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East End Standing


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Just been reading some of the comments on SteveL forum from various people who were in there and all seem to infer everyone was sat down most of the time. I have allready congratulated the majority who not only essentially complied with the rules but still managed a good volume of noise but to suggest everyone complied is a nonsense.From my view in the Dolman there were dozens who were NEVER sat down whenever I had a look over and I did wonder if the stewards would try to "evict" them but I saw no evidence of this. Most of the permanent "standers" were situated towards the rear and about half way between the separating fence and the exit.

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Guest BCFC Matt

The people you were refering to were constantly being told to sit, but refused to do so for more than 30 seconds after the stewards walk away, they should have been kicked out regardless of how many there were - id say 10-15.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Typicle stewards, by the ounds of it they like throwing their wieght around at little boys in the Atyeo but have no bottle when they cant scare people.

We need firm but fair stewards with bottle.

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Guest BCFC Matt

just been reading the SL forum and hes stated the club will be reviewing the eastend situation next week, lets hope they can see that the majority tryed their best to comply with the regualtions and encouraged others to do likewise.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Well i was by the stewards office at the end of the game and even though i was right by all the trouble in the East End didn't see a steward get hit.

However one of the supervisors was asking all the other stewards who was it who got hit in the East End then.

The amount of people running at the fence and that trouble with all the stewards at the end makes me doubt us going in there again. However i doubted us going in there again after last time. So you never know.

Next time they should have all the big, firm ones in there who wouldn't bottle throwing out anyone whos got burberry on.

Also to add on about the trouble at the end, the stewards could of/ should of either done the man (who cause all the trouble) before as i heard him swearing at them face to face and giving them grief all game or waited for the whole running at the fence to calm down then go and get him cause they certainly knew his face. They seemed to want to get him when a maximum amount of people was around mainly wearing Burberry and stone island. Not being funny but its common sense not to try to throw someone out when theres a reasonably large group of them around. Saying that no matter what those stewards don't deserve to get hit.

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Any point in asking why these people aint banned for life, as they must be on camera, and people naming them?

No thought not, just the cancer the game in England want to encourage, go play with the mines in Basra, you sad little ####s, and leave the rest of us to enjoy the game, and the EASTEND, it dont belong to you, its ours!!

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I think the worst offenders were the guy with the gold Wembley top and his mate with a birthmark on his face.

If the East End is to remain open they should be reported. Someone must know who these idiots are. They should be banned for life.

I know the stewards are not perfect but they had some pretty serious provocation on Saturday. Its all very well saying chuck the culprits out but that is easier said than done.

I believe that the stewards did try to throw Mr Gold Top out but his mates came to his rescue. What if it had all kicked off? The repercussions would have been far greater than just keeping the East End closed.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

We should have steamed in Nick, I was up for it saturday, but mainly with that little creature a couple of rows in front. The mrs wasn't to happy when I said about them lads infront!

Fancy pub sometime this week?

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I think the worst offenders were the guy with the gold Wembley top and his mate with a birthmark on his face.
Exactly what I thought mate! We were there on the back seats right next to the fence and one of my mates saw everything. He said the gold shirt bloke (who was acting like a complete ##*k*r) ran and hit a steward when we scored the second goal, the steward then retaliated with about 20 lads jumping up and down, it was obvious it wasnt going to work, should have just waited for everyone to settle down then do something about it.

Regarding England's comments about people at the back standing up by the fence. This wasn't true. It was in the middle of the East End. When Brentford scored everyone stood up from then on, but no-one except two blokes around us were standing up whilst the game was going on.

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Guest Uncle Ern

The stewards were not entirely blameless. As we scored the third goal everyone went understandably nuts and was thus stood up.One of the older stewards gave me an almighty shove and then proceeded to push eveyone in his path. I remonstrated with him and all he could say was you should have been sat down.

I then talked to the chief steward and explained that at my age, being both a shareholder and season ticket holder I don't expect to be treated in this manner and that someone less reasonable would have done more than just complain. To be fair the chief steward said he understood that if those in front were stood then we had no option but to stand to see the game, he apologised and shook my hand.

My point is that common sense must prevail in interpretation of the rules.Scoring two late goals is always going to send your average fan into raptures,over reacting is going to be provocative.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Yes, personally got a majority of the game i thought the stewards did a good job. They took the stick being thrown at them and carried on telling people to sit down which helped a lot.

However they shouldn't of took the stick a smany time sas they did expecially as mentioned from the gold wembly shirt bloke and the birth with the birth mark. They went right over the top on many occasioned as they were also very near to me.

Also when they came around aksing the last 20 odd to sit down they should of just said can you sit down please and walked on. Because as long as the majority was sat down it doesn't matter too much. expecially when they seem intent on over reacting and causing trouble.

Also yet again, what aggrivated a lot of people was that the steward came around asking everyone to sit down even when there was only like 10 or so, however there must have been around 30 Brentford stood up all game and yet again no attempt was made to get them seated.

Standing can't be that much of a problem at the last 5 minutes anyway, because if it was the dolamn would of been closed by now!!!

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