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Where Have The Fans Gone?

Bristol Boy

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or some of them.

There is no doubt that a City of our size and it's catchment area SHOULD be able to attract more fans than 10/12,000.

Why don't we?

Well, there are many reasons and here are some.

1.Without doubt, people have far more options for their leisure time/spend.

2.More TV on Football and let's face it, the vast majority of it makes our's look pretty cap unless, like me, you're a committed fan.

3.Two home games in a week are unaffordable to some fans.I've got Cable TV. Sky Sports & Premier Plus, for about £26pcm.That's less than two homes games, and far less when you include travel, parking & food.

4.We've banned a few hundred for various reasons. I'm not arguing the point, it's just a fact.

5.Compared to other clubs, we're not as fan friendly, although the East End initiative and quid a kid have helped.

6.Four friends of mine came to the P'Boro game.They would call themselves City Fans but had become dismayed with our constant under achieving and hadn't been for two seasons.

They watched 70 minutes and left saying they won't be back.I'm not agreeing, but it wasn't much of a game was it?

7.Years of under acheiving.

8.A feeling of "they won't go anywhere" in Bristol as a whole.

9.An anti football/sport, council.

10.The facilities aren't great.

11.Unfotunately, we need to attract the armchair fans and we won't do it playing in Div 2.

Div 1 teams have travelling support and they could add 1,500-5,000 to our gates and that would fill the place without attracting couch potatoes or casual fans.

There are lots more reasons, but it really is a case of build it and THEN they'll come.........or in our case, they might!

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Can I add Number 12 to your list

12. A BIG name. This always attracts a few fickle fans. We have not had a bid name (usually has-been) for ages. I agree the club is going exactly the right way with bringing in youngsters and buying when necessary so I don't want to see our club held to randsom by buying a 'name'....but I expect a few fans would turn out to see a premier has-been?

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Guest cider gliders

No one loves the city more than we do, but in

our case it`s money! we can`t afford to see

every game down the gate cos the money it

do cost to get in is too much for we! Thurs

loads like us out thur in the same boat! :D

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No one loves the city more than we do, but in

our case it`s money! we can`t afford to see

every game down the gate cos the money it

do cost to get in is too much for we! Thurs

loads like us out thur in the same boat!  ;)

yeah the game has changed from a working class lads saturday, day out

while the wife went shopping etc, to a whole business money, money, money

making machine, now while i think it is great that more familys and women

come to games it is just the fact that footballs history was very much

working class mans day out, now today mabe that working class man can't

afford to go as often as he would like due to the way society has changed.

but it don't make you any less of a supporter and the current board should

look at things in price charges to help those who are less fortunate but

would love to watch city..

now different decades different prices but below shows

just how much the cost of living has gone up and gone up at football

now city before the top flight promotion were getting gates of

around 22,316 in the old div2 (now div.1) as i it was very

cheap to watch a game, the trend below shows the gates fall but

gate recipts rise, yep mabe to do with cost of living but it doesn't

get away from the fact that it is getting more and more expensive

to watch a game and more fans watch city in 1967 than they do now

??? could be like i've said too expensive to watch a game and

being stuck in this division too long? not sure but before we got

promoted to the top flight city were like we are now up and down

in div.3 and 2 but more people watched city as then they could afford to

as to contrast the amount that watch city now....

as i've said it is to much money for some to see every game and

some are just peed off at the lack of atmosphere you used to get

at a football ground ie: the old east end, too many rules and

regulations for some is just too much hassle, yes times have changed

and for some the old attiutde to the game has gone....

just looking at a city book here ''bristol city football club 1966 - 2002''

now middlesbrough v bristol city 17th febuary 1967/68 season

city drew 1-1 in front of 29,086 fans that generated £7,913 in gate

receipts, the reply saw city win 2-1 in front of 21,771 people and

generated £5,734 in gate receipts :(

bristol city vs manchester united 1974/75 season city win 1-0 in front

of a gate of 28,104 which generated £12,991 in gate

receipts :D

bristol city vs southampton 1975/76 promotion season

city draw 1-1 in front of 22,316 which generated £14,869 in gate


arsenal vs bristol city 1-1 1st game in the top flight in front

of 41,082 which generated £31,643 in gate


(today that £31,643 pays for 1 arsenal players weeks wages)

the return with arsenal at ashton gate city lost 2-0 in front

of 24,864 which generated £16,643 in gate


(today £16,643 you can't buy a decent youth player for that)

which takes us to relegation to 2nd

bristol city v derby county 2-2 seen by 12,049 which generated £11,377

in gate receipts..

1982/83 just after city was saved city lose 3-1 to northampton

in front of just 4,874 which generated £5,159 in gate receipts..

(£5,159 is mabe scott murrays wages at reading now?)

bristol city v port vale 1987/88 watched by 8,716

gate which generated £20,213 in gate receipts..

1989 city v swindon city won 2-1 in front of 17,422

gate which generated £44,500 in gate receipts..

1994/95 bristol city v luton town city draw 2-2 in front of

7,939 gate which generated £43,295 in gate receipts..



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The standard of football doesn't help.I know of some football fans who live in and close to Bristol who opt to travel to Aston Villa and Chelsea/Fulham to watch Premiership football.

They are not interested in what they see as "mickey mouse" football served up in the second and third divisions.If your're not affiliated to a local team - then who can blame them?

IF City ever get to the promised land the "fans" will come back big-time.

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The standard of football doesn't help.I know of some football fans who live in and close to Bristol who opt to travel to Aston Villa and Chelsea/Fulham to watch Premiership football.

They are not interested in what they see as "mickey mouse" football served up in the second and third divisions.If your're not affiliated to a local team - then who can blame them?

IF City ever get to the promised land the "fans" will come back big-time.

YEAH TRUE, but only if they can afford the addmission price

i'm only glad i don't support chelsea as some of their cheaper

seats are £40 i can't afford £40 every game then with that travel

costs, beer & food money etc, it is the over seas players with

their high wages that is killing the game and making the gap

almost impossible for teams like ourselfs to catch up..

the fan base for the club is there but sadly other money

commitments means that priorities means city as a entertainment

hobby has to come 2nd...

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The fan base is out there !!

ie: 40,000 for the LDV final.

Sort of ...

I went to the LDV final with 8 other people:

1 was a Spurs fan, who wanted to see the stadium

1 was a Chelsea fan, bringing his kid, who, admittedly, is a City fan, but doesn't get taken to many games.

1 lives in Portugal and, although he'll look out for our results, he won't be attending many home games.

4 of us (including one 8 year old) were season ticket holders.

The other fella uses one of the season tickets when one of us can't make it.

More detail than you need, probably, but my point is that only just over half of us are likely to be heading down to the Gate on a regular basis AND WE ALL GO ALREADY!

If this sort of pattern was repeated throughout the stadium, and, judging by the lack of Cider related singing, it probably was, we can't assume a huge potential fanbase on the basis of the numbers who crossed the bridge that day.

Mind you, if we got up into the Prem, all the Manure, Liverpool and Arsenal fans would probably buy tickets to see their teams so our attendances would go up (even if the atmosphere would get even worse).

Don't you just love the word "if", you can say almost anything after it and keep a straight face!

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Lack of money ?

Football on telly ?

Blah Blah Blah

Explain that to the citizens of Hull where 20000 often attend Hull City games

Explain that to QPR fans that live in a city with an extremely high cost of living.

It seems to me Bristol is full of doom merchants that think we'll never be good enough and would rather support a Prem side from another city

i.e. ######S !!!

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I won't miss a game unless something very important crops up - like I am not in this country - but maybe more people are beginning to think like me that 2nd division run of the mill players should not be driving around in Porches, Jeeps, Mercedes and BMW's - they must be paid too much which means we are being charged too much to get in.

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Apparently Bristol has the highest percentage of weekend park players in the country, might have something to do with it.
That's right, but it's the fact that they're turning out for us that keeps the gates so low!

Well, someone had to say it.

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I think as long as we stay in the 2nd division, average gates won't ever go above about 13,000 (apart from big games like Plymuff and Swindle where a lot of away fans will come).

People are just not that interesed in lower league football. If we go up I would have thaught we'd be getting 14/15,000+ each week, so the prize is there if we want it!

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I always liked to think that City were a sleeping giant. That given some good footaball to watch and some amount of success on the field we would be able to get really good gates. That the fair weather supporters were just waiting for things to take off a little and that they just didnt want to watch average football.

Now however i dont!

A lot of people in Bristol could'nt give a ###### about either football club. Even a lot of Bristolians who like football could'nt give a ###### about either club. They watch skysports and they've made up some reason why they like some Premiership side.

They even feel because of that, they have the right to slag off both Bristol clubs.

When City or the gas get to a final they will turn up and enjoy the day out but they just dont care. If City get promoted this season they will show up a few times next season, to watch the odd game and when they come all they will do is take the ###### out of City because we are not a big club like their Man Utd.

I dont care anymore about these so called football fans. As long as there is a City, i will be happy. The higher up the league the happier i will be but i dont care if we will ever be a big club anymore. Just as long as i have City in my LIFE!

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Another minor point is connected to people like myself who do not actually live in Bristol. I never have lived there, but I'm a city fan because my dad came from Downend, and thank goodness weaned me into being a red instead of going for my local team (who the hell are Oxford Utd? :D ). I have a mate who is exactally like me and together we manage to get to about 1/2 the home games and about 1/4 of away games.

Make no mistake if I lived in Bristol I'd go to every home game and most away games, but there are some matches (especially midweek games) where it's just not possible to get there.

I don't think there are a massive number of people like me, but certainly I would think that an extra few hundred would come if they lived in Bristol. Proof is probably evident on this forum, the number of exiles is quite significant.

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Explain that to the citizens of Hull where 20000 often attend Hull City games

It seems to me  Bristol is full of doom merchants that think we'll never be good enough and would rather support a Prem side from another city

Before their new stadium Hull were a 5000/7000 have.

Give them the facilities & look what happens.

Fans are getting depressed at having to endure 2nd rate facilities, when all round is improving.

I have a couple of customers who never used to go to the Dell. Now they love the hours spent at St Mary's

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I know a few people who have lived in Bristol all their life. Some even near the city ground, or the rovers for that matter. But they always refer to city & rovers as 'sh**'. They all say they support 'Man U' e.t.c. They blatently don't and hardly ever attend matches. They are just glory hunters!

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Before their new stadium Hull were a 5000/7000 have.

Give them the facilities & look what happens.

Fans are getting depressed at having to endure 2nd rate facilities, when all round is improving.

I have a couple of customers who never used to go to the Dell. Now they love the hours spent at St Mary's

Fair point

But lets look at this logically

why the hell do people bitch on about facilities?

the toilets are fine.if they're not thats down to us dirty ######s.

food ? who gives a donkeys arse.if you want to fill yer face take something in like a sarnie

or if your like me...


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Before their new stadium Hull were a 5000/7000 have.

Give them the facilities & look what happens.

Fans are getting depressed at having to endure 2nd rate facilities, when all round is improving.

I have a couple of customers who never used to go to the Dell. Now they love the hours spent at St Mary's

And Plymouth and Reading and Wigan and Stoke and Sunderland. If City got the ground redeveloped we would really start to go somewhere.
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I'm an exile, 3 kids and live in the frozen north. Halifax to Bristol is not an option I have family commitments. Naturally northern away games are an option but i do baulk at the exhorbitant costs of football. My 2 boys (5 and &) support City (after Liverpool) but unless you get a sympathetic tunstile operator it is going to cost me over £30 each match to get the 3 of us in: far too much.

City should start to show some imagination. They are currently averaging a half full stadium. The team needws a full staduium to spur them on to promotion so why don't the Directors go for 'kids at a quid', bring the wife for £3, mother in law for nothing. Seriosly though the club would still make money in incidental sales and the team would have 18,000 at evry game. Prices are too much. Come on Board start being imaginative!


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Guest KingswoodRed
Lack of money ?

Local authority worker....yes I am, so a distinct lack of money is a fact.

Next excuse?

Explain that to QPR fans that live in a city with an extremely high cost of living.

Ask the QPR fans what their income is compared to cost of living, I think you will find it equates roughly to ours. ie. the lower bracket can't afford to watch all the games they would like to. The upper can. Same really.

It seems to me  Bristol is full of doom merchants that think we'll never be good enough and would rather support a Prem side from another city

i.e. ######S !!!

No. Bristol is full of upper paid, medium paid, and lower paid patrons who have the basic right to live accordingly.

Ie. sometimes money has to be saved to pay for children to be fed, or mortgage to be paid, and not put towards watching a favourite football team.

Basically it's called life. Pretty straight forward, and in my case, nothing to do with supporting a prem side (which would probably cost twice as much).

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City should start to show some imagination. They are currently averaging a half full stadium. The team needws a full staduium to spur them on to promotion so why don't the Directors go for 'kids at a quid', bring the wife for £3, mother in law for nothing. Seriosly though the club would still make money in incidental sales and the team would have 18,000 at evry game. Prices are too much. Come on Board start being imaginative!


This could possibly be taken up with the board at the Fans' Committee meetings?

Tom or richie?

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No one loves the city more than we do, but in

our case it`s money! we can`t afford to see

every game down the gate cos the money it

do cost to get in is too much for we! Thurs

loads like us out thur in the same boat!  :D

There be a good enough reason for putting up Pensions then you.

More money for you old folk so you can follow the Bristol City, it would add a few thousand 'Silver Foxes' to our gate eh?

We'd have to provide red rinses for the ladies just to give us the right balance of red & white..........No blue rinses girls!

Mind you my Dad's a pensioner and ee has more money than I does....... I bet you Gliders are Cider Barons with loads of Mulla........ we could become

'Ciderski Gliderski Bristolia Cityski' with your money?

And Ashton Gate would smell of apples.........hmmmmm have you started already?

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Guest cidergeorge
Apparently Bristol has the highest percentage of weekend park players in the country, might have something to do with it.
Where does this fact come from?
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