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Bristolcity.dk Evaluation

Guest Bristolcity.dk Designer

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Guest Bristolcity.dk Designer


Now, the bristolcity.dk is worthy of being a fanclub site.

We do need a litle more at the player stats, but everything else is done. Now I can relax.

I would like YOU to evaluate the site. Caracter between 1 and 13. (1 poor 13 Super)

Evaluate/respond like this in this thread (so I can make adjustsments):

What kind of explorer are you using?

Your screenresulution

Graphic carecter 1-13

Design carecter 1-13

Speed of the site carecter 1-13 (and perhaps you IT connection)

Your appenion.

Is bristolcity ok for a "official aproval" ?

Copy this if you want.

Explorer & version:





Other information/probelms/sugg for the site:

Official aproval (yes/no):

I will say though, I dont think tha peps. with less resolution than 1024*768 will see it good.

Now I'm going to sleep for a centry :unsure:)

Ill look at the replys in about 12 hours :Sleep12:


By the way, who knows were to contact to get official and/or what we have to do to become official ? PM it to me.

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It looks really good. I hope the club gets to hear of this and you get some recognition. Your English is good, it has to be as I don't know a word of Danish! How about you translate some phrases for us ' Come on you reds' , for example. Keep it simple to begin with then we can talk about cider drinking later!!!

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Looks like a great start.

I assume you have permission to use all the graphics (e.g. City logo)? I love the calendar for the fixtures but I believe the fixtures are copyright English FA? I might be wrong on that.

Some of the screens have inconsistent look and feel. The forum and players screens don't use red as the background for example.

To get official approval you might want to post a question in the SL forum.

Otherwise, keep the good work up.

Explorer & version: IE6

Resolution: 1064*768

Graphic: 9

Design: 10

Speed: 6 - front page is a bit too slow

Other information/probelms/sugg for the site:

Official aproval (yes/no): yes

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Guest Bristolcity.dk Designer

hey, nice knowing its good design :D

About translation ex: "Come on you reds' ", well..... something cant be translated, it will sound really wrong, but it would sound lik "Kom så reds". Sounds not right :unsure:

Well, hopes the word comes around, please tell obout our site on other relevant places.... :D

Looking in if I we got permission for the fixtures, else it must be removed.

The BC logo we havent copyright on, where do I seek about that permission?


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The BC logo we havent copyright on, where do I seek about that permission?

Try contacting Tom Ford (TomF on this forum) as I think he has an image. Or ask the club- contact media@bcfc.co.uk and see if they will let you use an image. They may do.

As for the website- it's superb.

Really great to see such enthusiasm for Bristol City from so far away. Is anyone aware of a Swedish or Norweigen fan club?

Do you guys ever meet up? If so, why not put a photo of yourselves up on here for us all to see?

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Guest Bristolcity.dk Designer

got no pictures of the 3 of us together, and the one called Lars is in Norway for an half year, but the 3 figures... are us :D

first, lars, second, mikkel, third, me :unsure:


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got no pictures of the 3 of us together, and the one called Lars is in Norway for an half year, but the 3 figures... are us :D

first, lars, second, mikkel, third, me :D

Do all people in Denmark have heads that are disproportionate in size to the rest of their bodies?


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Guest eviltaxman

Quote from the site - "Also bristol city have playing clothes, with the word "DAS" on, and "DAS" in Norwegian is "toilet"." - how unfortunate :)

Explorer & version: IE6

Resolution: 1064*768

Graphic: 9

Design: 10

Speed: 10 - but I'm on broadband 1mb

Other information/probelms/sugg for the site:

Official aproval (yes/no): got mine!

Great site, just a pity I no sprakenze Norwegian :D

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Very good I have posted in your guestbook and on the forum. Why not go on the Ask SL forum and ask if the web address can be put in the matchday programme/on the official website. it is certainly something I don't expect many other clubs have. Do Bristol City have fanclubs in any other countries (I know many members of this forum live in America, maybe they will know).

How about adding their web address to the other fan websites eg the incider, citylist etc?

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Guest Bristolcity.dk Designer
Very good I have posted in your guestbook and on the forum. Why not go on the Ask SL forum and ask if the web address can be put in the matchday programme/on the official website. it is certainly something I don't expect many other clubs have. Do Bristol City have fanclubs in any other countries (I know many members of this forum live in America, maybe they will know).

How about adding their web address to the other fan websites eg the incider, citylist etc?

I dont understand it all. Who is SL ?

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