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Christian Roberts


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I have read most of the comments on other threads posted since yesterday's game, and am interested by the comments regarding Christian Roberts.

I am ashamed to admit that I shouted abuse towards him yesterday when, with 2 minutes of normal time remaining, he chose to take on 3 Brentford players rather than simply kick the ball out of play to waste time.

His lack of starts and appearances are not due to any lack of talent on his part, but an appearance of either being disinterested or on other occasions, of having to show off his skills to such an extent that he loses the ball easily.

I understand that Christian continually asks the management team to be allowed to start, but has so far failed to understand why he doesn't.

I believe he has significant talent that could allow him to progress his game to a higher level than the 2nd Division, but he needs to look at himself and ask why he isn't starting every game, and why other players have been brought into the club following his arrival.

I tire of those who say he is barracked because he is Welsh/played for Cardiff/insert other comments here!

Christian Roberts can do better, and I for one would love to see him do this for Bristol City.


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Agree with much of the above post. Roberts on occasions has shown his talent. Sometimes he seems to run and run for the team others he looks disinterested and disappears for some of the game (like Aaron).

I can't work out where it is best to play him, he says he is a striker and wants to play up front but seems to lack that killer instinct in front of goal, too many attempts are well off target and he doesn't score consistently. On the right wing he has the pace and strength to take on defenders, but often lacks the good cross at the end of a good run, takes it on himself and tries a shot or just seems to lose out to the defender.

He is a player I would like to see stay at City if that is where he wants to be, sometimes I do sense a lack of commitment from him, so maybe there is somewhere else he would rather be??

Still think he has a lot to prove here, and I do hope he gets his chance, maybe his best option would be to work on his crossing ability and challenge for that right wing place. :Confused13:

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I had to laugh listening to the caller on Radio Bristol after the game stating that Roberts is too pedestrian. He is one of the quickest and direct players we have and with some work on his crossing will terrify left backs in this division and higher!

Personally I think his best position is on the right wing running at players, creating chances for himself and for others (like yesterday for leroy). Roberts is a versatile player who gives us options up front or out wide. For this reason alone it is important that if Goodfellow does have a bad run, then Christian should be given a chance. And this should apply to anyone who has been playing badly.

Another thing, I don't envy Wilson having to decide who to play in centre midfield to play against Peterboro!

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