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Tinsman Left Foot


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Do you know that Plymouth fan in that picture?

If you do not do think you are being unkind to this gentleman by putting is picture on this web site.

After all he may or may not be how shall I put it , well it might have a medical condition we don't know but I just don't like it when people have the ###### taken out of them for the way they look it could be very hurtful for that person.

I won't ask you to remove the picture I will leave it up to you but just have a little think about it, how would you feel if your mate or memeber of you family was pictured for the wrong reasons on the Plymouth website.

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I'm a pillock am I for having feelings for my fellow man, well if thats make me a pillock well I must be than, better to be a pillock than a nasty little man.
Look my little sensitive one

It is NOT a picture of a genuine Plymouth fan

It is Paul Sturrocks shoulders wearing the scarf and someone elses head !!!

The head is of some fellow thats got his mug plastered on another site




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Just a quick reply to you Tinman, I understood your first reply when you said that you doctored the picture of sturrock, so why you had to reply again in capitals to tell me the same thing I don't know, I was defending myself after being called a pillock in my 2nd post.

Also the use of the word doctored to discribe what you have done, by replacing one face with another face when all you can see is the face is not doctoring you have simple used this poor chaps face to get a cheap laugh, it also doesn't matter if this chap is or is not a Plymouth fan I think you missed my point that when you were defending you picture you said the person was not a Plymouth fan he is still a person with the feelings.

I know this simple points my be complexe for you to grasp so I wonder who is the real pillock.

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oh come on !!!

Are you serious ?

I'm beginning to get the impression your not just a pillock but a self rightious one !

For christ sake the World Wide Web is full of humour.good natured and downright nasty.

The picture I got it from is full of pics of so-called "ugly people".There are many sites like it and worse.

If you dont like it then tough !!!!

Nobody else bar you is whinging.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you take your grievances out on something else worrying like sick chatrooms,rapeporn and sites on necrophilism instead complaining about a picture that a bloke from the southern states of America is unlikely to see ?

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