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Johnson's "magic"


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What I can't get my head round is that, generally, the feeling on the forum pre-season was that Tinnion had made some good signings and we had a strong squad capable of some success, even though the more level-headed amongst us refused to use the 'p' word.

Following the board's (or rather, Lansdown's) final realisation that Tinnion could not manage and get some talented players to work for him and play as a team, Gary Johnson was installed and many fans saw him as the 'Messiah' who would turn things around and get us on the up again.

Well, who's kidding who?

We still have the same inept performances, the same poor defending, the same disjointed play and suddenly it's not manager's fault but the "spineless", "underachieving" and "lazy" players who won't play "for the shirt".

Have we really had such bad luck that we've managed to collect together twenty of the laziest, alcohol-swilling players in the league who, in pre-season, were installed as 2nd favourites for promotion?

For me, Johnson still isn't giving me any reason to think that he can do any better than Tinnion.

The 2nd half last night was proof that the players are up for it and they worked their socks off to try to get a result. Yes, we had ten men and it was always going to be difficult in atrocious conditions, but we never really looked like scoring. We had no cohesion, no shape, no real game plan to speak of and couldn't pass the ball effectively.

You couldn't fault the commitment and spirit - what was lacking was some tactics and insight into how to get the equaliser we deserved.

I say again, Johnson demands from his players that they 'affect the game', when is he going to 'affect the team'?

It's no good to keep saying 'wait till January'. A manager has to work with the players he has, whether he likes it or not, and so far, Johnson hasn't impressed me with his man-management skills, his team selections or his tactical nous.

He has the air of a man who knows he's not going to be blamed for whatever happens this season, even if it's relegation.

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As a fan who was there last night.

I will say for 30 mins in the first half we were a shambles. However second half the players played with a lot of guts and deserve a lot of credit.

One thing that I noticed was that the fitness levels have improved tremendously. If one team was out on it's feet then it was Swindon. That is attributable to one person and that is Gary Johnson!

I did not necessarily agree with his starting line up. However from last night even at this pincle of dispair I started to see a bit of pride and commitment.

We are at a low point theres no disguising that, parts of last nights game certainly reinforced that. It is my view that the secound half last night was the start of the fight back. I believe things will improve and I will stand to be corrected on that point.

One final thought well done to those of you on The Stratton Bank last night first for braving the monsoon elelments, second for the congo and lastly for chanting Gary Johnson's name which he replied by aplauding you. It's small things like that that just might make a difference in the long run.

It's time to close ranks and support the team when then show the effort like they they secoud half last night. I'm pleased to say those at the County Ground last night did just that.

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Have we really had such bad luck that we've managed to collect together twenty of the laziest, alcohol-swilling players in the league ... ?

I don't think it is so much bad luck as bad research; you don't need to collect twenty rotten apples, one or two is enough to mess the whole barrel.

Asked to name a handful of bad influences from transfers into the squad over the last 8 years, I bet most fans would come up with the same few names. The point being that successive managements must have neglected to do their homework on the players' characters before signing them.

As it happens, I learned something last night about one of our "professional athletes" habitual Friday night preparations; not one of the usual suspects either.

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I don't think it is so much bad luck as bad research; you don't need to collect twenty rotten apples, one or two is enough to mess the whole barrel.

Asked to name a handful of bad influences from transfers into the squad over the last 8 years, I bet most fans would come up with the same few names. The point being that successive managements must have neglected to do their homework on the players' characters before signing them.

As it happens, I learned something last night about one of our "professional athletes" habitual Friday night preparations; not one of the usual suspects either.

Spot on Red Un.

Gary Johnson takes no prisnors and as we all know has told elements of the squad just how he see it and not just massaging their ego's as previous managers have.

He has knocked the squad down and will now build it back up and to be fair to Johnson just as he has been critical of performances his post match interviews were full of priase. In my book that reinforces what is and what is not acceptable. Good management in my book.

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Simply Red, you really are a tedious fellow. You keep posting the same posts over and over again. You keep going on about how the fans thougth we had a good enough squad for promotion. With all due respect the fans aren't there in the summer on the training ground assessing the relative merits of each player. If the fans are guilty of anything, it's believeing Tinnion's rhetoric about his great squad.

Give Johnson a break, his biggest mistake was winning those games when he first took charge. That fact disguised just how bad Tinnion's team was at the time. I don't care what anyone says, that team last night would have hammered Tinnion's Colchester and Swansea team.

Get over the fact that your erstwhile bedfellow Tinnion has left the club and he left it in a shambles.

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Simply Red, you really are a tedious fellow. You keep posting the same posts over and over again. You keep going on about how the fans thougth we had a good enough squad for promotion. With all due respect the fans aren't there in the summer on the training ground assessing the relative merits of each player. If the fans are guilty of anything, it's believeing Tinnion's rhetoric about his great squad.

Give Johnson a break, his biggest mistake was winning those games when he first took charge. That fact disguised just how bad Tinnion's team was at the time. I don't care what anyone says, that team last night would have hammered Tinnion's Colchester and Swansea team.

Get over the fact that your erstwhile bedfellow Tinnion has left the club and he left it in a shambles.

How can you, on the one hand, berate me for my "tedious and repetitive" posts when, on the other hand, you betray your total ignorance of my opinions by assuming I was a Tinnion "bedfellow"! :dunno:

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Simply Red, give the man a chance for christs sake!

You say "ALL the fans" thought Tinnions team would steamroller the league....rubbish!

There have been concerns all along that there was no balance, no pace, not ONE natural left-sided midfielder.

Gary likes his teams to play proper football (that, even you, would surely admit) and we simply do not have the players at this club to do it, for me the lack of pace is the key.

As he has said himself let him get his own players in, then judge him.

Out of interest would you have preferred Lenny Lawrence as manager?

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Guest lady in red

:) Spot on the fans who went last night were brilliant.

As a fan who was there last night.

I will say for 30 mins in the first half we were a shambles. However second half the players played with a lot of guts and deserve a lot of credit.

One thing that I noticed was that the fitness levels have improved tremendously. If one team was out on it's feet then it was Swindon. That is attributable to one person and that is Gary Johnson!

I did not necessarily agree with his starting line up. However from last night even at this pincle of dispair I started to see a bit of pride and commitment.

We are at a low point theres no disguising that, parts of last nights game certainly reinforced that. It is my view that the secound half last night was the start of the fight back. I believe things will improve and I will stand to be corrected on that point.

One final thought well done to those of you on The Stratton Bank last night first for braving the monsoon elelments, second for the congo and lastly for chanting Gary Johnson's name which he replied by aplauding you. It's small things like that that just might make a difference in the long run.

It's time to close ranks and support the team when then show the effort like they they secoud half last night. I'm pleased to say those at the County Ground last night did just that.

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bridges and stewart apart, we new little of the players he brought in, i was told grant smith was a good player and we were lucky to get him, now we have seen him, ive never seen anyone that shape and build be so slow, brian brought him here for a wide roll,that says it all realy.

he never invested in a proper left mid player, he also went with no tough tackler in midfield, heywoods not as good as butler, partridge just cant get going, yet he performs for wales.

russell, i didnt know he was playing till the hour mark last night but hes not fully fit yet.

not to mention the players that left the club because of personality not footballing reasons.

gj is trying to sort out a right mess not made by him, it will take time but he will sort it, i just hope its not in the 2nd when we get going.

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Simply Red, give the man a chance for christs sake!

You say "ALL the fans" thought Tinnions team would steamroller the league....rubbish!

You're putting words in my mouth. If you read my post, I said the 'general feeling' on the forum thought there was a good chance of success. How do you account for the fact that we were 2nd favourites for promotion?

As for giving him a chance - of course I will, my comments are based on the fact that I believe we should have seen 'some' improvement over Tinnion's awful tenure, but if anything we've been worse.

All I'm saying is he can't keep saying 'wait till January'. Has he given up with these players then? Are we going to get a new 11 in January?

There have been concerns all along that there was no balance, no pace, not ONE natural left-sided midfielder.

Gary likes his teams to play proper football (that, even you, would surely admit) and we simply do not have the players at this club to do it, for me the lack of pace is the key.

As he has said himself let him get his own players in, then judge him.

Out of interest would you have preferred Lenny Lawrence as manager?

Yes, I'm told he does like his teams to play football - but let's face it, they haven't been doing it much over the past few games. Do we now concede that most of the players we have now can't play football? How much of what we are seeing on the pitch is down to his management, or lack, of the players off the pitch.

I made no secret of the fact that Johnson, although high on my list, was not my first choice as manager. I believe we would have had a better shot at it with a manager like Dave Bassett. Direct football, yes, but wouldn't you put up with that if it got us out of this league? Wimbledon got all the way to the top tier playing direct football and playing to the strengths of the players.

Perhaps Johnson is right and the players aren't good enough to play the sort of football he wants, so why isn't he trying to get them to play the sort of football they can handle?

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Out of curiousity what was our fans reaction at the end of the game and when were we singing "one gary johnson"?

Thanks, Alex

From where I was the majority stayed behind and applauded the team. The supporters in my opinion saw that the players were trying and responded by getting behind them very vocally.

There was chants of "Gary, Gary, give us a wave" and Gary turnned to the Stratton Bank and applauded the fans. As I've posted for before small things like that may be the difference in the long run. It's important that he knows that we is wanted by the fans and encourged to do what is necessary to turn the club around.

I've posted my views and read those of others but nothing I have read has changed my view that Gary Johnson IS the man for the long term future of Bristol City FC. And I would ask that as many of you as possible let him know that becuase the club have made a commitment to go in this direction and we need to follow!

Cheers :city:

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You're putting words in my mouth. If you read my post, I said the 'general feeling' on the forum thought there was a good chance of success. How do you account for the fact that we were 2nd favourites for promotion?

As for giving him a chance - of course I will, my comments are based on the fact that I believe we should have seen 'some' improvement over Tinnion's awful tenure, but if anything we've been worse.

All I'm saying is he can't keep saying 'wait till January'. Has he given up with these players then? Are we going to get a new 11 in January?

Yes, I'm told he does like his teams to play football - but let's face it, they haven't been doing it much over the past few games. Do we now concede that most of the players we have now can't play football? How much of what we are seeing on the pitch is down to his management, or lack, of the players off the pitch.

I made no secret of the fact that Johnson, although high on my list, was not my first choice as manager. I believe we would have had a better shot at it with a manager like Dave Bassett. Direct football, yes, but wouldn't you put up with that if it got us out of this league? Wimbledon got all the way to the top tier playing direct football and playing to the strengths of the players.

Perhaps Johnson is right and the players aren't good enough to play the sort of football he wants, so why isn't he trying to get them to play the sort of football they can handle?

Simply Red, you do make some very valid points. However, your constant undermining of Johnson taints everyones veiw of them. What we need to do now is give the manager some time to gel the decent players that we currently have into a decent squad/team.

IMO it is not the manager who cannot get the best out of this squad rather his coaching staff, I feel with experienced coaching he could get the extra 10% out of the team to make us into the half decent side we assumed we would be back in Aug.

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Guest redphilc

From where I was the majority stayed behind and applauded the team. The supporters in my opinion saw that the players were trying and responded by getting behind them very vocally.

There was chants of "Gary, Gary, give us a wave" and Gary turnned to the Stratton Bank and applauded the fans. As I've posted for before small things like that may be the difference in the long run. It's important that he knows that we is wanted by the fans and encourged to do what is necessary to turn the club around.

I've posted my views and read those of others but nothing I have read has changed my view that Gary Johnson IS the man for the long term future of Bristol City FC. And I would ask that as many of you as possible let him know that becuase the club have made a commitment to go in this direction and we need to follow!

Cheers :city:

Yep I will agree with that. Gj has my backing too.

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I note that you're writing of transfer activity in the last 8 years i.e. since the time John Ward left.

No, the timespan includes John Ward's time because he signed his share of your good time Charlies.

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Are you backing Gary Johnson or not?

Oh yes. We have no choice anyway but his words since day one suggest he can spot a p155head a mile off and as far as I know his Yeovil squad has never been tainted by the sort of stupidity that City have allowed to become normal over the years.

Do you think he can succeed given the amount of 'Charlies' he's inherited? I like the use of the name 'Charles' in a negative way - Cromwell himself once described Charles II as easily pleased in life with a whore on his lap and a leg of mutton to chew. :laugh: Have Charles' contemporaries at BCFC ever thought of the greater things in life like helping to put a few trophies in the empty BCFC silverware cabinet?

By trophies, I take it we're talking glory, and achievement? ... no I don't think such words feature too highly in the list of what interests many of our lot ... money, more money and "good-time" would about cover it.

Partial to a leg of mutton myself.

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Guest roejowland

What I can't get my head round is that, generally, the feeling on the forum pre-season was that Tinnion had made some good signings and we had a strong squad capable of some success, even though the more level-headed amongst us refused to use the 'p' word.

Following the board's (or rather, Lansdown's) final realisation that Tinnion could not manage and get some talented players to work for him and play as a team, Gary Johnson was installed and many fans saw him as the 'Messiah' who would turn things around and get us on the up again.

Well, who's kidding who?

We still have the same inept performances, the same poor defending, the same disjointed play and suddenly it's not manager's fault but the "spineless", "underachieving" and "lazy" players who won't play "for the shirt".

Have we really had such bad luck that we've managed to collect together twenty of the laziest, alcohol-swilling players in the league who, in pre-season, were installed as 2nd favourites for promotion?

For me, Johnson still isn't giving me any reason to think that he can do any better than Tinnion.

The 2nd half last night was proof that the players are up for it and they worked their socks off to try to get a result. Yes, we had ten men and it was always going to be difficult in atrocious conditions, but we never really looked like scoring. We had no cohesion, no shape, no real game plan to speak of and couldn't pass the ball effectively.

You couldn't fault the commitment and spirit - what was lacking was some tactics and insight into how to get the equaliser we deserved.

I say again, Johnson demands from his players that they 'affect the game', when is he going to 'affect the team'?

It's no good to keep saying 'wait till January'. A manager has to work with the players he has, whether he likes it or not, and so far, Johnson hasn't impressed me with his man-management skills, his team selections or his tactical nous.

He has the air of a man who knows he's not going to be blamed for whatever happens this season, even if it's relegation.

so you're criticising GJ for BT crap signings and inability to manage a team.

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Simplered, has it occured to you that maybe the reason people are responding sarcastically and rudely to your posts is that you are spouting complete bull####?

I'll give you a few reasons as to why everyone at the club is fully behind Johnson -

- Three players plus one went out and almost got done for violent disorder. Since then our performances have been markedly worse.

- Since he's been here we've had an injury list longer than my ####.

- Performances have been better under his command.

- Last 2 games we've had 2 sent off, undeservedly.

- Johnson isn't carrying out a half arsed attempt at rooting out the clubs trouble-makers, he is doing it properly.

- On the whole his tactics and substitutions have been a breathe of fresh air.

- He tells it how it is and doesn't bull#### the fans.

I remain very confident that the results will come. This division is still so tight, 2/3 wins before Christmas and we'll be right back up the table.

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Guest Concrete Joe

However, where are those 2/3 wins going to come from.

To win games you have to score goals and we can't create chances let alone score goals.

How may have we scored in open play since Tranmere????

This is Johnsons team now, he has gradually made changes, the largets being on Friday.

Stewart on the bench is a joke, get him and the ball in the box then he will score - proven over the last decade. We are the only club he has failed to score goals at

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Guest bristolbred

Simplered, has it occurred to you that maybe the reason people are responding sarcastically and rudely to your posts is that you are spouting complete bull####?

Like over 90% of ALL posts on this Forum!!


I'll give you a few reasons as to why everyone at the club is fully behind Johnson -

The Main One Being; apart from Johnson, who in their right mind as Manager, would want to come to this Club??


Three players plus one went out and almost got done for violent disorder. Since then our performances have been markedly worse.

You can't just sack the player's, but you can farm them off to other less desirable clubs, for the remainder of the season!!.

But if the Alleged incident was to ever go to Court, who'd want them after they have been found guilty??


- Since he's been here we've had an injury list longer than my ####.

So IF you go on the rule of a player an inch, you'd have at least 2 player's on the current injury list then??


- Performances have been better under his command.

Are you really that sure??

The lads seem to be better first half, then go to pieces second half, and we are conceding too many goals, most of which 2 seasons ago, we would of stifled!!.


- Last 2 games we've had 2 sent off, undeservedly.

IF this was so, how come the Club has NOT asked for the red cards to be recindicated??


- He tells it how it is and doesn't bull#### the fans.

Whens he going to tell the Fan's;

I've done my best, at least you will have some nice grounds to visit next season, and it's not as if you've never played 4th Division football before!!


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One or two people have posted negative comments about Gary johnson, and of course they've a right to their opinions particularly considering our performances recently.

But I don't see the point in criticising Gary Johnson. Any chairman in the football league would look at Johnson's record and believe that he was worthy of managing a club of our stature and in our predicament. We're not aware of any other exciting bosses applying for the position so we can't complain with the appointment.

We know he doesn't have the best tools for the job (players I mean) and it's very hard for us fans to judge whether he's using what he's got at his disposal in the correct way after only a handful of games. The team selections haven't baffled me like some of Danny Wilson's, which is a good start.

A lot of his criticism seems to me to stem from the 'grenade incident' which has pretty much divided us. To be honest, I can't see that one or two rollickings can alienate players, and if anyone's criticised them it's us. It might be best for us and the players to put that incident behind us.

We're in a big enough mess already. Wilson was given time and only just fell short, I'll give Gary Johnson similar patience.

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GJ had a great record at Yeovil, but as we saw with P***s and Dennis Smith, past success is no guarantee of success at City - Further proof, Wilson at Wednesday and Sturrock at Southampton.

Publicly criticising players is an absolute no-no. Personal criticism stays within the Club.

Playing Brooker or Quinn as a lone striker is not working. Cotterill and Skuse both look like they need a break (No criticism of either player intended). He drops the best Keeper in the Division on a whim. The same back 4 never play from one game to the next, how can they get any understanding? The loan players are no better or worse than what we had. We needed experienced defenders and get two youngsters. We need pace up front and get Quinn. It does not bode well, and change for the sake of it is pointless.

On the positive side, we are fitter and more organised. We can judge best once we see what he gets in the January sales. I remain open minded, and really want him to succeed, but there are signs that he may not be all he was cracked up to be.

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