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Will Rollason

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Guest Cider_Army

I think they are awful, the same routine most weeks, the same loud music stopping people from clapping and the same americanisation of football we can do without thankyou very muc!

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Guest Topbuzz

I think the girls try really hard but it just aint working nor is any of the half time or pre game entertainment ...Pathetic ballads before the game on the tannoy i assume the crowd is at least 75% male but still get robbie williams et al howabout the wurzels or something a little more robust

Half time entertainment is redicoulous the wills girls that guy from pop idol what are they thinking ...get the half time scores read out n yeah fair enough the half time draw but think of who is attending football

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A troupe of adult ladies in short shorts and tight T shirts (like what we had in the mid 70s) would be pleasant on the eye. Of course, these days it would offend the PC brigade.

Incidenetally, did they or the team copy the other's moves.? The group would break forward from the half way line and then stop at the edge of the pen area.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

##(87 the pc brigade, lets have some mature totty on the pitch or - Now this will sound crazey - We have no dancing girls, pop idol rejects or Sam mason and just half something involving football - Even if it's just listening to the half times in peace!

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Guest blairhater

Yep, a change is overdue. Especially as DW likes to make the opposition wait a little longer each game before the restart.

Maybe a short film, valcro darts or archery.Stoning a politician every other home game is an option.

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Stoning a politician every other home game is an option.
It'd never work. No politician would agree to it. It's not the agony and humiliation that scares them, because all politicians are born with a thick skin. But how many do you know that are willing to admit in public that they've been stoned?
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It'd never work. No politician would agree to it. It's not the agony and humiliation that scares them, because all politicians are born with a thick skin. But how many do you know that are willing to admit in public that they've been stoned?
Now that is funny - have you ever considered writing for a paper or even an on-line magazine
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Trying to be semi-serious even though my mind is racing on Sam Mason in her boots again.

As a Father of an 8 year old despearate to join the Angels when she is old enough, I say why not keep them? Surely they could do a 5 minute spot at 2:30 ish and shake their ting when the team runs out.

Meanwhile, the club could sort some other quality entertainment as well such as the Bristolian pavarotti we had recently.

Surely dopping our cheerleaders is going to lead to a lot of heart-ache for 20 or so young girls.

Hey, if nothing more, they will get older over the years and the tight figure-hugging, shapely type stuff we all crave will come naturally!! ^_^

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Guest cider gliders
Yeah, bring back Linzi Drew & the Rockin Robins! As a 13 year old in the East End the sight of Linzi and the girls running towards us in those leotards sure did bring a lump to the, erm, trousers  ^_^
Ha-Ha! yeah, we used to get that same LUMP! :D

This`ll bring back a few memorys! :Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.:



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Guest Uncle Ern

Re Woman who used to get them out !!!

Certainly do remember her. She also got them out in the Park End vs Walsall in a play off game. She was sat astride some lucky git's shoulders being bounced in a vigorous fashion. Years later whilst working in the Midlands I met a Walsall fan who clearly remembers the experience !!

Some wench also got them out at Wembley in the Mickey Mouse cup. The sight of all those heads turned away from the pitch was a real giggle.

Make it compulsory for all fit chicks to display their wares !!!! ^_^

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Guest city slicker 71
I'd agree with Neo that we should keep the existing cheerleaders - it obviously means a lot to the kids who take part.

(although I don't think 'dopping' them is the answer !)

But why not have some adult entertainers too ?  (and I don't mean hardcore porn when I say 'adult')  I seem to remember some girl who was on this site a while back offering to bring her team of dancers to the Gate - what happened to her ?

She works for me now and she's allowed to wear BOOTS!!

Regards. ^_^

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Damn! With the piccies posted by the Cider Gliders, the secret is out. In the late 70s those ladies were the reason we had 20-30,000 at the Gate. We'd get there in plenty of time for kick off as that was when their main routine was performed, with a shorter piece during the interval. As they didn't come on at the end, that's why we all got into the habit of leaving before the end. Of course, when City beat Man U, Liverpool, Leeds, Spurs, Arsenal, Chelsea etc that was an added bonus to the day! ^_^

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

it's amazing how times and fashions change, I wouldn't touch any of that 70's lot with a bargepole, yet some of you lot can barely contain yourselves!

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