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Petition To The Band - Part 2

Guest JJ365

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The results are overwhelming.

Now I want action rather than words - the band MUST go.

I haven't seen your petition, perhaps you'd like to point me in the direction of these overwhelming results?

Personally I think the band have historically been one of the few areas that have made any noise at all. I think they were instrumental (no pun intended) in the City 'til I Die chant when we were 1-4 down, a moment that seemed to me to be critical in fans finding their voice again.

I like the band and these guys deserve our thanks for making the effort.

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I haven't seen your petition, perhaps you'd like to point me in the direction of these overwhelming results?

Personally I think the band have historically been one of the few areas that have made any noise at all. I think they were instrumental (no pun intended) in the City 'til I Die chant when we were 1-4 down, a moment that seemed to me to be critical in fans finding their voice again.

I like the band and these guys deserve our thanks for making the effort.

Here here the band make the atmosphere i've been there when the band was not and the atmosphere was dull so i say keep up the good work boys :dance:

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I haven't seen your petition, perhaps you'd like to point me in the direction of these overwhelming results?

Personally I think the band have historically been one of the few areas that have made any noise at all. I think they were instrumental (no pun intended) in the City 'til I Die chant when we were 1-4 down, a moment that seemed to me to be critical in fans finding their voice again.

I like the band and these guys deserve our thanks for making the effort.

There is another thread on the reasons why the band should leave their drums and trumpets to there rightful home (the orchestra).

Also, no one sits with them except about thirty people, is that not evidence enough that people don't like instruments at football?

The band were instrumental (no pun intended) to the City 'till I Die chant, but they have also been instrumental to the silence that has swept across Ashton Gate since 97/98 season when they started bringing drums.

Ashton Gate - Loud

Band turn up;

Ashton Gate - Silent

Even Sheffield Wednesday have got shot of their instruments.

I appreciate that they make an effort, but their effeorts are detrementle to the atmosphere.

Thanks band, but please leave your instruments away from City matches.

Band Out!

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I haven't seen your petition, perhaps you'd like to point me in the direction of these overwhelming results?

Personally I think the band have historically been one of the few areas that have made any noise at all. I think they were instrumental (no pun intended) in the City 'til I Die chant when we were 1-4 down, a moment that seemed to me to be critical in fans finding their voice again.

I like the band and these guys deserve our thanks for making the effort.

You go Mr Lansdown Junior

BTW, why do they deserve our thanks? They are only fans like the rest of us. They're not special.

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They're not special.

Yeah, but they walk around like they are! :doh:

Like someone else said, it does seem like they think they're the "Dogs nads" of BCFC.

They're so ignorant to what they have done to the atmosphere and they continue to kill the atmosphere. The only times they have helped was the other week whwn we were 4-1 down.....Great! And at millenium stadium with the red army chant. Thats twice in EIGHT years!!!!!

I brought my Wimbledon mate to the Wembley game against stoke in 2000 and he said "does anyone like that fu****g band?"

He could see that musical instruments are a bad thing at football after EIGHT minutes, we're not going to have to wait another EIGHT years before the band members twig on are we???? :grr:

I remember someone saying that when the band was in the East End the rest of the ground sang in unison.

Can't we at least try it?


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Can't even hear the band in Dolman F block, so not sure what all the fuss is about.

Why not just try and out sing them? :dunno:

What sort of Club are we if we have to try and out sing our own fans? We should out sing the away fans and that would be easier without the band.

The fuss is about the fact that the band prevent songs from getting to F block Dolman by stopping them in their tracks by playing the wrong songs at the wrong time at the wrong pitch in the wrong place.... the right place for a band is in a concert or a Church, NOT a football match

What results?

Basically these: Ashton Gate - loud

then the band turn up;

Ashton gate - silent


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You go Mr Lansdown Junior

Thank you, your comment is noted.

BTW, why do they deserve our thanks? They are only fans like the rest of us. They're not special.

For making the effort when other "fans like the rest of us" have twiddled thumbs and wished someone would do something about the lack of atmosphere.

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For making the effort when other "fans like the rest of us" have twiddled thumbs and wished someone would do something about the lack of atmosphere.

Ashton Gate was loud before they started bringing musical instruments though Milo.

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Ashton Gate was loud before they started bringing musical instruments though Milo.

Or had it turned quiet following the closure of the EE to home fans and the band introduced to try to get some atmosphere going again?

In the days of the East End terracing, all fans who wanted to have a sing would stand in the EE, with the behind-the-goal part packed with the most vociferous and noisy supporters. To their flanks were fans like me that enjoyed the atmosphere and felt close enough to join in without feeling conspicuous when appropriate. When you walked to the ground you could often hear the EE pumping before kick-off. For the family man with kids, that central part of the EE was not your terrain.

When the EE closed to home fans in favour of the Atyeo, the first season had many of the vocal fans in the behind-the-goal area of the Atyeo but over time, family man with season-ticket-reserved-seating has picked off many of these seats. The vocal fans, many of whom were not your typical season ticket holder through their roots in the EE (where season tickets were not available), ended up dispersed and diluted.

While there have been some great attempts to get this back again (Dolman G-Block this season and Atyeo H-Block) it isn't the same because the noisy boys are not sufficiently concentrated.

An eery thing happened in that 4-1 reverse. When H-Block started City til I die and didn't stop, others realised that the time was right to join the band and show that in adversity we are all together. As more joined in, others grew in confidence and a chorus was eventually struck. But it was initially self-conscious - most of us are the type who fear standing out from the crowd. We've carried that on in the two subsequent games and long may it continue. It has happened with the band there and in my opinion, they helped us all find our voice again.

The band didn't kill the atmosphere, the Taylor Report did.

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Or had it turned quiet following the closure of the EE to home fans and the band introduced to try to get some atmosphere going again?

In the days of the East End terracing, all fans who wanted to have a sing would stand in the EE, with the behind-the-goal part packed with the most vociferous and noisy supporters. To their flanks were fans like me that enjoyed the atmosphere and felt close enough to join in without feeling conspicuous when appropriate. When you walked to the ground you could often hear the EE pumping before kick-off. For the family man with kids, that central part of the EE was not your terrain.

When the EE closed to home fans in favour of the Atyeo, the first season had many of the vocal fans in the behind-the-goal area of the Atyeo but over time, family man with season-ticket-reserved-seating has picked off many of these seats. The vocal fans, many of whom were not your typical season ticket holder through their roots in the EE (where season tickets were not available), ended up dispersed and diluted.

While there have been some great attempts to get this back again (Dolman G-Block this season and Atyeo H-Block) it isn't the same because the noisy boys are not sufficiently concentrated.

An eery thing happened in that 4-1 reverse. When H-Block started City til I die and didn't stop, others realised that the time was right to join the band and show that in adversity we are all together. As more joined in, others grew in confidence and a chorus was eventually struck. But it was initially self-conscious - most of us are the type who fear standing out from the crowd. We've carried that on in the two subsequent games and long may it continue. It has happened with the band there and in my opinion, they helped us all find our voice again.

The band didn't kill the atmosphere, the Taylor Report did.

This is annoying having two threads on the same topic, I just answered one of your posts Milo. :laugh:

Anyway, Ashton Gate was loud in Ateyo, the very minute the band turned up the noise disappeared. I agree with a lot of your points though. Taylor report was a bigger dent in the atmosphere than the band to be fair. reserved seats don't help either. But the band also contributes to the silence of Ashton Gate. Yes they helped start ONE song. But it's been EIGHT YEARS of torture for any song that has had a chance to spread.

Why do you think Sheffield Wednesday got rid of their instrument through petition?

Lets try it for the rest of the season without a band I say. Lets hear the difference!

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Just to add my two pennies worth, I don't particularly care whether the band are there or not. I can't hear them in E block and I don't personally see how they can ruin the atmosphere. I don't really think they help it but as I sais, I am fairly indifferent.

One thing though, when I went to Aldershot a month or so ago, they had a military type drummer on a snare and he was brilliant. Really picked up the noise levels and made you want to bounce around in enjoyment. Just for your interest like :)

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I can't hear them in E block and I don't personally see how they can ruin the atmosphere.

They prevent link up between Atyeo and Dolman by stiffelling the songs before they have had a chance to develop by:

A) Playing things over the top of the rore singing B) They play the wrong songs often C) It's the wrong pitch for a load of people who aren't very good at singing (it's more chanting) D) We don't think instruments should be at a football match and I'm sure other people have their reasons too.

(copy and pasted from the other thread) :@ :laugh:

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This is annoying having two threads on the same topic, I just answered one of your posts Milo. :laugh:

Anyway, Ashton Gate was loud in Ateyo, the very minute the band turned up the noise disappeared. I agree with a lot of your points though. Taylor report was a bigger dent in the atmosphere than the band to be fair. reserved seats don't help either. But the band also contributes to the silence of Ashton Gate. Yes they helped start ONE song. But it's been EIGHT YEARS of torture for any song that has had a chance to spread.

Why do you think Sheffield Wednesday got rid of their instrument through petition?

Lets try it for the rest of the season without a band I say. Lets hear the difference!

I agree about the two topics and I have read your response on the other one.

I'm not entirely sure that stopping the band now that we appear to have found our voice again is a fair time for such an experiment. The time for your experiment is when we've pulled ourselves clear of relegation and are heading for mid-table obscurity. If the crowd sings then in the absence of the band, I'd be able to agree with you.

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I agree about the two topics and I have read your response on the other one.

I'm not entirely sure that stopping the band now that we appear to have found our voice again is a fair time for such an experiment. The time for your experiment is when we've pulled ourselves clear of relegation and are heading for mid-table obscurity. If the crowd sings then in the absence of the band, I'd be able to agree with you.

Cheers Milo. I was going to start a thread like this after Christmas at some point.

I obviously would be up for experimenting without the band.

You sound confident about our chances of avoiding the drop Milo! To be honest I think we will be absolutely fine too!

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The band didn't kill the atmosphere, the Taylor Report did.

Or Bristol City's over zealous interpretation of the Taylor report!

Blocks A & B used to be good in the Dolman and the subbers started to get a bit of hoe down going in block G till Draisey started using up more of the rain forest with his notes.Best atmosphere this season has been away at Oldham and Vale. Sadly that kind of support would soon be clamped down on by our club and stifled.However there is an answer did anybody mention the E... E.. !


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Ateyo andy what a ###### sad life you must have you ###### cretin.

What makes you say that?

You do realise that other Clubs laugh at the band and sing things like "stick your f'ing band up yor ar5e"!?

And to be fair all you have contributed to this topic is an insult.... Sounds like you may be the one who should be recieving the insults to be honest.

Don't worry, I won't bother as it is pointless and quite frankly I'm not that childish!

Would you like to contribute something which is relevent to your thoughts on the band now? Or would you like to keep on wasting peoples time by writing petty insults?

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TA8 Red, I think your just bitter because its finally hit you that you and your little band arent wanted anymore (not that IMO you ever were wanted).

I'm actually a FOOTBALL FAN unlike yourself. If I wanted to hear music, Id go to a concert.

Shut up and join in with the true fans who sing or get out I say.

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As i said on part 1 :@ To much PC going on in football with your ban this and ban that 1st there was ban drinking then it was try and ban smoking? why it's in the open leave it alone then ban swearing same again why if you don't like it sit in the family enclosure now it pick on the band time why? I see them as a good thing they get the fans going and the kids love it. Old saying if it's not broken don't fix it. So i say to all the PC DO GOODERS if you don't like it then don't go simple most of us go to football to watch the game not look out for things going on that we can complain about. rant over..... :city:

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Yeh I'm speaking for the few real football fans weve got left.

If Rovers built a ground better than ours, we'd probably lose alot of our so called fans.

Theres no place in football for musical bands.

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I havnt posted on here for a long time, but this thread realy makes my blood boil!I cannot believe what I have been reading!

I joined the band 2-3 years ago, regularly playing a drum. For me, it is not about the drumming, its about supporting my club in any way I can, including singing/playing supporting the players. Just look back to our 4-1 defeat a few weeks ago, with the "City til I Die" chant, who started it? Who kept it going all that time? I do not think I'm better than other fans, as far as I'm concerned I am just like any other city fan, I pay the same price (Season Ticket) to get it, I buy some merchandise like any other fan, I get no special privilidges or anything.

As for someone saying if I was told not to bring my drum I would go the mem instead, that is just crap. I have supported city for years and will continue to do so, with or without my drum.

Ashton Gate has gone silent? Its been a lot louder in the last few games than it was the reast of the season, partly (but not wholey) because of the band. I don't think we are there to appear above other fans, we are there to help lead chants supporting the team, which I believe we do. If a chant starts elsewhere in the ground, we often stop what were doing and join in with that. We play/sing continuously near enough all game, not just when we score.

As for being so quiet, it appears Gary Johnson can hear us (he waves), and the players can as they have mentioned it in previous interviews.

I also enjoyed our time in the east end, creating an amazing atmosphere and enjoying ourselves whilst supporting our team. It appears though that it was not the band that caused the atmosphere to die by getting us chucked out of the east end, it was chavvy teenagers climbing the fence and fighting with stewards.

PS Your poll votes are hardly overwhelming:

IN [ 12 ] [35.29%]

OUT [ 14 ] [41.18%]

To conclude: We in the band do our best to support the team, just like any other supporter, and do not think we are any better.

ps. This is my personal opinion and does not nessissarily reflect the view of other band members / Fans

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TA8 Red, I think your just bitter because its finally hit you that you and your little band arent wanted anymore (not that IMO you ever were wanted).

I'm actually a FOOTBALL FAN unlike yourself. If I wanted to hear music, Id go to a concert.

Shut up and join in with the true fans who sing or get out I say.

You could be a FOOTBALL FAN for all we know, but most of us on here are BRISTOL CITY SUPPORTERS. Why bother attacking other supporters because you don't like the noise theyre making? Get up off your backside and outsing them if theyre that bad, oh, wait, you said you would go to a concert if you wanted to hear music? Is that a bit hypocritical considering your whole arguement is based around the band "killing the atmosphere".

I think you need to read your own comment, and shut up and join in with those supporters that do sing, for example, H Block Atyeo - the band.

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Guest North Street

I havnt posted on here for a long time, but this thread realy makes my blood boil!I cannot believe what I have been reading!

I joined the band 2-3 years ago, regularly playing a drum. For me, it is not about the drumming, its about supporting my club in any way I can, including singing/playing supporting the players. Just look back to our 4-1 defeat a few weeks ago, with the "City til I Die" chant, who started it? Who kept it going all that time? I do not think I'm better than other fans, as far as I'm concerned I am just like any other city fan, I pay the same price (Season Ticket) to get it, I buy some merchandise like any other fan, I get no special privilidges or anything.

As for someone saying if I was told not to bring my drum I would go the mem instead, that is just crap. I have supported city for years and will continue to do so, with or without my drum.

Ashton Gate has gone silent? Its been a lot louder in the last few games than it was the reast of the season, partly (but not wholey) because of the band. I don't think we are there to appear above other fans, we are there to help lead chants supporting the team, which I believe we do. If a chant starts elsewhere in the ground, we often stop what were doing and join in with that. We play/sing continuously near enough all game, not just when we score.

As for being so quiet, it appears Gary Johnson can hear us (he waves), and the players can as they have mentioned it in previous interviews.

I also enjoyed our time in the east end, creating an amazing atmosphere and enjoying ourselves whilst supporting our team. It appears though that it was not the band that caused the atmosphere to die by getting us chucked out of the east end, it was chavvy teenagers climbing the fence and fighting with stewards.

PS Your poll votes are hardly overwhelming:

IN [ 12 ] [35.29%]

OUT [ 14 ] [41.18%]

To conclude: We in the band do our best to support the team, just like any other supporter, and do not think we are any better.

ps. This is my personal opinion and does not nessissarily reflect the view of other band members / Fans

I have nothing against the band mate but please do not make statements such as - "It appears though that it was not the band that caused the atmosphere to die by getting us chucked out of the east end, it was chavvy teenagers climbing the fence and fighting with stewards" as even the the club's Colin S has never made this claim.The East End is shut because BCFC want it to be and there has been behaviour on par with the East End in the Atyeo if not worse which our club simply ignores. I am now going back to feigning interest in some of pressies the in laws have bought me which are no use to man nor beast.

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