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East End

Guest roberts_fan matty

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Guest roberts_fan matty

just got back from ashton gate good game with lots of goals and once again we left it late!but we still won!

well afters seeing people on the fence kicking it etc and one steward got hurt,so r.i.p the east end!

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Guest BCFC Matt

Id like to applaud those of us who actually sat and made an effort to encourage others to do likewise.

There were a few who decided to confront stewards from the start, and continued to stand through 80% of the game.

I dont think we'll be seeing the Eastend from now on....a shame but i really enjoyed it whilst it lasted, if only those who were intent on causing stewards etc trouble would dissapear!

A nice turnout again for the Eastend again today and a good atmosphere once again. :D

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I was going to post a congratulations to the majority who stayed sitting down and still made plenty of noise - who was that fat numpty near the goal at the front who persisted in standing up, waving a scarf at the brentford fans and then sitting down again - looked a complete ######.

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No doubt people will come on moaning about the stewards. However, I think they did a good job today in the face of some pretty serious provocation from some idiots.

One guy in particular, he wore a gold LDV shirt and black hat, deserved to be thrown out. Constantly moving from seat to seat, standing and abusing the stewards. At the end his mate, a skinhead with a port wine birthmark on his face. looked as though he was trying to pick a fight with a steward.

If we don't get the East End again these are the sort of idiots we should blame.

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Why not increase the number of stewards and anyone breaking the rules with persistent standing gets immediately ejected - no warnings, they have had plenty of them before the games - which leaves the majority to continue to give good support to the team

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Guest twaters

Increasing the stewards means more costs, why should the club spend more money on stewards when they think they already have the answer. Make the East End Away supporters only. Sad but true.

However i didnt think it was quite as bad as everyone is making out. 95% from my veiw were staying seated. only ofcourse when singing did everyone stand up, which is totally fair.

As for the fans making trouble, well they should have been ejected. The police were outside why did the stewards call them in to eject them? Perhaps it wasnt as serious as you thought?

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Guest BCFC Matt
Why not increase the number of stewards and anyone breaking the rules with persistent standing gets immediately ejected - no warnings, they have had plenty of them before the games - which leaves the majority to continue to give good support to the team
Id be all for that.

But like we seen today, a lad in his early 20's with a gold top on would not stop standing and moving to what seemed like every spare seat in the Eastend, they tryed moving him after we got the our second for running to the fence etc, and you get all the wanabee's come over trying to play a major role and get this lad free..they succeded, only for him to take his gold top off and run around hiding from them - pathetic IMO.

The club should realise that the majority of us were there for a good atmosphere and were willing/did sit.

I think its the end of the EE for us now, atleast in the short-term.

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It did do my head in how some peope insisted on egging on the stewards and constantly standing. However I would like to congratulate the band. I was sat in front of them and they tried to encourage everyone to sit down by singing.

But I agree. I doubt we will see the east end again! :(:D

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But like we seen today, a lad in his early 20's with a gold top on would not stop standing and moving to what seemed like every spare seat in the Eastend, they tryed moving him after we got the our second for running to the fence etc, and you get all the wanabee's come over trying to play a major role and get this lad free..they succeded, only for him to take his gold top off and run around hiding from them - pathetic IMO.

Sounds like the one I was talking about in my post. When I saw him at the end he had a black top on.
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Guest BCFC Matt
Sounds like the one I was talking about in my post.  When I saw him at the end he had a black top on.
Yeh, a black jumper, me, my mates and others were asking them to sit repeatedly.

I did notice the stewards at the exit trying to spot him, hope they did, because i feel that this as ruined any chance of us keeping it.

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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

Today the atmosphere was class! Apart from the fans who started singing 'CSF '. The first half i was really glad that people sat down! It may of been for 2 min at a time but they sat down! But at the end of the Second half after the two goal kid's started to stand on seats!

But we showed the board that we want the East End so much we sat down! I really feel that the East End will be re-opened and it will fill up more and more game by game! Against Wrexham with 800 away fans it will be great!

Felt so sorry for the few people who were left in H block of the Atyeo with no band and no other singers!

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Guest Topbuzz

Just got in from the game ...apart from that ######ing dick with the gold top everyone behaved well our block next to the fence sat down without being asked showing we are willing to compromise ..the atmostphere was good not as good as fully standing but much better than atyeo ..a fun day all round

I think we behaved really well specially seeing as i was warned going in that i would be chucked out if i stood and the stewards debating who had the choice of getting rid of me cos they didnt fancy doing it

Bring on the wrexham in the east end

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Guest ziderhead2003

I really wanted to sit in the east end today because i wanted to be part of the atmosphere. ( which was bril today and has been since it has been opened). the only reason why i dint go in there today was because i cudnt get down to AG in the week to get my ticket. because i am a season ticket holder i had to go down in advance and exchange my ticket and a voucher for a ticket. which i thought was stupid really because they would of got more fans in there if they didnt do thart! ah well hopefullyi can go in there nxt homw game.

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Guest DukeCoxer

i didn't think that there was much effort after the interval from people to sit down at all. Espescially for the last ten minutes, i was forced to stand cos i couldnt see a thing, Also during the game i would turn around and there were pockets of people standing up who forcing people to stand up behind them, the people at the fronts of these pockets had no reason to be standing at all. And during the last ten minutes the people on the front rows were just standing for the sake of it!? which meant the entire block had to stand.

If people keep doin it we'll lose it, the cluc don't want us doin it, SO DONT DO IT.


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Guest knapster

yeah was a brilliant atmosphere and i would like to take this oppurtunity to thank all the fans in the east end for sitting down for a large part of the game, and now maybe we might be in with a shout of keeping the east end for good.

Still a long way to go though till then, but i think we will do it


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Guest d_hardingbcfcband

Somehow i delt the east end will b open again after the incidents with behaviour towrds the ends! the stewards didnt look happy after we had left the stand. I felt that the stewards behaviuor was appalin, and felt very disapointed with their attitdues. They caused a lot of unessary greath.

Apart from that the east end was great was again! lets hope this incident hasnt ended it!

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....three trials of us using it, 3 home wins.

13,000 attendance today.

If you want atmosphere, then keep the East End open.

Look at the difference it has made to the team on the pitch. Had we not been in the East End, cheering on the team, I'm convinced we'd have played out a 1 - 1 draw today.

Before the board make any decisions on its future, consider the above and that the vast majority SAT DOWN today.

When the argument of "goading the opposition" comes up, Brentford did it too.

One Team

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Absolute twaddle. How can you claim that the East End had any bearing on the result? The other 5 games in our winning run were done without the East End. How do you explain that? There were less in there today than against Colchester, and I think, if it continued the novelty would soon wear off, because of the catering facilities, the pillars in front of you, and the godawful seats which disappear when you stand up.

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Felt so sorry for the few people who were left in H block of the Atyeo with no band and no other singers!
As TomF has said you are quite wrong.

The atmosphere from the Dolman (where I sit) and Atyeo was the loudest I have heard for a long time, however, this was very few and far between.

The East End (which I have been very commendable about recently) was the quietest it has been from where I sit since it was recently re-opended; certainly the songs were not being heard up the Atyeo/Dolman as frequently.

It was great to be able to sing in unison with the Atyeo and to hear what they were singing without the permanent headache inducement going on from the top corner.

Keep the band in the East End and bring back the atmosphere to the Gate! :P

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I hate to put a bit of a downer on this but I didn't enjoy today quite as much as the previous games.

The reason for this was the sitting although only indirectly.

My problem was that because the rest of us were sitting, I was far more aware of that "crew" that were up against the fence, up out of their seats and gesticulating at the Bees fans at every opportunity.

I know it goes on everywhere and I'm not stupid enough to think that we don't have a crew of thugs as does every club. My point I think is, I can ignore them 99% of the time (I have managed to do so for 30 odd years) but sitting that close to them today was closer than I would like to be, and I certainly don't want to be associated with them in some way.

I totally agree that the stewards must, sort this guys out, INDIVIDUALLY, the rest of you deserve a pat on the back for the atmosphere around us.

I have one other complaint about the day which I am posting on SLs forum.

I learned one other thing today, EDR has a vocabulary that would make a trooper blush, I'd like to thank him for furthering my daughters education in such matter! :clap::(:D;) . Great laugh around us though!

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I'd say on the whole you sat down and behaved, if its the minority spoiling it for the majority then I hope the club relise this.

Seemed as good as turn out as the previous openings, and the 100% record continues!

I'd say it'll be open for Wrexham..

I agree Tom, the EE must saty in home hands now, as the atmosphere has changed since it has been open.

The odd pR@t is not a problem, for goodness sake this is football not cricket.

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On the whole the Eastend is proving it's worth. The change in atmosphere has been reflected by the results on the pitch. As usual there are a few people out to spoil it. I think the club needs to think long and hard about what happens next.

WHEN we are in the 1st division next season the Eastend will not be open to our fans in the same way it is now. If a few of the 'boys' in there get a bit excited against Brentford can you imagine what they would be like standing literally a stones throw away from Leeds, Cardiff etc?

There have been questions about where to house the away fans and the number of tickets they are allocated. Maybe have to make all matches all ticket for away fans, at least the club will get some idea of the number of fans it has to deal with?

Maybe some kind of membership scheme could be started for admission into the Eastend. A card with photo has to be shown on entry. Names and addresses would have to be given and checked before this card is issued. Any PROVEN trouble and the card could be suspended. I expect some of you may be against this, Big Brother State and all that? But I fell if you have nothing to hide then you shouldn't be afraid to be monitored in this way. It would certainly weed out the idiots mentioned in previous threads. There may be a small cost involved in this but how much would the club be fined if we had any crowd trouble?

Am I completely wide of the mark? Don't all have a go at me at once! :D

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Guest twaters

I gotta admit i wasnt that impressed with the stewards today. I felt from the beggining they were a bit in your face and almost expecting trouble. A perfect example from stoke gifford red of stewards over reacting and then not reacting enough to people like that idiot in the gold city shirt.

Overall i thought it wasnt quite as good atmosphere as colchester, but i honestly blame the sitting factor for that. Otherwise it was fantastic and another game in the East end for a young fan who is starting to understand what all the fuss is about.

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Guest Ricky BCFC

You probably had the same thing that we had in H block. There was a note put up saying something like "No persistant standing allowed here" and the game had barely kicked off when 2 stewards came along ordering everyone to sit down. Not to forceful I didn't think, just laying the law down from the start.

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The East End was very very loud and it will be great to keep it

From what I could see the only ones causing trouble were the little rudies.


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