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We Must Sit!

Guest Bawno

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I visited the club shop today. I was buying tickets for the shef wed away match and I was changing my ticket for the east end.

I suddenly looked down and realised there were these leaflets. Central on the desk so people will notice them. They basically told of how everyone in the east end tomorrow should sit down or else they would close it!!!!

I don't know how they are going to make us all sit down but it will be interesting to see what happens. (Probably nothing!)

P.S. The leaflet then ended with 'This is not an idle threat.' How is telling people to sit down or we'll close the east end not a threat? I'm sure if you want to get technical it could be called a compromise! :D

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Good to see the club are at least trying to get the message out that we have to sit. We now really can't have any complaints if we aren't allowed in there again if there is standing. How about some fans stand by the entrance waring everyone who comes in they have to sit? I would but I haven't managed to get to the Gate to swap my ticket.

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P.S. The leaflet then ended with 'This is not an idle threat.' How is telling people to sit down or we'll close the east end not a threat? I'm sure if you want to get technical it could be called a compromise! :D
The reason it is not an idel threat is because if we do stand then it will be the last game we get to go in east end again.

There has been plenty of publicity regarding the seating issue in the east end - I hope people take notice.

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Guest BCFC Matt

I just hope everyone sits, than atleat we've kept to our part and the club may consider opening it up for even more gaames!:D

Ive managed to get a few posters out (Thanks to Pete) and i hope that we will get a good turn out once again.

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Guest gibmonkey

why can't we stand shout scream and sing?

the east end should be a place that you can do all these things!! Just think back to when the gate had terracing and all the banter that went around!!

Imagine going to a music concert and being told not to stand!! The performer(s) would think they were doing something wrong!!

i've been to many seated concerts and stood throughout ( due to good music and the dominoe affect of fans standing ) and never dealt with legalised thugs (stewards) throwing there weight ( and most are very fat ) around!!

at the end of the day a blind eye should be turned to people enjoying themselves in the east end!! If u want to sit down ( as I will be 2moro - because I'm at plymouths ground, although it will be in the bournemouth end!! - due to the fact I now live in plymouth when back in the UK. )

If u want to sit then go anywhere bar the east end!!

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