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Cureton Goes For £100,000


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I'm amazed, truly amazed.

I seriously must rate or perhaps the case is 'over-rate' Jamie Curetons ability, Sky Sports text service say he has gone to QPR for 'nearly' £100,000 - its an absoloute steal.

I know people say that we have enough strikers and dont need another one, i appriciate this and agree we dont need 'another' striker - however in my eyes Cureton would be by far the best striker at the club, the only poacher and thus would not be 'another' striker - he would be our primary striker.

If the board does not have the money to make the purchase then i totally respect that as ive always said the financial stability of a club should never be comprimised through calcualted risks - we only need look at Leeds to see eveidence enough of this!

However, perhaps falsely, i was under the impression there was still 'money to spend' and the coffers had not completely run dry - if this was the case AND we were interested in Cureton why the hell havent we signed him??

He may of course have got a better financial package from QPR but from what i have read, seen and understand we never got to the discussing terms stage. The factor of coming 'home' to Bristol would surely have been a huge incentive.

I am relatively confident that we will gain automatic promotion this season, if we had made this purchase i would have been VERY confident that division 1 football awaited us next season. We have the meanest defence in the division, a long time thorn in our side - the lack of goals from midfield appears to have been removed - the only worry i do have is that, although i think Peacock and Miller are good strikers and Roberts can score goals - we dont have a striker who i would confidently predict would score 15 goals a season - Cureton i happily would have!

I'm shocked that a player who could have made such an impact to our squad, team and subsequently club on the whole has been 'allowed' to go to our nearest rivals for such a misely fee!

I can see why Marc Goodfellow could be argued a better buy as he can play on the wing, however if ud have asked me who id rather have - Goodfellow or Cureton (because it appears we are talking around the same amount of money) i think id have opted for the later. Dont get me wrong i backed the Goodfellow purchase at the time and it appears to be bearing fruit - but to allow a player of Curetons talent to go to you nearest rival in achieveing automatic promotion is a move i fear may come back to haunt!

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However, perhaps falsely, i was under the impression there was still 'money to spend' and the coffers had not completely run dry - if this was the case AND we were interested in Cureton why the hell havent we signed him??

Steve Lansdown was interviewed by on Radio Briz by Geoff Twentyman on Saturday. He asked Steve about the Cureton saga. From memory his question was 'how close did you get to signing Jamie Cureton' to which Steve replied 'Not very'.

Excuse me if I get the detail a bit wrong, but according to Steve, things unfolded something like this....

We made a a serious approach last summer, but Cureton chose to go to Korea. He came back, and we approached his agent again to talk about the possibility of him coming to the Gate. It became clear that he was pursuing every other possible option other than signing for Bristol City. The board decided to look elsewhere.

It's all very well saying that we should definitely be signing such and such a player. But if the player doesn't want to come here, what can you do?

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This isnt an anti board post at all.

All I'm saying is that if we were interested in him, which we were, I'm surprised that we did not at least negeotiate with him for the kind of fee that is now apparently changing hands.

I think I'm right in saying that we were 'put off' or that was what was put forward by the fact Buson Icons wanted a fee - when this problem arose i started thinking £250,000.

All I'm saying is that he is an absoloute bargin and id much rather see him playing in red than blue and white hoops as he is a big asset to any side.

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Absolutley ridiculous. While i wouldnt have minded signing Cureton, why in his right mind would he want to sign for us.

I hold my hands up and admit i gave Cureton plenty of stick, in my eyes its part and parcel of football and id obviously bet my house that i wasnt the only one.

So, for people who thoroughly slated him for what he did or didnt do with a teenage girl, to turn around and want him to help us with promotion is two faced of the highest order.

Cureton will never play for us ever, if he does then he is lacking self respect big time.

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Fair points, i hadnt heard the interview.

I was working on the knowledge that he would have been interested in coming here due to his connections with Bristol and the fact we had been linked with him on more that one occasion.

I'm surprised that if this is the scenario (he wasnt keen on coming here), which I'm obviously not questionning, he was so strongly linked to us - in regards to Danny saying 'we're still interested in Jamie'.

If infact he wasnt interested then obviously thats a different matter.

From his point of view however I'm not entirely sure why he would want to join cash strapped QPR over the {apparently} relatively stable us, unless of course he has a strong relationship with Holloway and/or was concerned at the reception he would get for various 'reasons'.

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id much rather see him playing in red than blue and white hoops as he is a big asset to any side.
What does puzzle me is why Hollowhead would fork out that amount of money for a striker when his star Central defender has just been ruled out of the game for 9 months.

QPR are poorer than a family of Church Mice on benefits. Seems like a poor investment to me.

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FAO Big Red Rich,

>"So, for people who thoroughly slated him for what he did or didnt do with a teenage girl, to turn around and want him to help us with promotion is two faced of the highest order."

I totally agree however i was not one of the people who did. I didnt know much about the sitaution at the time, i dont know much about it now. I'm pretty sure that 99% of people who gave him stick were working primarily from the rumour mill and had no true indication of the situation - in which case : although as you say people get stick in football : it is totally uncalled for anybody to comment on a football players personal life.

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it is totally uncalled for, but thats the way it goes with people in the spotlight - we know about these things...

but 100,000, thats silly money - a strike force of leon knight and cureton alongside either peacock and miller?! now that is the classic combo - target man and poacher and with loadsa combinations and lita also in the frame, we would be unstoppable..

However, cheering on cureton?! I have only recently liked Roberts as he is a cardiff fan!

Ah well - come on peacock!!

la la la lerory

and... gggggggoooooooooooooooooooo


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The othe rpoint to comment on isJimmy's saying he prefer to sign Cureton than Goodfellow if a choice had to be made, well I'd disagree and say we need the ammo supplier than the shooter, for without ammo the shooter fires blank. We alsready have shooters but we lacked suppliers in depth since Murray's departure. Wilkshire and Jolly are adequate replacements.

Of course, should we go up then we'll definitely need two better forwards.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

I would be all for signing Cureton for 100k and i don't think the abuse he used to suffer here would be a problem to him a she knows if he delivers the goods we would soon love him. We accepted Beadle didn't we?

But what about his wage demands? He was supposed to be on silly money at Korea and I'm know that city wouldn't go over the top on wages just to get a player, we would rather say no to him. Its because of the club doing this that we are in a reasonable financial state now.

I was speaking to Mr. Lansdown after the Notts C game and i asked him about Cureton, all he said was no very doubtfull it would happen as he has been messing us about. To which we said we don't want someone like that, tell him to bugger off to which he said yep.

So we must have spoken to him or at least approached him.

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I would be all for signing Cureton for 100k and i don't think the abuse he used to suffer here would be a problem to him a she knows if he delivers the goods we would soon love him. We accepted Beadle didn't we?

I'm not talking about us accepting him, of course we would if he produced the goods, were football fans and were fickle.

I'm talking about how much self respect he must be lacking to join a club where he probably recieved the worst abuse of his career. If i was in his position i know which direction my one fingered salute would be in.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

I'm talking about how much self respect he must be lacking to join a club where he probably recieved the worst abuse of his career. If i was in his position i know which direction my one fingered salute would be in.

Yes whichever way is offering you the most money!!!
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Guest cider gliders

At one time we thought he wud be a good signin`

for we, but we don`t think he was ever intrested

in comin` down here! We wish he wud have signed

for someone else rather than one of our rivels

QPR! JC will always find the net, lets hope it won`t

be against we in April! JC an Thorpie at the Gate!

That should generate a bit of nose from all around

the ground! :P

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At one time we thought he wud be a good signin`

for we, but we don`t think he was ever intrested

in comin` down here! We wish he wud have signed

for someone else rather than one of our rivels

QPR! JC will always find the net, lets hope it won`t

be against we in April! JC an Thorpie at the Gate!

That should generate a bit of nose from all around

the ground!  :P

You're also forgeting Hollowhead will add to teh atmosphere!
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Goodfellow will turn out to be a far better long term investment than Cureton, and probably one that will not just run away crying if he gets dropped or the going gets tough. Mark my words, Miller, Wilkshire and Goodfellow will blossom in Div 1 next season. B)

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Have I missed something or has nobody mentioned what we would have had to pay him every week????

now a days it is not the transfer fee but the players wages that make many deals totally unworkable (it was a similar case with Robins).

on that subject give me Robins over Cureton any day, dispite the age.

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I thought I remember someone saying somewhere that it was not us who approached him, but more them that approached us?
Yes, you are right Danny Wilson said that he was approached by Cureton's agent.

However, I have been informed that this wasn't completely true and infact we did express an interest in Cureton only for him to turn down the offer!

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