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Football - When Will The Bubble Burst?

Guest WillsbridgeRed

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I'm still in the thinking it has to happen, but will it be in the short or long term?

I feel that the EU will be the death of Sky sports, or at least the huge amount of money the tv deals go for - Which in tuen will seriously affect the way football is financed over here. Even though this would probably be a mortal blow to a few Premiership clubs I think we may miss the storm overhead, which would lessen in impact the further down the league we go.

Certainly the Premiership clubs, or at least the major ones, must get huge amounts of money through merchandising throughout the country, but if football was to become less fashionable would the loss of shirt sales be a major blow to the finances? I don't think football losing its "fashion" would affect clubs like ours too much, as we've never been a fashioable club anyway.

It is hard to imagine football falling from fashion, but I expect people thought that in the 70's and also about Athletics in the 80's. All it would take would be a long term recession and cable companies would soon lose subscribers hand over fist, clubs wouldn't be able to charge the high ticket prices they do and youngsters would find other things more "hip" without the blanket coverage we see now.

For me this would be the promised land for others this would be a nightmare, but make no mistake - It will happen one day! :Cool13: :Cool13: :Cool13: :Cool13: :Cool13: :Cool13: :Cool13: :Cool13:

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