see it.

Shame those who said we had NO chance of going up in October can't admit they were wrong and own up to having no sense of realism.

PS - are you basically saying that when we're doing cr@p its fine to slag the team of, but when we win all of a sudden we're the best team in this Div? The word fickle comes to mind.

Sorry maybe i didn't make myself clear.....

What i meant was basically what you said.

When they were drawing everything i had a moan and said it isn't good enough. However now we are doing well I'm not going to carry on moaning am i?

Unlike the opposite situation. The people who was saying no were doing fantastically were playing fantastic football and are getting the results we need to, Even though we were losing to the likes of Wycombe and drawing 99.9% of our games while playing boring football.

All along, including in the bad run, i have said yes i am saying we are doing #### and yes i am saying wilson should go if it carrys on but i also added to that, that if we do well i will be the first to praise Wilson and the team which i did and do!

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Danny Wilson has been given more money to spend than any other manager in this division and an Academy from which to hand-pick the best young, local players, yet we're still only third in a division that has little quality.

We're on a good run now, but Danny's selections have played a big part in costing us valuable points already this season, which is why we now find ourselves playing catch up with a team of no-marks like Plymouth (who still have a reasonable cushion of points above us).

We are still third and, while things look better, if you honestly believe the doubt over Wilson has or, indeed, should disappear, you are very much mistaken. How long before we leapfrog QPR and we revert to Tommy and Joe in the middle to 'shore things up'? (Just as an example of a possible future managerial masterstroke).

Danny Wilson is a reasonable manager doing an okay job. If he was any better than that, he wouldn't have been managing a second division club for the last four years. I have no idea how many jobs have become available in the Premiership in that time, or even the first division for that matter, but the fact that only Brighton have approached him from those divisions, in all that time, suggests he isn't exactly turning heads.

We should go up this season and I am optimistic that we will, but to suggest that anyone who has doubted Wilson should now fall silent is a bit over the top, especially given that we aren't actually even in an automatic promotion position at this point and given the money and Academy at his disposal.

I'm grateful to Danny for choosing to make it interesting, by deciding to lose at such footballing giants as Colchester and Wycombe but, in future, I'd be happy for him to get things right a bit more quickly, just for the record.

Absolutely 100% Spot On.

If only he'd read the Forum sooner......... :wub:

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Danny Wilson has been given more money to spend than any other manager in this division and an Academy from which to hand-pick the best young, local players, yet we're still only third in a division that has little quality.

We're on a good run now, but Danny's selections have played a big part in costing us valuable points already this season, which is why we now find ourselves playing catch up with a team of no-marks like Plymouth (who still have a reasonable cushion of points above us).

We are still third and, while things look better, if you honestly believe the doubt over Wilson has or, indeed, should disappear, you are very much mistaken. How long before we leapfrog QPR and we revert to Tommy and Joe in the middle to 'shore things up'? (Just as an example of a possible future managerial masterstroke).

Danny Wilson is a reasonable manager doing an okay job. If he was any better than that, he wouldn't have been managing a second division club for the last four years. I have no idea how many jobs have become available in the Premiership in that time, or even the first division for that matter, but the fact that only Brighton have approached him from those divisions, in all that time, suggests he isn't exactly turning heads.

We should go up this season and I am optimistic that we will, but to suggest that anyone who has doubted Wilson should now fall silent is a bit over the top, especially given that we aren't actually even in an automatic promotion position at this point and given the money and Academy at his disposal.

I'm grateful to Danny for choosing to make it interesting, by deciding to lose at such footballing giants as Colchester and Wycombe but, in future, I'd be happy for him to get things right a bit more quickly, just for the record.

quality debate, and this is a quality post...

However, i tend to lean towards the feeling that from personal experience that the quality of the local area and the training these kids get from the academy isnt all what it is cracked up to be...

I feel that Danny has bought (sometimes strangley) and it takes time for players to gel.. The first choice midfield has a completley different look and shape to the one last year and will always take time to get right.

I was frustrated by our start, but i understand and said all along that this is a marathon not a sprint - if we make the playoffs well done, if we go up automatically - well done, however all of these leagues are difficult to get out of, even though we may be playing teams like Rushden, stockport and chesterfield, next year it looks like teams like Bradford, Wimbledon and Notts Forest could all be in this division..

The doubters are Bristol City fans, and i am sure are 110% happy with the way things are going, so to say shut up or can u hear them sing is stupid! We are all on this rollercoaster that is BCFC so lets all be happy we are doing well and hope we get out of this division...

Danny is a strange one with his purchases, but remember the fact that he has stableised the club and formed a great squad which we can all have (some!) confidence in!

Take it easy!

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So long as we dont crumble it looks like Wilson has got it just right and we are peaking at the time others are going through a bad patch.

Well done Danny!

as much as i am enjoying our current form and credit to all the players

and the manager for it, i will keep the champagne on ice untill we are

in a top to finnish for sure :D but long may our current form continue :wub:

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Wilson has thro' trial and error got us to where we are now and our promotion chances are looking pretty good.

I'm far from convinced that 'trial and error' is a satisfactory strategy on which to take this club forward. This winning run is fantastic, what City fan wouldn't agree, but the wins have been made without entertaining or in a convincing style

I'll go along with the theory that 'it doesn't matter how we get out of this division', although if we do go up, a dodgy start could see us fighting relegation again.

The next game that we lose will be an important one, can we bounce straight back to winning ways or will the mental toughness be lacking again.

A nail biting 3 months in store...........

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I'm far from convinced that 'trial and error' is a satisfactory strategy on which to take this club forward.
Semantics! "turn of phrase" - call it what you will.

The bottom line is that Wilson had to find the best position for Wilkshire and he "tinkered" with the side to accomadate him, and after all that tinkering City haven't missed him at all..... ^_^

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