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New Incider T-shirt Design


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Following on in the series of t-shirts we're doing, titled 'Ashton Greats', we now have a new design, which should be available to buy this Saturday from our usual shop (the wall in front of Hirerite from 2 p.m.).

We'll let you know nearer the time, as they are currently being printed and we haven't had it confirmed that they'll be ready for Saturday yet, but I thought I'd give some adavnced notice in case they are.

Anyway, back to the design. The latest in the series is the great John Atyeo, and the shirt will be long-sleeved and is yours for just a tenner.

It will look like this:


We are also reproducing the Jacki shirt on red long-sleeved, as the demand for these has been greater than we anticipated.

The Jacki one will look like this:


Thanks for your support and, just to reiterate, all the money we make on all these shirts will go back into club funds.


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Following on in the series of t-shirts we're doing, titled 'Ashton Greats', we now have a new design, which should be available to buy this Saturday from our usual shop (the wall in front of Hirerite from 2 p.m.).

We'll let you know nearer the time, as they are currently being printed and we haven't had it confirmed that they'll be ready for Saturday yet, but I thought I'd give some adavnced notice in case they are.

Anyway, back to the design. The latest in the series is the great John Atyeo, and the shirt will be long-sleeved and is yours for just a tenner.

It will look like this:


We are also reproducing the Jacki shirt on red long-sleeved, as the demand for these has been greater than we anticipated.

The Jacki one will look like this:


Thanks for your support and, just to reiterate, all the money we make on all these shirts will go back into club funds.


now that ateyo one is class i can see you doing well with that one :wub:
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I'm in london, cant get em online i dont think... i have looked - in the wrong place - maybe i should use that thing called a telephone?!? Alexander bell will be proud....

Tinnion for me is the mack - I'm a bit young for the Ateyo ones, just a teenie bit young for the Jakki ones, however if there is a junior bent one - i'd be well up for that one.....!

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yeah id second the tinnion ones, if you can re run on them plase lemme know!

Or would it be possible to grab the design and i could get myself one printed up?!

Cheers for your help edson..

I don't own the design anymore. I gave it to Tins to use has his testimonial t-shirt, so it's not mine to give, I'm afraid.

I'm not sure if you can order them by phone. If not, do you know anyone who goes to home games who could pick one up for you? As they are in the club shop and occasionally sold around the ground, so are easy to get hold of.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

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I don't own the design anymore. I gave it to Tins to use has his testimonial t-shirt, so it's not mine to give, I'm afraid.

I'm not sure if you can order them by phone. If not, do you know anyone who goes to home games who could pick one up for you? As they are in the club shop and occasionally sold around the ground, so are easy to get hold of.

Edson is right. He's very generously donated his iconic t shirt design to Tins' testimonial, and we've sold over 500 of them so far. All profits go to the left footed midfield maestro.

Sadly it's not proved possible to send these out by post, as it's not an official club venture, and I just don't have the time to co-ordinate postal / phone / internet sales.

However, the shirts will be on sale throughout 2004 at the Club shop. Thanks very much to them for their support by the way, as they don't take a penny in profit from the sales. They'll also be available around the ground at selected matches, including this Saturday. I'm sure you'll be able to pick one up at some point in the next 11 months!

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no worries boys, ill give the shop a call 2moz...

thanks for your help  - glad the proceeds go to the tin man!

Gotta have it before feb 19th!

If not, you can always buy one on the night of the February 19th, as they'll be on sale on the night of Tins' Testimonial Evening, I believe.
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If not, you can always buy one on the night of the February 19th, as they'll be on sale on the night of Tins' Testimonial Evening, I believe.
They will indeed, along with Tins fab new video/DVD. Not to mention some great 'Must Have' Auction and Raffle prizes. Bring plenty of cash!

Details on the main site in the next week or so.

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