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Crisis In The Redtop Household!


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RedtopJr has just said her first word apart from a very dodgy-sounding "mama" and "dada".

And horror of horrors, the word is "blue". She says it time and again, even if the colour we point to in a book is red. Myself and MrsRedtop were sickened almost to the point of needing counselling. How on earth she picked up language like that I will never know. Needless to say, I am demanding a DNA test to ensure she's mine, but in the meantime can anyone suggest parenting skills which might prevent her from throwing her life away at such an early age.

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Funnily enough - I too had the same unnerving experience - the root of my problem seemed to be, that when he said blue blue the look on my face seemed to encourage it more :wub:

I found that by saying the word blue, he would then instantly change colour and now after many months Red is the common word in his vocabulary.

Hope this helps :D

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Everytime you hear "blue", you say "poo" and roughly lie your daughter down and change her nappy. After a few weeks of nappy rash and all round don't want to be going through that she'll change her tune.

Alternatively, put her to bed everytime she says it and turn on a tape in her room of Blue's Greatest Hits (if there is such a thing not classed as libelous!). This shock therapy will probably do the job within a week.

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I wouldn`t worry too much, it sounds as if she is coming on just fine.

It won`t be long until she has turned this unpleasant word into a more pleasing first sentence.

All you need do is wait for the words "hate" and "Stand up" to come along and all of this will make sense.

Don`t bother with the dna stuff.

She is forging her way ahead in life by using words of one syllable,

she`s obviously yours.

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Might I suggest that you keep your personal video collection in a separate place, away from your daughter's. That might stop her from saying that word in future.
In Redtop`s defence,

Big Bob the Builder,

Teletubbies in Rubber,


Bagpuss does Vegas.

The covers of these videos do look very much like the origionals.........i`m told.

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In Redtop`s defence,

Big Bob the Builder,

Teletubbies in Rubber,


Bagpuss does Vegas.

The covers of these videos do look very much like the origionals.........i`m told.

Ah, that might exlain my copy of 'Snow White And The Seven Dwarves', then.

I knew there wasn't a 'Stiffy' in the original.

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See your problem Redtop.

It's no wonder young children have a penchant for blue!

Bear in the big BLUE house

BLUE'S clues

Prancy pop tarts BLUE.

She'll soon realise the error of her ways and revert back to normal service.

Could have been worse.......she could have said...Crack Fiend or something!!

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RedTop the answer is patently obvious. Children love to use banned words that parents are horrified at, any swear word will do. She's starting at an early age true but its her first childhood rebellion.

When she grows up she'll deny she ever said such horrid things.

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