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Mickey Bell

Guest exiledred

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Guest exiledred

Just wondering what people think about Mickey bell. He was a regualr for so long and now seems completly otu of favour with Danny. I suppose the young blood are taking over?


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I think he looks like a tart with his permanent highlights.

Apart from that, I think he should be our regular left-back.

Woodman goes to sleep too often for me and Hill is far too close to the by-line to attempt a pass which does not go for a throw-in.

Bell is excellent coming forward and works very well up the flank with Aaron (who should be replaced by Goodfellow; that's a different thread).

His experience and ball delivery would win the day for me in our current circumstance when ability to handle pressure is going to be a major hurdle for the players.

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Micky has slowed up really, He doesnt have any real pace any more which rules him out of a left wing role. Hes beaten off the ball to easily for my liking where as Woodman is stronger and dare I say it fitter.

I think Micky may be off soon.

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Guest Mr Snufflelufagus

For Me Mickey is quality going forward but I do think defensively he lacks abilty. Another factor possible could be his wages. I think he will be gone in the summer and by giving Woodman a chance now we are giving him the experience now he needs. Its true that woodman can goto sleep at time (something I think Mickey does as well) but defending is the hard part to learn and woodman is still young. I think he does have the ability going forward and can recall several good crosses Woodman has put in. I think Woodman is in the same boat as a player like Johnson for Chelsea he has pace and is good going forward but has to learn the art of defending.

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Guest Elye_Ball

Can you remember Crewe away last year when Mickey gave away a penalty because he was too slow to deal with Rodney Jack? That was an important game, as are all games now, and we can't afford those kind of errors.

There is no doubt that he is a good footballer that is good going forward and taking free kicks but he won't stand up to pacey front men for 90 minutes... and is, therefore, a weakness we could do without.

Harsh but true.

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Not too sure about people criticising Woodman's defensive ability. He put in some critical tackles last week that really stood out in my mind, and that's not the first time it's happened.

The only criticism I'd have of Woodman is that he has inconsistent games with his crossing (he's either really good all match or less often terrible all match).

Best answer I'd have re: Mickey Bell is to point out our defensive form with him not on the side..

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he hasn't done anything wrong specifically, things have just moved on.

Not long ago many were asking for Woody to get a run and now he getting one and doing pretty well, he's not perfect but that all come's from playing and learning.

MB is handy to have around in case of injuries, just another squad player now that's how it goes.

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Mickey didnt play well last season or this season so I think Danny took the decision to bring in some 'youthful exuberance' who would be hungry and energetic.

I think you will find that in the upcoming run-in Mickey will be restored to the team having been given a kick up the backside and will prove to be invaluable.

A very wise move by Danny.

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Can you remember Crewe away last year when Mickey gave away a penalty because he was too slow to deal with Rodney Jack? That was an important game, as are all games now, and we can't afford those kind of errors.

There is no doubt that he is a good footballer that is good going forward and taking free kicks but he won't stand up to pacey front men for 90 minutes... and is, therefore, a weakness we could do without.

Harsh but true.

Ok we were on the wrong side of the ground to see it but my crewe mates assured me it wasn't a penalty!! Most full backs get skinned by Jack's pace, with Hill covering the left centre a little lack of pace is covered.
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Guest bcfccider

We need to build for the future. Not only has Bell lost pace but his free kick are not what they once were.

Remember the Plymouth match in the John Ward promotion season? Two goals in the speace of a copule of minutes.

It is harsh but his wages could be better spent on a quality player for the next four years or so.

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Guest cider gliders

Mickey Bell has been a good player for we for

many yers an he is still a good player to have

in the squad for the final promotion push!

It just shows how strong our squad is now when

the likes of Bell, Butler, Burnell an Roberts can`t

get into the startin` line up! :unsure:


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I don't think there is a lot between Bell and Woodman from a defensive point of view, Bell is definately more of a threat going forward that Woodman. For me it's the lack of pace which has been his downfall, nothing else.

It's now 8 games unbeaten, why would you want to start changing the back line ?? :unsure:

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I think the move to 4-4-2 has been the real nail in the coffin for Bell. He just ain't a good enough defender to play at left back, i would probaby still have him in the side over woodman if we were playing 3-5-2 as as a left wing back you can afoord to be cack at defending, but in a 4-4-2 you can't. He has been extreemly lucky that he has always had a player like Matty Hill playing alongside him at left CB as the amount of times Hill will save Bells Bacon was incredible last season, sadly when it really mattered Hill could not save Bell, and we ended up conceding the only goal to Cardiff in the Playoffs, because Bell could not be bothered to make any kind of effort to close down the Cardiff winger who even had time to fall over before he stuck the cross onto Thornes head.

After that i never wanted to see him in a city shirt again, and i have been pleased that Willson has used him very sparingly.

The Penalty away at Crewe, sealed his fate, he was shown up to be a slow ageing and poor defender by Rodney Jack, Neither woody or Hill would have given that Penalty away. To this day i still have no idea what the hell he was playing at, he won the ball of Jack and then somehow thought he coud get away from one of the fastest players in the league. Lost the ball then just sythed him down.

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I'd have Bell in my side over Woodman any day.

The run in is a time for experience, bottle and cool heads and on Saturday, especially in the first half, Woodman showed that he did not have these minerals and was given the runaround by Tony Rougier.

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Bell is a good player as is Woodman. I think for me Woody shades it in terms of defensive ability but has a lot to learn in terms of going forward (although so far the signs are good).

Bell has had his day, he is there for the rest of the season should we need him to cover for Hill or Woody at left back but would not be my first choice.

As far as I can remember he has been on the transfer list for over a season now and no offers??? Is that right???? Probably due to high wage cost.

I would let him go at the end of the season whatever division we are in, we have enough cover in that position with better, younger players.

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Mr. Wilson has set his stall out to be tighter (oh er) this season, and Bells' defensive frailties spell the end of him being first choice left back.

Woodman, and before him Hill, are, in Mr Wilsons' eyes (and mine) better defenders. O.K. you can argue that we are not as fluent down the left, and A. Brown probably would as it is to his detriment, but the defensive statistics are there for all to see.

Bell's fine on the bench, just in case we need to "chase" a game.

By the way bcfccider, didn't we use to have another left footer who was famed for the odd free kick ? Now, what ever happened to him ?

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Guest DukeCoxer

Think the amount of sitters Bell missed last season didnt help. Plus we do have a strong attacking team at mo, and i think someone with better defensive abilities is of greater importance than someone who can get up the wing a lot.

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Bristol Evening Post, Monday 5th Feb. Danny Wilsons' qoute:-

"There are only 11 who can play and it's always difficult when everyone is fit. If they want to throw their dummy out of the pram then we don't want them. We don't have anyone like that, though, which is great. Everyone is supporting one another because we all want the same thing"

Bristol Evening Post, Tuesday 6th Feb. Mickey Bells' qoute:-

"I have to be honest and say I felt quite down for a few days, which is why the gaffer left me out. Suddenley I could see my Bristol City career slipping away from me and, for once, I felt a bit disheartened"

Come on Mickey, stop throwing, remember there's no I in TEAM.

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