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Cheers Tinnion...


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Many thanks to Brian Tinnion. Great service as a player but my thanks go to him for ruining the club. City are trying their best, as is Johnno, but this mess goes far deeper.

That lady dog is the ruin of this club. Whether Johnson steers us clear from the relegation remains to be seen, I pray he does because we have to because otherwise we face financial ruin. I just fear that City's problems go far deeper.

The drinking culture goes beyond belief as all of you know but Johnson really has taken on mission impossible. Here he is, trying his best to turn tinnion's mess around and we're in dyer trouble unless something changes. Something will give, because Johnno needs the finanace to change it around in January and I don't think he'll stand for Lansdown's stubborness and reluctance to improve our fortunes. We need to pick up and soon otherwise we're playing Swindle and the Gas next season.

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Many thanks to Brian Tinnion. Great service as a player but my thanks go to him for ruining the club. City are trying their best, as is Johnno, but this mess goes far deeper.

That lady dog is the ruin of this club. Whether Johnson steers us clear from the relegation remains to be seen, I pray he does because we have to because otherwise we face financial ruin. I just fear that City's problems go far deeper.

The drinking culture goes beyond belief as all of you know but Johnson really has taken on mission impossible. Here he is, trying his best to turn tinnion's mess around and we're in dyer trouble unless something changes. Something will give, because Johnno needs the finanace to change it around in January and I don't think he'll stand for Lansdown's stubborness and reluctance to improve our fortunes. We need to pick up and soon otherwise we're playing Swindle and the Gas next season.

don't think you should have called tinnion that, i got banned for exactly saying them exact words.

anyway, its only the truth.

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Guest ashtonyate

Before Tinnion did we not have a reasonably steady ship? Before Tinnion did we a reasonably good manager? If any of you answered yes then ask yourself who sacked Wilson? And who appointed Tinnion?

Sorry I don't agree I though Wilson needed to go this teams were not that good I know fans will say its better under him than now. He was given the money to spend for new players but did not buy well and after Cardiff he had to go.

Tinnion on the other hand had a good first season but was let down by some kind of player power and could have made the play offs had the team pulled together.

The blame rest with Lansdown for appointing Tinnion in the first place and when you sell your best goal scorer like we did you are going to find goals hard to come by. Also Tinnion was given very little money to produce a team with.

It funney that Johnson seems to be given money to bring in players at the next transfer window when Tinnion had very little, if you must blame anyone its Lansdown

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I'm sorry but I can't agree with this AT ALL, regardless of what Tinnion did you are just looking for excuses as to why we are so bad, slagging him off won't help at all.

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Guest Mr.Spireite

The worst thing you have ever done was to get rid of danny wilson... He guided you to the playoffs 4 seasons in a row.... What more could a club ask for

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Guest Tactical Genius

Not so Mr S, Wilson lost the plot. The mistake was in not advertising the position but handing it straight to the senior squad member.

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The worst thing you have ever done was to get rid of danny wilson... He guided you to the playoffs 4 seasons in a row.... What more could a club ask for

...or 3.

Danny Wilsons time was up, as TG said, it was the boards mistake for not advertising it but handing it to Tinnion, it was too big a job for him and he shouldnt of took it, he has ripped apart the very foundations the team was built on and we are in a massive rut now, GJ is going to need that 4 years Tinnion needed the way things are at the moment, hopefully not, but its looking like that at the moment.

...or 3.

Or Twice :blush: Wheres the edit button gone?!

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My God!!

Anyone here who blames Tinnion for this mess is a right numpty!! Ok, Tinman wasn't the right choice but I don't blame him for taking the job. I don't really blame him for messing things up. the blame has to lie fairly and squarely at the feet of the board of directors!

Tinnion had as much experience of managing a football club as any of us...NONE!!

If any of us were offered the hot seat at any football club ( even the gas) we would probably take it. We may never be offered a position like that again. If any of us were offered a position at any company that paid us , lets just say, £200,000 a year you would probably take it. even if it was in a field you knew nothing about!! Tinman was no different. He loved the club and thought he could do some good. He probably should have taken his city tinted glasses off before he signed the contract, but it wasn't his fault.

Tinman should have cut his teeth as an assistant or even at a smaller club like Swindon before he was given the hot seat at the Gate.

I'm sorry, but the clubs demise is down to the board of directors. If we we're a comapny dealing with anything other than football then these guy's wouldn't be where they are now! They would be at the job centre.

Wilson was a fantastic manager at this level. Yes, he made mistakes, as we all do! But you can't argue with his record! I am convinced that we would be a reasonable championship side now had he stayed. This is open to debate, but not on this thread!!

The directors of any comany are there to make sure the best interests of the shareholders/customers are upheld. Are this board doing that? I think not. They are no different to many other boards in the country, they're just worse at it!!

This club probably hasn't been in such termoil for about 20 odd years!! Who do we blame for that? I think you all know who I blame!!!

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After 5 games of the season i said the players we have just arent good enough. People went overboard saying we have a great squad etc etc, rubbish.

In this division you need a team of big physical players that bully the opposition, you cant play pretty passing football and get promotion imo.

Luton and Plymouth werent exactly footballing sides were they :dunno: but look where they are now :dunno: and where we are :@

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Sorry guys. I had my own 'drinking culture' going on last night and posted my rant in a cataclismic state, (though all the spelling is good amazingly!)

However, there is an undertone of truth in this, even if it was a bit scathing, and I just hope we pull through for the good of the club.

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The worst thing you have ever done was to get rid of danny wilson... He guided you to the playoffs 4 seasons in a row.... What more could a club ask for

Why do you think he got us to the playoffs four years running? He got us third twice but before that didn't do well, coming 9th and 7th. In the end, he had to go- the mistake being Tinnion coming in.

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Sorry but I do believe the responsibility for this mess lies with several different parties, firstly we have the the clique who were guaranteed to be in the first team come hell or high water, they got clicky and comfortable, lost form and gained weight they have responsibilities as professionals to themselves to keep themselves mentally and physically in top shape - the players take some responsibility. Danny Wilson should have been more demanding in breaking up the clique and demanding high standards his determination to get the club out of the division again was lacking, he was happy to take the money and was content in travelling from chesterfield each week to perform his duties - if he had the desire then he would have moved to Bristol to do the job. The board did not do their duties fully but should be admired for keeping the club afloat, the board unfortunately felt that the clique culture was a good one, they liked the idea so much that they decided to give internal positions to any ex player who applied and even referred to the Liverpool line of succession as the way forward for our club.

Tinnion I am afraid due to his dog loyalty to our club will get the spot light put on him as he was in the clique, he took up the oppertunity presented by the board's insistence to promote from within ala Liverpooland when the responsibility lay with him then unfortunately the seeds of the malinformed past came to haunt him with players relying on his friendship to keep him in the side, then the out of form unimpressive startlets starting to cause unrest within the squad as they were being replaced with younger players who should the willing attitude to achieve that the clique had lost.

Tinnion will be the focal point of a lot of people's frustrations and he is responsibile for some of the mess here at the club but it is unfair to lay the blame all at his door, the players and board needs to take responsibility too.

Fortunately the board who went with the promotion from within supporting the clique stand have woken up and smelt the coffeee and spent a large fee on getting GJ in to turn the club around - he is looking at the academy, the first team squad, the whole 9 yards at City and coming up with a plan to turn the club around. His immediate and first priority is to get City's first team motivated, fit, assessed and getting results - his initial assessment is quite straight forward there are players who do not fit in with his ethos of hard work, disciplined, footballing skills, winning mentality that is required. His options are limited to get the players to the correct fitness levels - without over burdening them so that they are 100% for the next match, to work on tactics and formation that players can play around and to get loan singings in to improve the quality in terms of fitness,skills and mental attitude in the first team. Quite frankly I can't see the directors spending big money on GJ to get him here and then not give him the funds in January to do what is necessary, some of the big wage players I believe have contracts only til the end of the season and I believe SL will endure the financial pain until GJ has sorted out the huge mess that he has inherited. One thing that GJ does do is build a squad that wil endure and that means he will build a footballing squad here at Ashton Gate that wil be capable of getting into the playoffs to the premiership - he showed this by building a Yeovil squad in the conference that was good enough for this division and let the players develop and adapt to the the divisions they are playing in to get them promotion.

Don't expect overnight success for GJ at this club he may have to devote his time and energies for the next 12 - 18 months to the first team and once that is settled he will find himself with more time to appoint the right coaching staff for all levels in the club and assess and appoint the correct guys for academy but I don't expect this to be done until the first team is one with which he is 90% comfotable with.

don't solely blame Tinnion the blame needs to be shared but the future I am sure is bright but what is needed is patience.

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Many thanks to Brian Tinnion. Great service as a player but my thanks go to him for ruining the club. City are trying their best, as is Johnno, but this mess goes far deeper.

That lady dog is the ruin of this club. Whether Johnson steers us clear from the relegation remains to be seen, I pray he does because we have to because otherwise we face financial ruin. I just fear that City's problems go far deeper.

The drinking culture goes beyond belief as all of you know but Johnson really has taken on mission impossible. Here he is, trying his best to turn tinnion's mess around and we're in dyer trouble unless something changes. Something will give, because Johnno needs the finanace to change it around in January and I don't think he'll stand for Lansdown's stubborness and reluctance to improve our fortunes. We need to pick up and soon otherwise we're playing Swindle and the Gas next season.

lets face it we have a team of very average players( some of them not even that!) there's not one player there who sets the pulse racing, not one bright spark amongest the whole team , and how many players have we signed in the last 12 months, the board by appointing Tins (who signed most of these players) have put the club back years! it's loks like GJ has to start from scratch and almost have a total rebuild,

what's there to make me want to go down saturday and spend my hard earned cash( know i am going to get slagged off for not being true supp, etc, etc,) but how much longer are we going to have to wait? it like the season could be over before it get to Nov, well done the board

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Guest ashtonyate

Sorry but I do believe the responsibility for this mess lies with several different parties, firstly we have the the clique who were guaranteed to be in the first team come hell or high water, they got clicky and comfortable, lost form and gained weight they have responsibilities as professionals to themselves to keep themselves mentally and physically in top shape - the players take some responsibility. Danny Wilson should have been more demanding in breaking up the clique and demanding high standards his determination to get the club out of the division again was lacking, he was happy to take the money and was content in travelling from chesterfield each week to perform his duties - if he had the desire then he would have moved to Bristol to do the job. The board did not do their duties fully but should be admired for keeping the club afloat, the board unfortunately felt that the clique culture was a good one, they liked the idea so much that they decided to give internal positions to any ex player who applied and even referred to the Liverpool line of succession as the way forward for our club.

Tinnion I am afraid due to his dog loyalty to our club will get the spot light put on him as he was in the clique, he took up the oppertunity presented by the board's insistence to promote from within ala Liverpooland when the responsibility lay with him then unfortunately the seeds of the malinformed past came to haunt him with players relying on his friendship to keep him in the side, then the out of form unimpressive startlets starting to cause unrest within the squad as they were being replaced with younger players who should the willing attitude to achieve that the clique had lost.

Tinnion will be the focal point of a lot of people's frustrations and he is responsibile for some of the mess here at the club but it is unfair to lay the blame all at his door, the players and board needs to take responsibility too.

Fortunately the board who went with the promotion from within supporting the clique stand have woken up and smelt the coffeee and spent a large fee on getting GJ in to turn the club around - he is looking at the academy, the first team squad, the whole 9 yards at City and coming up with a plan to turn the club around. His immediate and first priority is to get City's first team motivated, fit, assessed and getting results - his initial assessment is quite straight forward there are players who do not fit in with his ethos of hard work, disciplined, footballing skills, winning mentality that is required. His options are limited to get the players to the correct fitness levels - without over burdening them so that they are 100% for the next match, to work on tactics and formation that players can play around and to get loan singings in to improve the quality in terms of fitness,skills and mental attitude in the first team. Quite frankly I can't see the directors spending big money on GJ to get him here and then not give him the funds in January to do what is necessary, some of the big wage players I believe have contracts only til the end of the season and I believe SL will endure the financial pain until GJ has sorted out the huge mess that he has inherited. One thing that GJ does do is build a squad that wil endure and that means he will build a footballing squad here at Ashton Gate that wil be capable of getting into the playoffs to the premiership - he showed this by building a Yeovil squad in the conference that was good enough for this division and let the players develop and adapt to the the divisions they are playing in to get them promotion.

Don't expect overnight success for GJ at this club he may have to devote his time and energies for the next 12 - 18 months to the first team and once that is settled he will find himself with more time to appoint the right coaching staff for all levels in the club and assess and appoint the correct guys for academy but I don't expect this to be done until the first team is one with which he is 90% comfotable with.

don't solely blame Tinnion the blame needs to be shared but the future I am sure is bright but what is needed is patience.

You have sum it up well very good post

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Many thanks to Brian Tinnion. Great service as a player but my thanks go to him for ruining the club. City are trying their best, as is Johnno, but this mess goes far deeper.

That lady dog is the ruin of this club. Whether Johnson steers us clear from the relegation remains to be seen, I pray he does because we have to because otherwise we face financial ruin. I just fear that City's problems go far deeper.

The drinking culture goes beyond belief as all of you know but Johnson really has taken on mission impossible. Here he is, trying his best to turn tinnion's mess around and we're in dyer trouble unless something changes. Something will give, because Johnno needs the finanace to change it around in January and I don't think he'll stand for Lansdown's stubborness and reluctance to improve our fortunes. We need to pick up and soon otherwise we're playing Swindle and the Gas next season.


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I'm sorry but I can't agree with this AT ALL, regardless of what Tinnion did you are just looking for excuses as to why we are so bad, slagging him off won't help at all.

Stones and glass houses come to mind young Ronnie!

It's nothing personal, honestly.

Guess the missing letter?


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