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Steve's Interview


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It was interesting to hear Steve's comments regarding his disappointment at the attendance for the Colchester game.

To paraphrase, he feels that, on the back of a run of wins, with the team near the top of the table and with the game being in midweek so people who normally play sport themselves or work on Saturdays would be able to attend, he had hoped for nearer 13,000.

I wholeheartedly agree that the attendance was below expectations (I didn't go, but I do have a note from my Mum, so I can still register my disappointment) but maybe it's time to ask ourselves 'Why?', rather than just hope it improves.

More to the point, the club should have been asking itself 'Why?' for several years now and, once it had discovered the answers to that basic question, it should have put in place a marketing strategy to improve attendances year on year.

A basic strategy stating the club's objective to raise attendance at Ashton Gate by X% over X years, should have been put down on paper a long time ago and this should have been followed by a list of methods by which this could be achieved.

Players at this club should have it in their contracts that they will involve themselves in the community, and what is expected of them, with regard to that involvement, should be marked out by the club.

The players and the manager should be visiting schools, community centres, local clubs etc. and involving Bristol's youngsters with the club, handing out tickets, giving coaching sessions and, basically, raising their own profiles and that of the club around the area.

I do not pretend to be a marketing or communications expert, nor do I pretend to know how much or little of this sort of community involvement is taken by the club already. But if the attendances aren't rising year on year, even when we find ourselves winning and up near the top of the league, then I would suggest that whatever is being done is, simply, not enough.

I would be fascinated to know if such a Community Involvement Programme exists at Bristol City and, if not, why not?

I live in Norfolk, a full 35 to 40 miles from Carrow Road, yet my children's primary school is visited at least twice a year by members of Norwich City's playing staff, who hold coaching sessions and hand out bits and pieces from the club. If they are visiting schools this far afield, then I can only imagine that their work within Norwich itself is quite intense.

That is precisely the way to get fans at the ground and it shows in their attendances (even allowing for their higher league placing than our own).

Something has to be done by the club to get new fans through the turnstiles and I am concerned that this is not being tackled strongly enough.

There are many more aspects that need to be tackled too, to raise public awareness of the club and of individual matches each week, but that will do me for now.

Players are well paid to play for this club and I don't begrudge them that, as it is a short career but, by the same token, one thing a footballer does have is bags of spare time and their employer should be utilising the players and the time at their disposal to help push this club forward.

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But if the attendances aren't rising year on year, even when we find ourselves winning and up near the top of the league, then I would suggest that whatever is being done is, simply, not enough.

Oh, come on Edson, I think you're being unfair. Why only a few weeks ago, I could have had a free mince pie just for being female and attending a game. I tell you, I was beating off other women with my handbag to get to that little incentive.

I agree with you that community involvement is key, but disagree that that's enough, even just for now. It has to be an integral part of a wider public relations plan, not just little bits of disjointed activity here and there, an approach which is doomed to failure.

I'm sure the club has a marketing strategy, but I have to confess that sometimes I wonder if it gets taken out and looked at that often.

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On the issue of promoting BCFC.

Edson, RedTop and Tomarse - why don't you lads on the Incider cybermagazine get cider head on board to do your graphics? What about issueing a limited edition cider head East End boot tee-shirt with the Incider web address as well  :P  What better way to promote your magazine is there that's better than using cider head and cider gliders with their brilliant BCFC animations and associated characters.  :D

To be honest, we've always been quite happy with our graphics. I hadn't realised there was anything wrong with them, until you said that.

If cider head wants to submit graphics for us to consider using on The Incider, then he is very welcome to do so, as is anyone else, but we aren't actually looking to take anyone else on board as such, as it's complicated enough trying to bring it together as it is. Not only that, we always said we would keep it to just the three of us, when it first started (with the exception of bringing Tins in, as we felt we could bend that rule a bit for him).

I don't think cider head needs our help in getting t-shirts printed, if that is what he wants to do, but, in any case, we're quite heavily involved enough in what we're doing, without taking anything else on, thanks.

Anyway, this has strayed rather a long way from the point I was trying to make when I posted this thread. Ah well, I tried.

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"...there is another large group who are content to call themselves supporters and talk about us in pubs and clubs...I want them to get off their butts and help us to achieve our aim."

That's outrageous! Has RedTop gone off on paternity leave and Robbored stepped in as caretaker spin doctor?

"Content to call themselves supporters"...Steve, calm down, we haven't got promoted yet. Most city fans are not "content". Most City fans are "cheesed off" with year after year of underachievment.

City are not going through one of their worst decades in history through the fault of the supporters. The fault lies elsewhere.

OK, attendances are surprisingly low and yes there must be some good ideas out there to get more people along to AG.

Labelling these people lazy pub bores is not one of them.

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Guest Harry May

Do n't get me started on my favourite hobby horse...........

Last week I was daft enough to drive "up north" before the game was called off. When you actually get up there , you relize just how poor we are at supporting professional sport in the south west. Within a 40 mins drive of Leeds United , you have 2 clubs in Sheffield , Rotherham , Chesterfield , Bradford , Doncaster and Mansfield.

All of them have professional teams in the nationwide league structure. Leeds United bottom of the premier league with 17 points , with around 37,000 paying around £36 a ticket , also draws support from these clubs' home towns.

So what competition does City have within 40 mins drive of Bristol ? Well if your on a Fireblade and do n't give a damn about speed cameras, you could just about stretch to Cheltenham or perhaps Swindon, and that 's it. Not much competition really is it ?

The club do a fantastic job within the community , and the efforts of the Academy should not be just measured in the results they get . The kudos a young player achieves when he or she is an Academy player , and the effect it has on peers is also worthy of mention.

City's catchment area is huge . Fans converage on the Gate from well outside the City of Bristol. I know season ticket holders from as far West as Bridgend , as far South as Bridgewater , as far North as Gloucester and as far East as Swindon.

But it seems to me , that while exiles are content to travel and support their team , the majority of Bristolians are not. Most Bristolians are content to participate in the the regional past-time of shopping. I see the lemmings every saturday , when I drive over , sat in tail-backs queueing to get into the mall. They have no sense of regional pride or achievement.

And that is why , despite die-hard fans and an aggresive board , we will never sustain premier league football in Bristol. You get what you deserve in Life , and Bristol will get the professional sport it deserves.

Rant over.

Caldicot Red.

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Guest twaters

Yeah i was a little suprised at the tone of the article. Not going to inspire anyone i know to come down.

I used to come to city matches with about 10 lads from school, its now down to two of us and one other who comes every other games. WHY? well they have had enough of the cr'p atmosphere week after week. Were 21 and dont wanna sit in a dull stadium watching pants football. They wouldnt care sitting in a great atmosphere watching pants football. They wouldnt care watching great football in pants atmosphere. But the truth is we have neither. I can just about drag em down to a game now and again but they only end up saying what a waste of money. And to be honest i cant really blame them. £17 QUID for 2 hours. plus a drink. £20 quid for an afternoon out.

Its almost putting me off comming every game. ALMOST.

Other things to do for 20 pounds or less

-Pub, drink 8 pints for 1.80 each and have a go on the gamblers.

-Golf ashton court is 6 quid,

-snooker is 2.80per hour up my way.

-cinema £3 over cineworld.

I'm not trying to have a dig at city, its probably the highlight of my life, but i cant blame people for not wanting to come. And i dont think what he said is going to make them wanna come anymore.

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Guest Eastendredgal85
Didn't mean to infer that there's much wrong with your website. I just think that cider head's and the cider gliders' graphics and humour is the best I've seen on any BCFC site. It might be a Bristolian thing that just can't be mimicked by others :D  cider head and the cider gliders have the same anarchic humour as me. :(  They're Bristol's answer to the brilliant comical and graphical humour of Monty Python mixed with the innuendo of the late great Adge Cutler  B)
Yep.I'm loving the ole' gliders meself! Its great local humour/charm, blended with the political incorrectness that people with a cynical mind, such as myself, adore! And I'm preferring them to The Incider as the people behind them dont seem so self-opinionated.Nor do they feel the need 2 blag themselves with a link at the bottom of every post ;)

Cidergliders Bristol City Cidergliders Bristol City Cidergliders Bristol City!!!

Up the city, Down the gas, up the tax-paying people, down the upper-class!

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If he wants an atmosphere and lots of fans behind the team then HE should be doing something about it.
He has, surely! He's pumped money into the club to bring in talent like Wilkshire, Miller and Goodfellow - all class players - and LW and MG in particular have the sort of flair which entertain and are the type of exciting players which I for one want to see down the Gate. He has propped up the club when we have no right to be signing players of that quality, in all honesty, or spending that sort fo money given the lack of funds at the club. In terms of hours alone, he's devoted probably more time, energy and money than any of us over the past few years to trying to make the club we all love great once more.

And to cap it all, he digs into his own pocket to repay the fans who travelled up to Grimsby on CATS only to see the match postponed. How many chairmen would do that? Surely that is the sort of "thank you" gesture that shows a man who cares about the fans.

His comments were clearly not aimed at those who DO attend games. But how many of us despair at armchair 'fans' who mouth off about the club they support down the pub, but never actually bother watching them? Whether that be Man U, Chelsea or City. How many of us get fed-up listening to so-called fans who act all happy when City beat Rovers, and goad their fans at school, work or down the pub, and feel like shouting at them: "WELL IF YOU SAY CITY ARE YOUR TEAM, WHY DON'T YOU BLOODY WELL GO, THEN?" I find it frustrating, but I'd find it 100 times more frustrating if I was putting my money into the club on that sort of scale, watching the club go third with sevenwins on the trot, and hoping to see it bearing fruit at the turnstiles - only to be rewarded with indifference from so many of the so-called fans who go to the LDV final once every few years and then call themselves City fans.

Surely, Steve's only saying what many people feel. Quite frankly, if you're not disappointed with a crowd of under 11,000 after the run we've had, you should be! Edson makes very valid constructive points about things the club could be doing better to boost the number of fans. It's a debate that needs to be had, and it's a debate which has started because Steve has asked the question.

As City fans - the most important part of the club - we should not only be thinking "What can the club do to boost numbers?", we should be thinking "What can I do?" Imagine what would happen if you offered to take one more mate with you - that one who says he's a City fan down the pub, but never goes. Imagine what might happen if you offer him a lift to the game and say, "Go on, you'll love it. I'll buy you a pie at half-time." Well, okay, the pie might put him off (if he ever gets one!) but if 3,000 fans did that for just one game then the extra revenue would go a long way towards paying the salary of an extra player. And think how many would want to come back.

So to paraphrase: "Ask not what your club can do for you, ask what you can do for your club."

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Whilst I agree with what you are saying RedTop, I do feel that the club could be doing more to attract students to games.

We have two popular universities in this city, and yet the only side who seem to really acknowledge this are Bristol Rovers, who offer cheap entry to uni students in an attempt to attract them.

Given the amount of students who will come down and support football, surely it would make sense to try to attract them to the Gate? Two of the people I lived with last year adopted City because they wanted to support a Bristol team. I'm sure that many more students feel like this.

And when you think about how many students stay in Bristol or the locality when they graduate, that's an extra load of fans recruited.

Just a thought....

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Didn't mean to infer that there's much wrong with your website. I just think that cider head's and the cider gliders' graphics and humour is the best I've seen on any BCFC site. It might be a Bristolian thing that just can't be mimicked by others :D  cider head and the cider gliders have the same anarchic humour as me. :(  They're Bristol's answer to the brilliant comical and graphical humour of Monty Python mixed with the innuendo of the late great Adge Cutler  B)
The more the merrier, as far as I'm concerned. Cider Gliders has contributed to The Incider in the past with some great cartoon offerings (which we credited him with, unilke OTIB who just nicked stuff off The Incider and reprinted it in their own fanzine!)

Of course both CG and CH are welcome to send stuff in for future editions of The Incider - we love it when others contribute, which is why we give away a free gift in every edition for the best submission!

Alternatively, there's nothing stopping them doing what we did and putting in the hard graft to set up their own fanzine. That would be great. Again, the more fanzines and websites that us City fans can enjoy reading, the better for all of us in my opinion. It all adds to the fun of supporting City.

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Cider Gliders has contributed to The Incider in the past with some great cartoon offerings (which we credited him with, unilke OTIB who just nicked stuff off The Incider and reprinted it in their own fanzine!)

That is factually incorrect I'm afraid Brian.

I know Robbo quite well as he sits in front of me and I know he was mortified to learn that one of his contributors had sent him stuff as though it was original and without acknowledging its source.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I do find it frustraighting when the club can't see why there's poor gates at the, um err, gate!

Ticket prices are too high - Its all well and good having cheap ticket prices for kids but its not them that pays it, its a parent, plus they have to pay for themselves too, at a rather high price.

Unemployed people have no chance of affording to watch City, most clubs now do special deals involving local jobcentres, but then we seem incapable of using another club as a model for anything.

I think the club heirachy have got many things right, they listend to the fans (eventually) on the east end, the money made available for new players showed their commitment to wanting higher football for Bristol City.

But I am annoyed we still see the comments in the press about wanting the fans to make more noise, more fans to show up at games ect. We all want that, but it's just not happening, not untill £15,16,17 ticket prices can be justified by people who don't have the cash to go to everygame. I'm lucky, I can go, as the ten thousand last tuesday who probably can go. But then as there was 1000 missing season ticket holders that night, 3000 paid to get in - Maybe the poblem lies elsewhere

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I think a lot of it comes down to exposure.

Some points to consider

Local radio stations sports news mention the Premier ship clubs rather than the local teams.

Sky sports only seem to mention teams in the promotion spots for the second division.

Kids are bombarded with pictures of Beckham and the like

Attendances rose when Scot Davidson was chairman as he promoted the club. I donot mean this as a slur on the current board but he was someone interesting for the media to speak to.

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This is a fine debate and worthy of much more time than I can give at the moment.

Yes, prices are a factor, as is entertainment value and facilities. Those of us regulars put up with the down sides, however, it's just not attractive enough to capture the imagination of the floating supporters.

I can think of a few initiatives that have been introduced to encourage attendance like mid year season tickets, reduced pricing for cup matches etc. Steve Lansdown is right to be disappointed with recent attendances following good results. It ain't been particularly entertaining at times, but we have been winning. :D

You just know that in the 1st division attendances will rise due to the quality of teams we will be playing. Also, and significantly, the size of the away following will rise too. Just look at Reading who couldn't muster a 5 figure crowd in the second division, but now get 16-17,000.

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There is also local football to take into account here, The south west of England has the second highest number of amateur football teams in the UK. This means that on any given Saturday there are literally thousands of people who are playing football rather than watching it.

Steve fails to understand that the floating or armchair fans are going to pick and choose games at £20 a game (Give or take)

There is the hardcore band of season ticket holders and anything on top of this is your pay on the gate supporter who arent going to look at Colchester as an attractive game.

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As someone else pointed out there is a lot of competition for our leisure money, the cinema for example;


much cheaper admission

much more flexible showing times (not just 3.OO and 7.45)

food prices similar but you don't queue for 20 mins out in the cold

toilets are clean and have running water (not just on the floor)

comfey seats



You are not hearded like cattle

you are not searched on entry

you are not abused by stewards

Easy FREE parking

I live only a couple of miles from the Gate so my childrens schools are well in the catchment area. Before we all had season tickets I was always looking out to see if their schools were ever given free tickets. i managed to get a ticket for my son once, and that was for a NIGHT match! Not the best option if you are 4 years old and got school the next day!

Another reason for low attendance could be that peoples credit card bills showing the Xmas spending have started to arrive. Some people may have to curb their spending so as it was a cold night against Colchester decided to give it a miss?

there have been some costly away games recently too.

Just a few points!

By the way I wouldn't swop footie for the pictures...well only if they were showing 'Mickey Bell...The Movie' !!!!! :D

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I do think that there are certain areas the club should be looking to improve off the pitch.

I am hopeful that the fans meetings with the board (I believe Tom is involved in these) will improve things. I don’t feel that there’s a “community” feeling about the club, Edsons post regarding the Norwich players made me think and I spoke to my girlfriend’s brother. At his school Rovers players have coached him twice now and he could name them and as such he supports Rovers. He has never seen a city player and as such couldn’t name one. His father doesn’t really like football but takes his son to see Rovers.

That’s money in the bank for them that we could have had.

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All the more reason to need a truly independent fanzine and one not run by a bunch of radical Lansdownistas.
I look forward to reading it.
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Contrast the running and promotion of the club now with the dark depressing days of the 'Reform Group' or whatever they called themselves. It seems to me that an awful lot more is being done than ever before to generate interest and involve the fans. This trend started in the Davidson era, maybe plateaued somewhat when Laycock took the Chair but has become really noticeable during SteveL's tenure.

Could more be done? Possibly, but I think the overwhelming indifference of the local population is too ingrained. Too many Sky-watching, ManUre-shirt-wearing armchair 'footie fans' in this area just aren't ever going to be won over, whatever the club does.

You may feel Steve Lansdown's language was ill-chosen for a Chairman but in my view he was speaking as a fan, saying exactly what many of us think and he was absolutely spot on.

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I think its better to have a Chairman who puts a lot into the club and devotes a lot of time and energy to it rather than a man who separates himself from the fans and keeps himself above everything which inevitably leads to a communication gap.

Steve L was expressing dismay at the lack of support from those who do not come except for LDV finals etc. Its a frustration to know they are out there but don't bother coming along to the bread and butter matches.

But as has been covered above; people are spoiled on a feast of Premiership football which is, after all, a different football world from Division 2. TV football is radically different from the reality of attending a Nationwide League game and we see all too easily how people these days like to take the easy option.

Its getting the bottoms off the sofas that's the hardest part, and really there's no way they will come if they can have a regular feast of footy on the box. Sky has done some quite lasting damage to the lower echelons of football in this country, and the new generation growing up has now never known life before Sky.

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That is factually incorrect I'm afraid Brian.

I know Robbo quite well as he sits in front of me and I know he was mortified to learn that one of his contributors had sent him stuff as though it was original and without acknowledging its source.

You're quite right, Mick. I spoke to Robbo after we became aware that some of our graphics had been reproduced in OTIB and he was, as you say, mortified.

Indeed, he credited us in the next issue of OTIB and asked for people not to submit artwork which was taken from elswhere, in future. Not only that, he now lists us inside the front cover of every issue in their 'Roll Of Honour', so we have no problem with them whatsoever.

Clearly, the club are not the only ones who need to work on their communications (at least internally) and I can only assume that Brian missed the memo on this one!

Apologies to OTIB. We fully support them, just as they support us and, as I say, I'll make sure internal memos land on all desks from now on.

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I don't have a problem with Steve's interview at all. I know of dozens of people who "follow" City, who rarely attend, but will be expecting to get tickets for the big games later in the season.

I also have 2 children in local schools that to my knowledge have had no contact from Bristol City in the last 12 years. Apart from one free child ticket, once, if accompanied by a paying adult. My son attends a school with 1,000+ pupils. Judging by a head count in his class it is very City orientated but only 2 of them regularly go down. A PR visit from, say, Brian Tinnion, would undoubtedly see a dozen or more of them attending the next game. Take some shirts along as well, so they can have a rest from the Man.Utd. shirts their parents have bought them,. I know the club occasionally give tickets to Primary Schools but have they thought of Secondary schools? 1,000 potential customers in each, and far likelier to take up the offer than 6 year olds!

If Rovers are really seizing the initiative when it comes to attracting incoming students ( and their reasonable gates indicate they might well be) then that is something the Club should be looking at as a matter of urgency. There are 10's of thousands of students in Bristol, certainly a larger number than our average home attendance, and what a huge difference even a couple of thousand would make!

But its native Bristolians ( even if their parents aren't ) City should be really concentrating on, and if each secondary school in the catchment area isn't being visited at least once per year then thousands of local youngsters who only need a "nudge" are being allowed by their local club to continue to concentrate their football interest and financial outlay on Sky and Premiership shirts.

It's up to the Club. Steve can moan about the gates but he could surely get the players to do ALOT more.

Having said that, in the pre-Davidson era our gates were much lower than now. I remember regularly being in crowds of 6-7,000 in the same division, so the club must have made improved efforts since then.

But i reckon with sustained efforts in local schools + colleges ( so the kids really think of Bristol City as THEIR club), City could swell the average gate by several thousand.

A "Bristol City Day" at each school, with football training involving a player, gifts, tickets, photos with players etc. would be eagerly anticipated and pay huge dividends. Great publicity and i'm sure the players would enjoy it too.

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My understanding from previous threads, mostly on the SL forum, is that where games have been discounted attendances have not sufficiently risen to level the revenue taken on at 'normal' price days.

I guess I probably attend about half the home games so I suppose fit into floating definition. I do not pick and choose the games although I might may a bit more effort to see us play certain opposition, but generally if I can go I go.

Perhaps if we all list the things that sometimes prevent us from going, or really irritate if you still persevere through them we could come up with some recomendations.


Whilst I can (almost) always spare the 2 hours to see a match trying to park, walk to the ground etc always seems to take closer to 4 hours which is much less easy to give up. Local parking facilities would probably improve my attendance, why is the parking under the cumberland basin flyovers often blocked off?

That's about it for me, food, queues, segregation and seating is all pretty much satisfactory for me.

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Don't you think you merely expose your own radical prejudice by insisting this is a "shame" and dismissing it as "perpetuating the same hype"?

No, but good try.

But that's enough about you and me. Back to that Bristol City subject.


Not enough people turn up at AG for those football matches.


There is a large group of people (known as "Bristol City supporters") who might be persuaded to come along. We need to reach out to them. How? By accusing them of being fickle, lazy, boring bar-flies.

A good idea? Not in this country. In Australia, for example, the beef marketing board something or other decided to come up with a campaign so that people would to eat more beef. They needed a slogan.

"Eat more beef, you b*stards" was the one they chose.

I wonder if SL has engaged the services of the same ad agency.

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Sorry, I'm being a bit thick here.

Not at all. A bit obsessive about your website maybe but not at all thick.

We are (I think) discussing the club's new campaign to persuade long-suffering City fans to come along to AG more regularly.

Otherwise known as the "get off your butts and out of the bars you boring, lazy gits" campaign. (Hang on, "butt" is an American word...)

Where was I? Oh yes. Amidst RedTop's crazed ramblings about the merits of this campaign (!), he decided to take a swipe at the OTIB fanzine, jollily accusing them of plagiarism (in a tongue-in-cheek fashion of course).

I am trying very hard to argue against both the wisdom of SL's most recent discourse nightmare and also RedTop's bizarre defence of it. During my exposition I remarked that in this current climate of Orwellian communication, we very much need a truly independent fanzine and not one run by a bunch of radical Lansdownistas. A good example of a truly independent fanzine which is not run by a bunch of radical Lansdownistas is the One Team in Bristol fanzine.

I fail to see what is so unreasonable about that and I think I have posted sufficient stuff about your particular fanzine for you to get jealous like this so, come on, edson, let's leave it at that.

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There is a large group of people (known as "Bristol City supporters") who might be persuaded to come along. We need to reach out to them. How? By accusing them of being fickle, lazy, boring bar-flies.

Agreed, it seems to be an ill-advised approach to external communication and one which may alienate more than it attracts. However, couldn't you also look at it as a frustrated outburst from a Chairman who is clearly passionate about the club?

Similar swipes at armchair supporters and the like appear on this forum regularly. Perhaps we should be glad that Steve allows his emotions to run away with him sometimes and the frustration sneaks through now and again like it does with us all. After all, the usual charge levied at Steve is that of not caring enough about the club to spend the money on it, isn't it?

Maybe, poor PR advice notwithstanding, he's in a bit of a lose/lose situaion.

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Why don't YOU get off your backside and try creating a fanzine that is 100% to the views that you'd like to see?

Why don't YOU do something productive rather than continually sit there and make cheap and hurtful remarks about people trying to do something for the love of the club?

Now now, Tom. You know that challenging someone to get off their butts is not an effective motivational tool. Have you learned nothing from RedZepperin's criticism of SteveL? ;-)
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  • Admin

Why don't YOU get off your backside and try creating a fanzine that is 100% to the views that you'd like to see?

Why don't YOU do something productive rather than continually sit there and make cheap and hurtful remarks about people trying to do something for the love of the club?

Now you're just being naive Tom. To do that he'd have to get off his lazy butt, and he's made it clear that that is something he has great aversion to doing.

Much easier to sit there and criticise whilst not doing anything to improve the situation yourself B)

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Different school of thought: perhaps Steve was being deliberately controversial in the knowledge that it would make the conversations in offices, pubs and internet message boards and bring attendance at Ashton Gate into the forefront of people's minds? At least that was my take on it when I read it :D

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Agreed, it seems to be an ill-advised approach to external communication and one which may alienate more than it attracts. However, couldn't you also look at it as a frustrated outburst from a Chairman who is clearly passionate about the club?

Similar swipes at armchair supporters and the like appear on this forum regularly. Perhaps we should be glad that Steve allows his emotions to run away with him sometimes and the frustration sneaks through now and again like it does with us all. After all, the usual charge levied at Steve is that of not caring enough about the club to spend the money on it, isn't it?

Maybe, poor PR advice notwithstanding, he's in a bit of a lose/lose situaion.


I think you've got it spot on. It's an understandable reaction but it's not the sort of thing you should say in public and, if you do, you shouldn't have your official site reproducing it.

Where were you this time yesterday when all this started? You could have saved us a lot of squabbling.

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Where were you this time yesterday when all this started? You could have saved us a lot of squabbling.

Oh, sorry, I was watching you squabble. Was that very wrong of me?

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Oh, sorry, I was watching you squabble. Was that very wrong of me?
No, no, I didn't mean it like that.

You don't have to join in at all and if you do you can say anything you like. Well you have to be careful about some things. You know, like, well I can't say much about that.

Oh dear.

What I'm trying to say is that you appear very nice from your posts. And very tall.

Are you married?

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During my exposition I remarked that in this current climate of Orwellian communication, we very much need a truly independent fanzine and not one run by a bunch of radical Lansdownistas. A good example of a truly independent fanzine which is not run by a bunch of radical Lansdownistas is the One Team in Bristol fanzine.

I fail to see what is so unreasonable about that and I think I have posted sufficient stuff about your particular fanzine for you to get jealous like this so, come on, edson, let's leave it at that.

And you say this on the same thread where you accuse someone else of "putting a brave but ineffective spin on a clumsy series of comments".

I hope the irony isn't lost on anyone.

By the way, how often do you read OTIB and how well do you know the people that run it?

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I think this is an interesting post and it opens up a lot of questions about what can/cannot be done to get more people into AG. I understand SL's frustrations, but I do agree with RedZepperin that he could perhaps have worded things better, or at least run them by the media department to get their feedback before ranting and then having his rather strong words posted verbatim on the official site.

I think there are a range of problems that SL needs to look at, and these are, in brief:

1) ticket pricing - promotions and theme days - like the 70s days they have in baseball which are a bit of a laugh

2) catering and merch retail - getting more dosh through food and imaginative merch such as the boys at the Incider have come up with

3) improvement of general facilities at AG, pretty shoddy really

4) enhanced PR and marketing through the media - pretty non-existant right now

5) community relations through the schools, youth clbs, local kids teams, etc

6) the fostering of a family-friendly atmosphere at the Gate (kids = future fans and consumers)

7) and a few more I could probably think of.

The basic impression I get right now is that there is not very much in the way of creativity coming out of the backroom at AG. Management and staff are content with the status quo in terms of how the club is run. If the staff at AG are not coming up wth anything special to entice the fans back outside the actual game itself, why should they be surprised when they are not winning over new fans? Bottom line, when the season ticket holders are not turning up, you have a pretty demotivated fanbase. This is symptomatic of a wider problem and it is evident that new fans are hardly being targeted actively, are they?

As chairman, SL should adopt the "the buck stops here attitude" and get proactive, rather than slag the fans off for not meeting his optimistic expectations.

Sorry if this is a bit superficial, but this all I have time to pen in my lunchbreak!

Sorry to have missed the fun yesterday!


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How? By accusing them of being fickle, lazy, boring bar-flies.
Actually, I don't recall SteveL using those words. He actually called them a "large group who are content to call themselves supporters and talk about them in the pubs and clubs." We all know they exist, and that sounds like a pretty fair description of them to me - not at all like your own phraseology. And surely those people he identify represent a likely constituency for potential fully-fledged ticket-buying fans.

I assume (dangerous, I know, but I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong, Skinem) that the part of his comment you actually deem counter-productive is "I want them to get up off their butts and help us achieve our aim." Quite apart from being an understandable reaction from any frustrated fan, it seems to me to be a perfectly valid motivational tool. It might not work on people who have no interest in coming to games, but surely that's not the target audience. Thos he is addressing are surely those who consider themselves supporters and might just be stung into action by the suggestion that they aren't pulling their weight.

In other words challenging them by saying: "Call yourself supporters? Well show it." That's no different from a manager of a team 3-0 down at halftime asking them: "Call yourself footballers? Well go out there in the second hald and show it."

Sure, it might not jolt everyone into action, and it might even put some off. But if it does make some of those part-time LDV final supporters who DO sit on their fat @rses watching Grandstand every Saturday indignant enough to get up and prove they support us, then it's had the desired effect.

I'm not suggesting it's the only tool available. As Huw has pointed out, there are other methods the club can use. Although I believe the club does send players into the community, anecdotal evidence on this forum and elsewhere suggests that we are not doing this as effectively as Rovers or other clubs - and with a squad the size of ours, there's no excuse for that. The club should do better. Likewise, the school ticket initiative could be improved.

The club has set up the Fans' Consultative Committee precisely as a way of channelling constructive ideas on issues such as these. The proof of the pudding is whether they will actually act upon recommendations and suggestions from the committee, or whether it's just lip service. Only time will tell, but the club has shown with such things as Red and White Night that they are open to decent suggestions.

But as I've said, it's not only down to the club to bring in more supporters. We can play a part by asking along someone new - the bloke at work or pal at school who says they're a City fan and enjoys goading Gasheads but doesn't go to games (or can't get a lift). Or by challenging the workmate who says they're a Chelsea/Manure/Spurs fan and takes the p*** out of you for supporting a Div Two team, insisting the standard's rubbish. Why not tell them they're wrong and challenge them to come along with you and see for themselves. A few pints of cider and a win against Brentford might persuade some of them to come back.

But ultimately, it's one thing to get new fans down there. It's another for Danny and the boys to produce the sort of inspiring football that will bring 'em back. Over to you, Danny boy.

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Actually, I don't recall SteveL using those words. He actually called them a "large group who are content to call themselves supporters and talk about them in the pubs and clubs." We all know they exist, and that sounds like a pretty fair description of them to me - not at all like your own phraseology. And surely those people he identify represent a likely constituency for potential fully-fledged ticket-buying fans.

I assume (dangerous, I know, but I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong, I don't know about correcting him but I'll have to chop some of this stuff off. He does go on and on, doesn't he?

I'm not suggesting it's the only tool available. As Huw has pointed out, good old Huw gets a mention, I'll get rid of the next bit.

But as I've said, it's not only down to the club to bring in more supporters. No of course it's not, better get rid of this bit too. It won't fit on the screen otherwise.

Now I've really messed this up. I can't work out where RT's bit stops and mine starts. I'll use the old highlight trick.

Now then, RedTop,

You make a very good case for explaining this away as just a good, motivational pep-talk. A sort of carrot and stick thing but without the carrot. It will not have escaped your attention, though, that he was speaking as chairman of an underperforming football club to its potential customers, many of whom have a lot of responsibilities, little dosh and used to support City years ago when you not only got off your butt for City but had it kicked now and again too.

To tell these people to "get off their butts" is wrong and you know it so stop saying otherwise, RedTop because it just makes you look silly.

As for the rest of the thread, thanks to you and all your friends for helping out with the usual personal insults.

I wouldn't normally care but what's Jules going to think?

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I wouldn't normally care but what's Jules going to think?
Hmmm, mostly that I've stumbled into some awful sixth form pomposity competition. On the plus side, though, you're winning. Just.
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I think this is an interesting post and it opens up a lot of questions about what can/cannot be done to get more people into AG. I understand SL's frustrations, but I do agree with RedZepperin that he could perhaps have worded things better, or at least run them by the media department to get their feedback before ranting and then having his rather strong words posted verbatim on the official site.

As chairman, SL should adopt the "the buck stops here attitude" and get proactive, rather than slag the fans off for not meeting his optimistic expectations.

Sorry if this is a bit superficial, but this all I have time to pen in my lunchbreak!

Sorry to have missed the fun yesterday!


RR,I think your points are spot-on here.

I not sure I would go as far as 'Slagging off' the fans, but I do agree that it would have been deemed more proactive, in showing the concerns in a less direct way.

But on the other hand if I had pumped the lumps of money SL had into the club, I would want to see more 'bums' on seats, as it would at least begin to show some return on the out-lay.

What we need to know is why the 1500 season tickets weren't used? We should know who they were, so a proactive phone call wouldn't go a miss.

Fact is that people don't like being told what to do, but we like being enticed to enjoy our reason for attending a game on a freezing cold January night.

Norwich, went from 8,000 season ticket holders, to over 15,000 in a short period of time.Getting out of this damn division holds the key to increased 'bums' on seats.

Norwich developed a tele-sales system to entice fans to Carrow Road. It was a family day/night out.

The whole football team/club became involved in the community.

I didn't realise that the community section of BCFC is run independant to the club. Surely it must have it's own agenda rather than encouraging future support for BCFC.

Our Management & Players, should take more responsibilty in Schools, Business's etc.They get paid enough & rather than hit the golf club, get out there & promote the club.

The last positive sighting of players in public,was the Christmas visit to the local hospital.

Lads at School love to follow idols,mainly from the TV. If they had an appearence from a local Professional, it would mean the world.Visits should include games sessions with replica prizes & tickets to come & see their local heros.

How about local business,s - what about attending the Gate after work, enjoying a free pie & pint in the Red &White before the game?

Radio & local press adverts have been tried, but in reality it needs the facilities in place to really get that 'fickle,lazy,barguzzling' crew down to the Gate.

Yep, the team are getting it right, but with lack of pre-match entertainment & poor fare to keep us warm, is it any wonder that some decide to stay & enjoy the settee?

Having an emotional pop at the missing fans, is not the right way (imho) to drive them back.Looking for reasons to get them back is the proactive way.

Find out why they are missing & give them the buzz to want to come & watch the fayre on show. :D

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I go to Ridings in winterbourne and apparently a few weeks ago Lewis Haldane went to see some of the kids from our school and play with the kids. The next day when I was doing PE I had some guy, who was young and plays for their reserves and he was handing out vouchers for reduced entry (half price) for not only us but for any number our people up to a family of four. So not only does the child get in cheap so do teh parents, and the rest of the family. It's alright City giving out free tickets now and again but it won't work if they are 5 year olds and then their parents have to pay for themselves and possibly for other siblings.

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I go to Ridings in winterbourne and apparently a few weeks ago Lewis Haldane went to see some of the kids from our school and play with players.  The next day when I was doing PE I had some guy, who was young and  plays for their reserves and he was handing out vouchers for reduced entry (half price) for not only us but for any number our people up to a family of four.  So not only does the child get in cheap so do teh parents, and the rest of the family.  It's alright City giving out free tickets now and again but it won't work if they are 5 year olds and then their parents have to pay for themselves and possibly for other siblings.
I know that City do get players around the schools, but they tend to send out reserve or youth players - Fortune, M Borwn ?
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It will not have escaped your attention, though, that he was speaking as chairman of an underperforming football club to its potential customers, many of whom have a lot of responsibilities, little dosh and used to support City years ago when you not only got off your butt for City but had it kicked now and again too.

To tell these people to "get off their butts" is wrong and you know it so stop saying otherwise, RedTop because it just makes you look silly.

As for the rest of the thread, thanks to you and all your friends for helping out with the usual personal insults.

I wouldn't normally care but what's Jules going to think?

1. "You make a very good case for explaining this away as just a good, motivational pep-talk. A sort of carrot and stick thing but without the carrot."

Thank you. But, of course, the carrot comes in other ways. Signing entertaining players like Goodfellow and Wilkshire. Refunding fans who travelled with the club to Grimsby only to have the game postponed. There are plenty of carrots there, RZ. You don't have to be Bugs Bunny to find them.

2. "It will not have escaped your attention, though, that he was speaking as chairman of an underperforming football club to its potential customers, many of whom have a lot of responsibilities, little dosh and used to support City years ago when you not only got off your butt for City but had it kicked now and again too."

Indeed, and I fear you underestimate the intelligence of supporters if you feel they are unable to discern whether they are simply "content to call themselves supporters and talk about us in the pubs and the clubs", or whether they have other more legitimate reasons for staying away. I rarely go to the Gate these days because 7,000 miles is such a long way. But I do still buy a season ticket (one of the 1,500 who didn't go, I'm afraid), am coming to the Tinman testimonial event and will be at the Wrexham game, plus probably one more in the next month or so. I'm sure others with valid reasons for staying away are clever enough to realise that rather than getting all insulted. But you can't argue with the fact that SteveL's statement is the sort of thing to make people ask the question of whether their reasons for not going are valid. And that's a good thing, I say.

3. "To tell these people to "get off their butts" is wrong and you know it so stop saying otherwise, RedTop because it just makes you look silly."

Oooh, steady, or someone might accuse you of throwing the usual personal insults! Actually, I thought you'd just conceded I had made a very good case for explaining this away as just a good, motivational pep-talk. But if you think that makes me look silly, fair enough! I can think of many far sillier things posted on this forum.

4. "As for the rest of the thread, thanks to you and all your friends for helping out with the usual personal insults."

I apologise if you feel personally insulted by my arguments. I realise you wouldn't stoop as low as personal abuse yourself.

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1. "You ... abuse yourself.

Point 1. There we go. You've cottoned on to the carrot and stick idea on page three. Hopefully SL will take note some time soon too.

Point 2. Yes you have gone through this before. Not sure of its relevance but nice to read through again. New York, wasn't it?

Point 3. "It makes you look silly" is not the same as "You are silly". I'm sorry if this is all getting too complicated.

Point 4. I accept your apology.

Jules thinks I'm winning by the way so I think I'll cash my chips in here and now. It's been fun (but your mates are a bit tetchy - do you think it is because of the full moon?).

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Oh hang on, it's Friday night and you're in so you're probably married...
Hmmm... So, you're patronising towards women and you spin your own words to wriggle out of what you have said.

I think I know what's going on here. You work for the BCFC communications department, don't you.

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Why are you lot in on a Friday night reading through this bollox instead of going out and getting bladdered?

Is anyone going to write anything constructive or are we just going to read the usual suspects playing forum pocket billiards again? I would join in on this side of things but I've said it all before.

Come to think of it, so has everyone else.

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Point 1. There we go. You've cottoned on to the carrot and stick idea on page three. Hopefully SL will take note some time soon too.

Point 2. Yes you have gone through this before. Not sure of its relevance but nice to read through again. New York, wasn't it?

Point 3. "It makes you look silly" is not the same as "You are silly". I'm sorry if this is all getting too complicated.

Point 4. I accept your apology.

Jules thinks I'm winning by the way so I think I'll cash my chips in here and now. It's been fun (but your mates are a bit tetchy - do you think it is because of the full moon?).

Point 1. Why bother replying to my post if you don't address the point I make?

Point 2. Why bother replying to my post if you don't address the point I make?

Point 3. Hang on, I can see a pattern emerging here.

Point 4. Yep, thought so.

As Redrocks points out, we should really have better things to do on a Friday evening that this so I'll quit while you think you're ahead. It's been a pleasant way of whiling away a quiet afternoon at work. I'll live with your irrelevant little insults - they'll help remind me of the level of conversation RedTopJr faces at pre-school. So long and thanks for all the fish, as they say.

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Is anyone going to write anything constructive
Ok, as it's you.

I think I've outlined, in my opening post, where I think the club could do more, in terms of its activities within the community. I didn't even mention the language Steve used during the interview in that post, but we seem to have got onto that topic, amongst others, on here, so I'll comment on that.

For me, we are forever hearing about spin and, generally, it is referred to in a derogatory 'they've got something to hide' type way, which suggests to me that what people really want is straight answers without the 'spin'.

Well, on this occasion Steve has said it how it is, in simple honest terms and now people are complaining about his frankness. If people don't want spin and they don't like the honest truth either, where is there left to go? The pub, probably. Damn, that shuts in five minutes. Ah well.

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What a mess.

Ok, firstly I don't understand why Steve L came out and said what he did. Traditionally over the past few years our lowest attendance has ALWAYS been against COLU. Its not an attractve fixture, end of.

Our average attendance has been on the up over the past 3 years FACT. Why hasn't this been mentioned? And has Steve L not noticed this?

Final point, I ended up supporting BCFC because me and my mates were given free tickets by our PE teacher at school when we were 12/13 I think. This free ticket initiative was set up under the chairmanship of Scott Davidson and we owe a lot to him and that scheme. We could easily all be gasheads, living as we were in North Bristol.

That is food for thought - a few games watched for free (with paying adults) and you have 5/6 loyal supporters for life.

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I am sure that schools are visited by players. When I went to school we often had players along to take coaching sessions.

Thompo, i can only speak about schools i have experienced. When i went to school in the 70's there was certainly never any contact from BCFC. I did see Kevin Mabbutt's Magik Bus doing the rounds but i imagine if anything that would have put people off.

My children have gone to school in the City "heartland" and as far as i know their Primary School, about 3/4 mile from the ground has never had a visit from anyone at BCFC in the last 12 years.

Bristol Rugby Club , however sent along a couple of lads on a weekly basis to encourage them to play touch Rugby and generally get them interested in the sport.

My son's secondary school has also not had a visit from anyone at City, despite the fact that i am certain such a visit by a player would have a similar impact to that of the Pied Piper.

I can only speak of these 2 schools, but if they are in any way typical then the club are doing very little in this respect and should be looking to get out there and motivate the youngsters to support City as a matter of urgency.

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Ok, as it's you.

I think I've outlined, in my opening post, where I think the club could do more, in terms of its activities within the community. I didn't even mention the language Steve used during the interview in that post, but we seem to have got onto that topic, amongst others, on here, so I'll comment on that.

For me, we are forever hearing about spin and, generally, it is referred to in a derogatory 'they've got something to hide' type way, which suggests to me that what people really want is straight answers without the 'spin'.

Well, on this occasion Steve has said it how it is, in simple honest terms and now people are complaining about his frankness. If people don't want spin and they don't like the honest truth either, where is there left to go? The pub, probably. Damn, that shuts in five minutes. Ah well.

For me, we are forever hearing about spin and, generally, it is referred to in a derogatory 'they've got something to hide' type way, which suggests to me that what people really want is straight answers without the 'spin'.

Yes, that would be a nice change.

Well, on this occasion Steve has said it how it is, in simple honest terms and now people are complaining about his frankness.

Honest terms, perhaps, and I kind of admire him for doing a Bernard Manning and saying something so blatantly un-PC. However, I think he could have expressed his point a little more eloquently and, perhaps, said something a bit more constructive than "get off your butts". (Plus, as RZ points out, that is an Americanism, so I can only conclude that SL has been hanging out with RT too much.) I KID!

The issue here, as you so rightly pointed out originally before this went off at a tangent, is that there is no point crying over spilt milk. The board have the most power to do something different and make changes, so instead of SL having a minor popette at the fans, why doesn't he try and get people at AG to look at things differently and come up with some creative ways to get bums on seats.

All the stuff RT trots out: signing decent players (isn't that the point of running a professional football side?) and paying off the CATS people is all well and good, but it's preaching to the choir. I thought the discussion here was what can we do differently to attract a wider audience. Or am I missing something?

If people don't want spin and they don't like the honest truth either, where is there left to go? The pub, probably. Damn, that shuts in five minutes. Ah well.

Maybe for you, but it's 6.30ish here, so I'm off to wet my whistle. Laters.

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Guest KingswoodRed

Just wanted to put my two penneth worth on this one, sorry if the same type of reply has been written previously.

I still think now, what I thought when I first seen Mr. Lansdown's comments on the main site.

Basically I feel it is far easier to make those sort of statements when you can virtually say you are financially secure for life.

If I could say I could sell my assests this coming Monday and be able to buy a season ticket for myself and my daughter to watch BCFC for the rest of our lives, then I would be one happy chappy.

I can't, so therefore maybe these sort of comments from Mr. Lansdown should be better thought out before being made public.

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Guest twaters

I do believe City have a programme in place where they visit school. Novers Lane in Knowle have two city players come in once a month to train the kids. They are youth players i believe but atleast they must being doing somthing in the community.

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So, after three pages, finally bringing the thread back on message, the best we can do is agree that, amongst other initiatives, schools should be targeted but, currently, aren't?

This was a very productive exercise then. If I were SL I would fire the whole PR, media and marketing team and just read this forum. This stuff is pure gold!

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To be honest, we've always been quite happy with our graphics. I hadn't realised there was anything wrong with them, until you said that.

If cider head wants to submit graphics for us to consider using on The Incider, then he is very welcome to do so, as is anyone else, but we aren't actually looking to take anyone else on board as such, as it's complicated enough trying to bring it together as it is. Not only that, we always said we would keep it to just the three of us, when it first started (with the exception of bringing Tins in, as we felt we could bend that rule a bit for him).

I don't think cider head needs our help in getting t-shirts printed, if that is what he wants to do, but, in any case, we're quite heavily involved enough in what we're doing, without taking anything else on, thanks.

Anyway, this has strayed rather a long way from the point I was trying to make when I posted this thread. Ah well, I tried.

thanks for your comments..

i don't have any plans on doing t'shirts..

my pictures are there for anyone to use if they want to,

i was not looking to get in to helping on a website as even mine

is just used as a picture host index and not built around a website

structure as such, i only do pictures for a bit of fun

and i never imagined it would cause such a fuss

that it has over the past week or so :unsure::D

i'm sure you don't need my help on the incider it seems to be doing fine.

oh cheers goblin :P:dunno::D

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Didn't mean to infer that there's much wrong with your website. I just think that cider head's and the cider gliders' graphics and humour is the best I've seen on any BCFC site. It might be a Bristolian thing that just can't be mimicked by others :unsure:  cider head and the cider gliders have the same anarchic humour as me. :D  They're Bristol's answer to the brilliant comical and graphical humour of Monty Python mixed with the innuendo of the late great Adge Cutler  B)
cheers goblin thanks for your support :D
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Yep.I'm loving the ole' gliders meself! Its great local humour/charm, blended with the political incorrectness that people with a cynical mind, such as myself, adore! And I'm preferring them to The Incider as the people behind them dont seem so self-opinionated.Nor do they feel the need 2 blag themselves with a link at the bottom of every post  ;)

Cidergliders Bristol City Cidergliders Bristol City Cidergliders Bristol City!!!

Up the city, Down the gas, up the tax-paying people, down the upper-class!

why thank you Eastendredgal85 your cheque is in the post :P

no but seriously i don't want to get in to the who does the best

picture thing, i do what i do for fun and for everyone to enjoy

sometimes even i cut it a bit thin on the boarder line sometimes

forgetting that kids view this forum and i take the pub houmor

a bit far, the boot was a monty phython thing but it was taken by

some as a ''csf'' burbury bashing worship thing which i never

intended but looking at them now while the dust has settled i

can see why thoughts were made like that :D

but the incider do what they do and the same with

me it gives people a varied choice sometimes lacking on other football

websites i'm not looking to compete with anyone, mind you them

cider gliders are getting good, i showed them the know how and away they

went :D

as your your comment of:

''so self-opinionated.Nor do they feel the need 2 blag themselves with a link at the bottom of every post''

i suppose if you have a website it needs promoting if you don't then there is no point in doing it :unsure:

to be fair i don't take to much from people what i find on here i don't know them to speak to or to comment on that to say if your right , sometimes comments can be made without thinking of what context they are ment for, to some it could be taken as a joke or sometimes it could be taken as sarcasam you can't tell unless you really know the persons character, i do with the cider gliders i go for a pint with him on matchdays so i know when he makes a post i know how he is sounding or the mood it is made in ;) now red goblin is the type of guy i could quite easily have a pint and a laugh with as with yourself and city slicker 71 although i've met you both but not goblin YET! ;) .

take it steady and hope to see you in the pub next home game :dunno:

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Can I add me tenpennorth, please:

firstly, cant Edson, and the Cider-Gliders, and Cider Head get together and get summat on (ooo-er missus) you all have crackin ideas and graphics, and are the highlight of our site, and it would be a devastating series, of humour attacks on our foes!!! . :D:D:dunno:

Second Steve, I find the cost of games for the quality of opposition quite hard to justify. We have had many false dawns, although I hope it is coming to an end. I also find the lack of atmosphere a real p*****, you have to respect other fans round you, but getting glared at if you shout, sing , stand and God forbid SWEAR!! :unsure: is taking the game away, one reason I always stuck with City, is the humour, wit, and cynical atmosphere here, and I dont want the bad old hooligan days back, some of that atmosphere has long gone. ;) If you stand amongst the supporters at away games you will get an idea of what we want. ;)

Bring the atmosphere back to our ground, as well as a good team, and you will see the difference. ;)

thank y'all...

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Jesus. My eyes are somewhat worse off for reading this thread.

Is it too late to offer my thoughts on the matter in hand or is this thread just for childish squabbling (no, I didn't mean anyone in particular so please don't quote what I've said and argue with me......) and ciderhead appreciation? :unsure: For what it's worth, the Incider is great, as is OTIB, cider heads graphics are very good, you've all got too much time on your hands and I'm sure Jules and RedZepperin will make a loverly couple.....

And back to the point if I may, or if anyone cares.

I believe that Steve's comments, while raising a very good point, were perhaps not worded very well. A Chairman of a Football League club shouldn't really be telling his paying (or not paying, is that the point?) customers to get off their butts and do anything. The message was right, the wording was way off the mark.

As regards the community work that City do undertake I can only write from personal experience - at my secondary school we had a couple of visits from City players in my 5 years there (none from Rovers) and we were regularly given free tickets by the club. That's totally free, none of this when accompanied by an adult cráp. But I still don't think enough is being done considering the amount of negative posts on this thread alone regarding the lack of school visits.

I'm now at Uni (UWE) and if it wasn't for the fact that I'm a lifelong supporter of BCFC, the only indication I'd have that Bristol had any preofessional football teams at all would be the Memorial Ground floodlights I pass on the bus every day. I havn't heard a peep from City - but at least Rovers had a stand at the Freshers Fayre.

In conclusion, more focused community work is need by the club, and Mr Lansdown needs to chose his words more carefully.

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I share bucksred's sentiments i.e. the Incider and cider head and cider gliders should get together for a devastating series of humour attacks on our foes  :unsure:  :D  :D

PS The Red Goblin is usually in the Rising Sun prior to a home game then Wedlocks after a home game  ;) Along with a few other very merry men in the entourage :dunno: Edson once made an attempt at selling me one of his T shirts in the Wedlocks beer garden  :P

i guess the next home game i'll get the cider gliders and myself

to come and meet you for that long awaited pint :P


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