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Guest Eastendredgal85

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Guest Eastendredgal85

ive just come off the admin forum.and i would just like to say how dissapointed i am in the distinct lack of humour shown in taking the boot off. its merely banter, wheres the harm in that???!!! of course, they can probably say whatever they like about us,and nothing would be done (just as they can all stand in the EE and we cant but thats an entirely different issue :D ). its disgusting, and without wantin 2 sound like an oldie (I'm onl 18!) i cant believe its got THAT petty these days.what are you going 2 do next, ban swearing in the grounds? its the stupidest thing ive seen on here on a long time.

up the city, down the plurocrats ^_^!!!!

Eastendred(boot boot!)gal85!


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Guest city slicker 71
ive just come off the admin forum.and i would just like to say how dissapointed i am in the distinct lack of humour shown in taking the boot off. its merely banter, wheres the harm in that???!!! of course, they can probably say whatever they like about us,and nothing would be done (just as they can all stand in the EE and we cant but thats an entirely different issue :D ). its disgusting, and without wantin 2 sound like an oldie (I'm onl 18!) i cant believe its got THAT petty these days.what are you going 2 do next, ban swearing in the grounds? its the stupidest thing ive seen on here on a long time.

up the city, down the plurocrats :D!!!!

Eastendred(boot boot!)gal85!


i agree what a joke i seen it as light hearted fun and the boot

reminded me of montyphython and not some hooligan worship

some people really do not have a sense of humour ^_^

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i agree what a joke i seen it as light hearted fun and the boot

reminded me of montyphython and not some hooligan worship

some people really do not have a sense of humour  ^_^

i'm glad someone has at last spotted what i was trying to do,

''MONTY PHYTHON'' spot on, i have a few dvd's which i was given

for christmas, but to cut a long story short there on the dvd is the

cartoon bit with the boot coming down and squashing things and

i thought that would make a good bristol city boot coming down on

club badges, it was a ''MONTY PHYTHON'' tribute rather than (like

you pointed out) a hooligan worship (not my intension) but i'm affraid

some take things the wrong way ''i oppologise to any one who took offense

to it'' but my advice is see a doctor as there IS A TUMOUR IN YOUR HUMOUR

:P:P:P:P:D oh well i guess even monty phython has run out of date

and now classed as ''POLITICALLY INCORRECT'' ... VERY SAD...

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could remove the blood as thats what they seemed offended by?!

it is a shame, but i dunno who could have comlained probably some of the "non BCFC" forum members - but hey they can take our boots but they cant take away our good form! ha ha!

The boots hardly said "we will crush you" or anything, its a farmers boot squashing thy badge! i dunno eh....

Maybe we could come up with another graphic, something less "vulgar graphic 18 certificate and reservoir dogs esc!"

Take it easy, the boots were fun while they lasted...


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Guest cider gliders

ah we'd have to say it be getting all a bit silly on yer

and we agree with thee but what is up with these people

that can not see what a joke is ^_^

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i was just about to add the cardiff one to my signature! 

you can try but i don't know how long it will stay there as admin

removed mine and goblins from our signatures

early on this evening :D

the funny thing is i'm on the gas forum and my gas boot is in my signature

and my avatar and no one has batted a eye lid on that forum

like you said i dunno - what kinda world do we live in ^_^

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they must have took a while to do - bet your a bit peeved!

they didn't take too long , but i can always use them elsewhere,

what i am peeved with is peoples lack of humour and go running to

tell the teacher so to speak, if they had a problem then why not

post a reply saying so they have taken the boot as some sort of

burberry cap wearing crusade but it was made for a laugh

like i've said a copy of monty phython ^_^

go and vote on it


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Maybe the mods would allow a toned down version?

Replace the boot with a trainer and have some green gundge instead of blood  :D

yep good idea but thats up to the mods ^_^

but i'm glad i have not shown of my phil bater cartoons

yet as that would get complaints :P:P:P

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Boots are still up on my system, Hollowhead and Sturrock. Whos idea the sense of humour failure, aint bothered by other sides, and I'll bet they have similar or worse!

If Plymuff, QPR, Swinden have a problem with it, why come on site?????

Aint heard any Gas with a Gob on about it....c'mon its only humour for Chrissakes...lighten up, please!!

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I'm afraid we live in a time where everything said is examined for possible insult to anyone anywhere, it matters not if there is intent or not, there are too many people these days not grown up enough to realise humour is a part of life. These legions of over sensitive juveniles run to mummy (or in these days, their solicitor) and scream on their hind legs that they have been irretrievably mentally damaged by a comment they heard or read. Then the solictor, seeing £££££ and publicity, swings into action and law-suits follow.

In the wake of these, official organisations have become terrified of law-suits and play safe by not permitting anything that may poke fun with intent or not.

Humour is not allowed, common sense has been relegated to the back. Political correctness is a terrible monster that has got out of control and is in the hands of manipulative people with bent political views holding the majority to ransom. Its time it was ripped up and thrown away so we can all become adults again and think and speak freely. Because at the moment we certainly cannot and that is the death of democracy.

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Guest cidergeorge

I thpought the boot was very funny and have told all my mates who support a variety of teams to have a look. I'm sure they will all be jealous that they do not have their own boots.

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its our forum!
No, it isn't 'our' forum, it's Bristol City's. If the club want to remove a thread discussing the relative merits of Wilkshire and Doherty in midfield, then that is their prerogative.

Equally, if they consider an image to be something they don't wish the club to be associated with, then they are well within their rights to remove it.

Bristol City pay to run this forum, when we could have the awful PTV one for free, so they are well within their rights to remove posts or images as and when they see fit.

You may not agree with certain actions taken by the moderators, but they are done with the interests of the club at heart and, while I'm sure they do their best to keep the Bristol City forum community happy, they have to consider how certain topics might be perceived by the public at large and act accordingly.

As someone said on a thread about a Forest fan taking a pipe bomb to Ninian Park, "Football and its associated humour is entertainment. To try to blow up other teams is pure insanity. Some "fans" don't know when to stop" and I am sure that it was with that in mind that the moderators felt it was best to nip this in the bud.

It might not be a popular decision with some of you, but it most certainly is not 'our' forum, and if the club want to remove something they consider inappropriate, then that is their absolute right.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"As someone said on a thread about a Forest fan taking a pipe bomb to Ninian Park, "Football and its associated humour is entertainment. To try to blow up other teams is pure insanity. Some "fans" don't know when to stop" and I am sure that it was with that in mind that the moderators felt it was best to nip this in the bud."

What so humerous pictures of a boot stamping on a badge leads to manic pipe bombers? :P

This is just another example of victim culture going mad, some people are far too worried about causing the slightest offence.

And is disturbing that people can take an internet forum so seriously, when in reality it is abit of fun.

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What so humerous pictures of a boot stamping on a badge leads to manic pipe bombers? :P

This is just another example of victim culture going mad, some people are far too worried about causing the slightest offence.

And is disturbing that people can take an internet forum so seriously, when in reality it is abit of fun.

It was a picture of a boot stamping on Holloway and Sturrock's heads, wasn't it? Or have I got that wrong?

Anyway, the point is that the club felt it was an image they didn't want the club to be associated with, so they removed it from their official forum and asked people to remove it from their signatures.

It's the club's forum and they can remove what they like. Obviously, they have to be sensitive to the community that uses the forum and cause as little upset as possible. However, they will make decisions that aren't popular with all users, from time to time, but that is the nature of a moderated forum.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"It was a picture of a boot stamping on Holloway and Sturrock's heads, wasn't it? Or have I got that wrong"

Probably, I can't remember now - I'm spinning the facts!

I understand it is the clubs forum, and realise they would not want to cause offence to its users but surely you look after you're core business above all else?

Anyways with the disticnt lack of a decent alternative forum it's not like people will leave is it.

Maybe a Forum charter should be introduced, so users know exactly where they stand.

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I understand it is the clubs forum, and realise they would not want to cause offence to its users but surely you look after you're core business above all else?

This forum has 887 members (I just had a look, I don't carry those sort of statistics around with me!) and only half a dozen or so people have complained about the removal of the images on this thread.

I guess the club would argue that, bearing in mind those figures, they are looking after their core business and trying not to cause offence to the majority of users.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Of that 887 how many actually post?

Anyway I know where you're coming from and can't be bothered to argue.

I'll stick to my view though ta

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Of that 887 how many actually post?

Anyway I know where you're coming from and can't be bothered to argue. 

I'll stick to my view though ta

I'm not arguing, I'm just saying that the club has a difficult job moderating a forum that is an official part of Bristol City's public profile and that, occasionally, decisions will be made that we don't all agree with, but they are made with the interests of the club at heart.


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Guest city slicker 71

Iv'e had some time to judge the merits of the pythonesque boot and without a shadow of doubt it ranks right up there with Mrs zambesi & Eric the pet fish! Made to be sniggered at rather than laughed in true Python tradition. True BCFC do have the right but might I suggest dropping the term forum aand replacing it with, "Come on here so long as we (this unseen minority) can hack it).

Personally I don't believe it was down to some pasty muncher running to mummy, its the narrow minded minority who appear to have a grip on events all over the place. Saying that their inconsistancy beggers belief, quite recently I referred to parlimentarians and lord chief justices as definately being Q Cs, not so much as a warning? Not that I would change my views the same way no feeble ban can stop people swearing at football matches it's inbred part of the working mans game, of course they that interfering minority do not understand that for the simple reason they have no business being in it.

Now I'm off for a tot of my favourite malt that's if it's alright with everyone else

nod nod wink wink know what i mean know what i mean.

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It was a picture of a boot stamping on Holloway and Sturrock's heads, wasn't it? Or have I got that wrong?

Anyway, the point is that the club felt it was an image they didn't want the club to be associated with, so they removed it from their official forum and asked people to remove it from their signatures.

It's the club's forum and they can remove what they like. Obviously, they have to be sensitive to the community that uses the forum and cause as little upset as possible. However, they will make decisions that aren't popular with all users, from time to time, but that is the nature of a moderated forum.

are you forum spokesman or something? why can't the club

come on here and say so if there is a problem ^_^

it seems some on this forum are teachers pets and get away with what

they like while others don't, take that how you want but it's true...

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are you forum spokesman or something? why can't the club

come on here and say so if there is a problem  ^_^

Umm... I believe the club have come on here and said there's a problem:


No, I'm not a forum spokeman at all. In fact, I haven't even stated whether I agree or disagree with the removal of the images. I have merely pointed out that the club is within its rights to remove any image or topic that it feels is unacceptable on their forum.

You may not agree with the club's decision on this issue, but it was their decision to make on their forum and, as far as I'm concerned, that is part and parcel of posting on a moderated forum.

it seems some on this forum are teachers pets and get away with what

they like while others don't, take that how you want but it's true...

You're just swiping at me because you're angry at the removal of your images. That's up to you, I guess.

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Umm... I believe the club have come on here and said there's a problem:


No, I'm not a forum spokeman at all. In fact, I haven't even stated whether I agree or disagree with the removal of the images. I have merely pointed out that the club is within its rights to remove any image or topic that it feels is unacceptable on their forum.

You may not agree with the club's decision on this issue, but it was their decision to make on their forum and, as far as I'm concerned, that is part and parcel of posting on a moderated forum.

You're just swiping at me because you're angry at the removal of your images. That's up to you, I guess.

if you say so,,,

but blimey for the amount of years being on here i have

got my first reply from edson well i am touched ^_^

but you are right i am angry i think we'll leave this post to die now

i've had enough of it :D

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if you say so,,,

but blimey for the amount of years being on here i have

got my first reply from edson well i am touched  ^_^

but you are right i am angry i think we'll leave this post to die now

i've had enough of it  :D

Sorry, I'll try to spread my replies around more evenly in future. Is there anyone else I've missed, who's feeling a bit left out?

I understand why you're angry, but that is probably why you're having a pop at me, when all I'm trying to do is present a reasoned argument as to why the images may have been removed.

Anyway, look at the publicity your pictures have got as a result of this. We'd pay good money at The Incider for coverage like this!


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Sorry, I'll try to spread my replies around more evenly in future. Is there anyone else I've missed, who's feeling a bit left out?

I understand why you're angry, but that is probably why you're having a pop at me, when all I'm trying to do is present a reasoned argument as to why the images may have been removed.

Anyway, look at the publicity your pictures have got as a result of this. We'd pay good money at The Incider for coverage like this!


fair shout, but the publicity i didn't even dream of going for

that naughty red goblin went for these pictures and spread

them to the masses ^_^

but what does annoy me is this club sometimes goes ott

now i post sometimes on the gas forum my gas boot is on

there in my signature and no one batted a eye lid at it

funny old world ahy! but now i've said that some one will go there

and report it :D:D

never mind let's forget it ''WHO SAID THEY SODDING LUCKY BOOTS


it is times like this i wish i was left out :D

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I'm afraid we live in a time where everything said is examined for possible insult to anyone anywhere, it matters not if there is intent or not, there are too many people these days not grown up enough to realise humour is a part of life.  These legions of over sensitive juveniles run to mummy (or in these days, their solicitor) and scream on their hind legs that they have been irretrievably mentally damaged by a comment they heard or read.  Then the solictor, seeing £££££ and publicity, swings into action and law-suits follow.

In the wake of these, official organisations have become terrified of law-suits and play safe by not permitting anything that may poke fun with intent or not.

Humour is not allowed, common sense has been relegated to the back.  Political correctness is a terrible monster that has got out of control and is in the hands of manipulative people with bent political views holding the majority to ransom.  Its time it was ripped up and thrown away so we can all become adults again and think and speak freely.  Because at the moment we certainly cannot and that is the death of democracy.

Well said,i agree whole heartedly
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Guest WillsbridgeRed

If it were down to Republicans like you Goblin there wouldn't be any internet now to worry about. We'd also have no football because games would be banned, no christmas and would have to study the bible ALL day sunday.

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I think the Politically Correct brigade were reaching for the Prozac - first they saw one of their half-wit politicians and top Plymuff supporter - Micael Foot - get the zider boot treatment; second were various club badges including Millwall, Cardiff, QPR and Plymouth getting stomped on; then the 'creme de la creme' when the right boot was found enabling a simultaneous double boot stomping of Hollowhead and Sturrock :P  :D

Cider head really has become a legend and part of the folklore of BCFC with his brilliant Pythonesque animations  B)

i'm learning this pc thing!! :P




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Guest Eastendredgal85

hehehe my 1st post and i get over 700 views n 41 replies? did i say something right????that old woman looks rather like me....how did u get 2 do my portrait? :P:P So whos in the EE on saturday???

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i'm learning this pc thing!!  :P




That is brilliant cider head.

Surely no-one could object to that. Apart from my mum of course. Where did you get her picture?

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Guest redrobin108
I believe swearing in football grounds is already banned and has been for many years.
You all right swearing is banned in grounds.

And just heard that refs have been told that any player swearing at all, will have to receive a red card. ^_^

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Guest Eastendredgal85
You all right swearing is banned in grounds.

And just heard that refs have been told that any player swearing at all, will have to receive a red card. ^_^

so does that apply to the orange men aswell?? Because I've witnessed and experienced a few incidents in which they have sworn!

No swearing in football stadiums-its like going back 2 school! how pathetic!

sit down - shut up - dont question.how pathetic! how dissappointing 4 what is supposed 2 be an enjoyable saturday afternoon at AG ! :D

Up the :D City :D !!!!!! Down the tyrannical despots that are taking over the football league!

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Swearing yes is all well and good mildly but theres no need to cry about it. Not everyone appreciates f this and f that all the time and quite frankly there is NO need for it.

I'm not preching here as i do my fair share of swearing at football but just trying to see things from others points of view!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"!!!!!! Down the tyrannical despots that are taking over the football league! "

I think you're going to fit in well with that viewpoint

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Guest Eastendredgal85
Swearing yes is all well and good mildly but theres no need to cry about it. Not everyone appreciates f this and f that all the time and quite frankly there is NO need for it.

I'm not preching here as i do my fair share of swearing at football but just trying to see things from others points of view!

Citygal9 I understand what you are saying, but i was only intent on using the swearing issue as a shining example of the idiotic rules that the people who have more power than us are trying to enforce. And when a certain steward used the 'f' word, more than a few heads turned, but nobody did a thing (considering the head steward was stood next to him). It just seems to be one rule for them and one rule for everyone else. And its ANNOYING! ^_^

Ah well, point made :D

ALL TOGETHER NOW!!! Well, Tinman is a Silly head.......

Doesn't have the same ring to it, does it??? But thats how it will be if they get their way!

Up the city!!!!!

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Doesn't have the same ring to it, does it??? But thats how it will be if they get their way!

Quite, and I'm all for singing the CORRECT words to songs even if they do include the word sh!t and so on because we are indeed sh!t heads and yes i to have had my fair share of trouble from stewards aswell and i have come to the conclusion there is only one 'sound' steward in the whole of Ashton Gate.

As i said in my earlier post i wasnt preching just putting across a view point that could be had by others.

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Guest cider gliders
I'll share me scrumpy with her anytime.  :P  ^_^
Blimey RG! We wouldn`t go that

far for any woman! :Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.:

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Guest cider gliders
And why not?! If scrumpy's good enough for you CG then its good enough for anyone  :D
We would share everything we have with any

woman CG! But Nooooooo, not our Scrummy!

We only share our Scrumpy with eachother! Hic! ^_^


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Guest Eastendredgal85
Eastendgalredgal 85 you're a godess, please accept the role of gorgeous leader of the East End red army. You are a Boedicia, I beg you to lead us in our quest to rid the East End of the ####py seats and the opposition supporting vermin that currently infests our olde East End terrace.  ^_^  :P  :D
A goddess? Boedicia? wow. you are doing wonders for my ego! hey, do you think if i use my charm on the chief of police n the council leaders then we might get our EE back? :P
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Eastendgalredgal 85 you're a godess, please accept the role of gorgeous leader of the East End red army. You are a Boedicia, I beg you to lead us in our quest to rid the East End of the ####py seats and the opposition supporting vermin that currently infests our olde East End terrace.  ^_^  :P  :D
has the goblin fallen in love :P:P:P
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Edson, RedTop and Tomarse - why don't you lads on the Incider get cider head on board to do your graphics? What about issueing a limited edition cider head East End boot tee-shirt with the Incider web address as well.  :D
:speechless3: :speechless3: :speechless3: :speechless3:


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