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My Match Day Diary

Dave L

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Inspired by Tinman's insight into the life of a professional footballer in the latest issue of the Incider, I thought I'd share my matchday diary with you, so you can see the sort of hard work and dedication that goes into supporting this great club of ours.

7am. Alarm goes off. I've often thought that twenty minutes of yoga followed by fifty lengths in the local swimming pool is an ideal way to start the day. I really must get round to doing that soon. Throw the alarm at the wall and go back to sleep.

10am. Two cups of coffee. Crave that first fag of the day. Gave up years ago, and still miss them.

10.30. Down to the local Leisure Centre. They've got a first rate gym there. Treadmills, rowers, steppers. Excellent weights machines too. There seem to be quite a lot of people in there. Suckers.

Fortunately their Caff does a full English for three pound fifty. I go for the full monty, with extra chips. Pop into the local Tescos to stock up on Chocolate Hob N*bs and Pop Tarts.

1 pm. It's about 8 miles from my house to Ashton Gate. If I jog it, I reckon to do it in about an hour and a half. Just in time to drink two litres of water before popping in and watching the match. Sod that for a game of soldiers. I go in the car. Only takes 15 minutes and I get more time in the Red and White Bar. Three pints of Guinness, a chicken balti pie and some chips.

3pm. Some fit guys run around kicking a ball.

3.45pm. A Yorkie and a packet of crisps.

4pm. More football. I exercise my vocal chords by shouting at the linesman and questioning the referee's eyesight and parentage. We score. I undergo an intense Cardio-vascular workout by jumping up and down like a loon for a minute and hugging my mate Terry.

5.30pm. Home. Time for some serious exercise. Pick up the phone and order a curry to be delivered later on. Open a bottle of wine. Everything gets rather hazy after that.

Footballers? Hah! Easy life! :wub:

Edit: spelling.

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Guest redrobin108
10am. Two cups of coffee. Crave that first fag of the day. Gave up years ago, and still miss them.

He had to bring Holloway in somewhere. :P
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