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Roberts Or Miller

Guest g_funk

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I think that roberts should get a start up front with peacock, he's got pace and is good @ 1 on 1's, he was our second top scorer last year.

miller is an excellent prospect but is not doing it for me at the mo, he had a fairly good game against b'ford but thats the first time he's scored since the begining of december!

since murray left roberts has always been thought of as a winger, but he was brought in as a striker, now we have goodfellow he's not getting in the team,

i think given the chance roberts can fulfill his potential as a striker and score a lot of goals for us,

miller will be good in 2 - 3 seasons,

give CR a chance!

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Guest BCFC Matt

I wouldnt contemplate putting Roberts ahead of Miller.

Miller plays the role of target man which allows Peacock to play a less holding, and more attacking role. I thoguht that a Large and little partnership would be the best way this season but DW is right to stick with the two taller lads, especially whilst we're still in this divison where there ar a number of "physical" teams.

They are doing a very good job - there is no need to change.

Leroy is becoming even more of a threat from coming on late on in games when the opposition defences' are tiring.

I dont view Roberts as a striker, i prefer him on the right side of midfield.

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Guest Harry May

Let's see , we win 8 on the trot , we have the tightest defence in the division - but no wait - that 's not good enough . Let's change things around . Let's change our front 2 .

Ermm no - let's not . They have lumps kicked out of them every game . The work rate from both of them has increased remarkably , they get back and defend and at the moment they are doing the business . Is it a co-incidence the reason we are scoring goals so late in games - perhaps it might be defenders are so knackered from coping with Peacock and Miller ?

Leave things as they are.

Caldicot Red.

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Miller has certainly had more chances than Roberts this year. Is this possibly DW trying to prove he's not another flop in the tranfer market? I don't think so, but to be honest I can't see much between the two strikers.

They are different types of up front men with Roberts relying heavily on his pace and Miller on holding the ball up, having a good turn and heading ability. The one thing Roberts has which Miller doesn't is the capability to play in the midfield, and this could be why he's kept on the bench as a midfiled sub.

It seems strange that our 2nd highest goal scorer last year (with and impressive 17) is immediately put behind a relatively inexperienced and unproven (at our level) striker.

Make no mistake, Miller has done well this year, but I for one would like to see Roberts given more chances.

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Guest filtonred
:unsure: This is an easy one, its got to be Miller. Anybody who goes away knows what Miller can do, he holds the ball and makes runs for our midfielders to get in the box, unfortunately since Clist has gone we haven't got anybody who does this. Those that only go to the Gate probably see a different player, they just want to see teams rolled over, but I don't know why Wilson ALWAYS takes off Miller to bring on Lita. The game changed completely on Saturday when Miller went off, PLEASE Danny if you want to make a change at home why not try Miller and Lita, THEY are the future
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Guest Grannyjoy

So many points to agree with , all backing Miller.

From day 1 Miller has been taking the flack on field, as a target man, giving Lee P space to play.

He was used to playing with a smaller nippier player alongside him when with Falkirk, and has had to adjust.

Lee P and Roberts will never play well together (take my word for it).

And I am also at a loss at times as to why Miller is taken off for Lita, although Lita does take advantage well, of being the fresh pair of legs towards the end of a game.

It has taken the 2 tall strickers this time to gel, but they seem to be doing that now, being more aware of exactly where each other are, at any time. Yesterday was one of the few occasions where Miller has scored with Lee P on the park, confirming their excellent, hard earned understanding.

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Guest whitey_03

knowing Lee Miller personally, he came home 2 scotland after the hartlepool game and was buzzing!! He is loving life with Bristol City and is beginning to show signs of forgeing a partnership with Lee Peacock!! He will come good 4 u guys mark my words!!

I'm response 2 gater2's comments, Lee actually started off his career as a central midfielder but was given his chance as a striker by Ian McCall at Falkirk!!

Keep faith with Lee and he will repay your faith!! B)

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Miller is improving with every game, his partnership with Peacock is getting better and his work rate is amazing. No way would I replace him with Roberts.

Don't get me wrong I do think Roberts is good, although not sure where best to play him. I just think the Miller/Peacock partnership works better. Roberts/Peacock up front never really worked.

I would like to see Peacock come off with 20 mins to go and Miller/Lita play out the end of the game. Maybe Miller is always taken off because he runs his socks off for the entire game (more than Peacock)? At the moment I would say Lita is ahead of Roberts in terms of getting on and scoring and long may it last :unsure:

Whatever, it has got to be good that we have the quality of Lita and Roberts on the bench ready to come on and prove a point. there is still some way to go and it may be that with injuries and suspensions Roberts could get more of a chance, but at the moment things are working pretty well as they are, I wouldn't change the side at all unless forced to do so.

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My only comment would be to back up gater2. I would like to see Roberts get more chances and if he takes it, then given an occasional start.

Miller is doing very well and deserves to be in. So is Leapy so I can't argue against this starting front two.

What frustrated me earlier this season is when Leapy was absent for a couple of games, D.W. started Roberts and Miller and we all saw a blossoming relationship.

As soon as Leapy was fit however, he was put straight back in. I think that was extremely harsh at the time and does not help team spirit and individual motivation.

That said, it is history as Leapy's contribution since has been excellent.

I suppose i'm saying if somebody comes in, be it Roberts, Lita, Bell etc. the starting team for the next game should reflect changes for good performances and not just revert back to the favourites starting as it did on the occasion mentioned above.

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I have ALWAYS supported Roberts and like to see him play. But after watching him on Saturday AGAIN trying to run the ball THROUGH the opposing player instead of kicking it forward and nipping around him, I must admit , hand on heart, he is struggling in this 2nd division and no way looks a 1st division player.

I know he did that great pass to Lita and he is forced to play out of position on the wing but he just didn't look comfortable. He ran around, yes. But no better than Goodfellow who he replaced, and Roberts should have been more than a match against tiring defenders. I think he was out to just do 'enough'.

I am not knocking him in a nasty way. I feel for the bloke. Once he was a regular starter and now he is lucky to get a few mins as sub. His confidence is low and it shows. I think we got him from Exeter full of hope and expectation but it's really not materialised, sadly. I think Danny and co are looking to build a team who are able to play like a 1st division team, whether we get there or not. I don't think Roberts is going to be part of his plans, whereas Miller is crucial. Miller is turning into the sort of prospect Danny hoped Roberts would be. I hope I am proved wrong and Roberts finds a role in the team.

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Roberts used to be one of my favourite players, but Saturday he was a liability, although he set up lita a beauty... :unsure:

:PC_Plod: Edited for text language. Please refrain from posting in this style on the forum. Thank you. :PC_Plod:

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