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The Worst Thing You Have Ever Seen

Guest cidered

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Guest cidered

just wondering the worst thing uve ever seen at a football ground as i just hear a really horrible story about a 'csf' lad beating up a old granny at a rovers city match :D

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Worst thing seen: A dad stood next to his lad, no more than six or seven, stood in the away end with us at Trumpton against the Gas. The boy starts shouting, swearing and screaming foul-mouthed racist abuse of the most sickening kind at a Gas player. The dad proudly pats him on the shoulder approvingl as if to say, 'That's my boy. Rarely have I been more ashamed to be a City fan. Even more so because I didn't have the guts to do anything about it.

Worst thing heard: A very personal song about old Hollowhead that I cannot repeat because it is so sick. Suffice it to say that I am glad I have only ever heard it sung once or twice, and not for a few years. I sincerely hope I never hear it again, and if I do I hope I'll have the balls to object to stewards and point out those responsible.

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Hmmm....back in the 70's when there was much more soccer related violence,I saw some pretty dreadfull things.

Probably the worst was at Swindon when there was a terrace brawl between City and Swindon skinheads.Dunno how it started but it was during the match in the Town End.

The trouble broke out around the exit in the middle of the stand and the Police were stood down the front behind the goal.When one particular sergeant saw the trouble he lept over the hordings,drew his truncheon and with his mates behind him(about 4 of them) slew his way through the crowd,knocking innocent fans to the terrancing with his weapon.He must have floored at least 6 people some of whom were bleeding.I've never seen before or since a copper so crazed.His blood was up and he couldn't wait to get the trouble which by the time he and his mates arrived had dissolved.He was so furious and stood there yelling at the remaining fans "which way did they go" and posturing like a victorious boxer.It was a truly horrible sight and experience.

Thankfully that kind of police violence is not tolerated these days.

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Before the Second Leg of the League Cup Semi-Final against Nottingham Forest, the Bass Drum player keeled over and died on the pitch.

I think it was a heart attack. I think this is accurate, I was only young!

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I'll never forget the horrible injury to Dani Rodrigues. He went down to a fairly innoculous challenge, and  just lay there with his badly broken leg in the air. The deathly silence that surrounded the ground that day will live with me forever.
Talking of Dani, where is he now? It's probably been asked before but I missed it. I seem to remember he went on trial somewhere else after us...
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Guest BCFC Matt

In regards to you question about where Dani was/is......

He did go to Walsall for a while, but hes apparently gone back to Protugal now.

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Before the Second Leg of the League Cup Semi-Final against Nottingham Forest, the Bass Drum player keeled over and died on the pitch.

I think it was a heart attack. I think this is accurate, I was only young!

Yeah i remember that.

And the worse thing was when he collapsed, the East-End (me included) started chanting "Hit him on the 'ead with a baseball bat.

A week later over the tannoy was the announcement that the man in question had a heart attack .hrist did I and many others feel bad :D

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worst thing ever seen via the media was the death of Marc Foe in the summer.

As for City- 1996 the Rovers game when 100+ so called City fans invaded the pitch fighting with Rovers fans and chasing the players off the park.

Horrendous in violence, numbers, injuries and fear caused. Seeing the club's name dragged through the mud really made me question what being a Bristol City fan was about.

Luckily time has proven that a minless, idiotic minority cannot win.

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wrong sports but at a baseball game some super large huge fat guy had massive heart attack in front of us and died (despite CPR and everything) also I've seen two people fall out of upper deck one fell on some other fans (about 40') and walked away!!! but the dude he landed on broke his neck though, other one went out on board. And saw a broken bat stick into some guys chest, lots of bloodwas pretty gross

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Guest cidergeorge

Hillsboro. Although I wasn't there alot of my mates were (I might have pointed out once or twice that I live in Liverpool) most of us saw the pictures on the tele. Not only did the Sun incorrectly report that Liverpool fans were robbing the bodies and urinating on them (even though it was 96 Liverpool fans that died) the copper that was incharge of crowd control at Hillsboro on that day was then made Chief Constable of Merseyside. The police who were at Hillsboro all got compensation for post traumatic stress yet the families of those that died have had no apology from the police for their actions and have been offered smaller payouts thans the police.

Jusice for the 96.

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Guest cidergeorge

Although there is always two sides to a story, the majority of people who I have spoken to (that includes a couple of police officers in Merseyside) firmly believe that the blame lies solely with the police. Whatever the cause was the tradegy was still one of the worst in football history. What gets up the scousers' nose even more is the fact that Norman Bettison was made Chief Constable of Merseyside even though he was the officer in charge at Hillsboro. The Sun also mis reported what happened during the tragedy with the people that had died and that is why there is a boycott of that paper in Liverpool.

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just wondering the worst thing uve ever seen at a football ground as i just hear a really horrible story about a 'csf' lad beating up a old granny at a rovers city match :D

If you belive that then you would belive anything.

Most football hooligans are decent people most of the time but when it comes to football sometimes the passion takes over for a few but most just like the buzz  of fighting and freindships that are formed with their peers its about sticking together and not running is not and never have been about attacking old grannys, it just don't happen. If i ever saw it happen I would be the first in to stop it and I'm sure that most people on this site would do the same , I'm convince this is just a made up story.

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Guest TB Mutiny

When I lived in Tampa, Florida and was able to attend NASL (Rowdies) or MLS matches in the summer, due to the heat and humidity, you can imagine what a 350 pound person in short shorts and a tight fitting t-shirt would look like!

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