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Fcc Meeting 12th Feb


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Better pasties and faster and more polite service, then I might start using their facilities again. Also chips and key items eg sugar sachets and salt. Also warning before I get to the front of the cue if something is unavailable eg a sign. I wouldn't even paying extra for better staff who actually seem to have at least some levels of skills to do the job. Sometimes I think they actually choose the worst people for the job out of all the applicants.

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Already added my thoughts to last post.

One extra point on season tickets is it would help if the club issued a statement and more importantly informed their staff the policy on whether you need to bring your book or just the relevant voucher.

My mate got asked for his book last week and when I pointed out to the ticket twatto that you don't need it he was extremely rude and aggresive in his response.

Shame there was some mesh separating us really :D

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Food - more veggie options please, sorry but meat pies and pasties don't really do it for me!!

Is there any chance of making the tea drinkable???

Seriously though I think the main probs have been highlighted before - not enough outlets, poor staffing and lack of choice. Also, Williams stand could do with an alcohol outline for pre match drinks.

Season tickets - er, more benefits for the 8,500 loyal supporters who fork out a huge amount at the beginning of every season?

good luck at the forum, hope it goes well.

Have we seen minutes/notes of the last meeting yet, are these avialable to everyone? I know this was asked immediately after the first meeting but I was away for a while and either missed or can't remember the response :D

cheers :Party12:

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3 or 5 season,season ticket would have to be a substancially a better deal than than the single season ticket in terms of discount to justify what would be a four figure payout.

I'm not 100% sure of the current regular season ticket discount - but its about a pound a game less for "C" catagory games and a bit more for higher catagory games.

To make the 3 or 5 season attractive then the saving would have to be significantly greater.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I got a membership this season and have been laughing to be honest, there's no massive reason to get a season ticket I feel, but 8,000 people obviously think differently, and thats most of our hardcore support

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Guest redrobin108
Better pasties and faster and more polite service, then I might start using their facilities again.  Also chips and key items eg sugar sachets and salt.  Also warning before I get to the front of the cue if something is unavailable eg a sign.  I wouldn't even paying extra for better staff who actually seem to have at least some levels of skills to do the job.  Sometimes I think they actually choose the worst people for the job out of all the applicants.
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Add £50 to the price of season tickets so they work for cup matches.

Maybe make the LDV free entry for ST's

Like the first idea WB but I am hopeful that the second one wont be necessary for a while after we get promoted. :):D

There are some good ideas to present here, certainly worth debating. The idea of more benefits for ST holders is good, if my Company can arrange for a shopping/travel discount book for our staff and customers I would have thought the City could do the same. The more potential customers you can offer these people the better the discounts.

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  • Admin
3 or 5 season,season ticket would have to be a substancially a better deal than than the single season ticket in terms of discount to justify what would be a four figure payout.

I'm not 100% sure of the current regular season ticket discount - but its about a pound a game less for "C" catagory games and a bit more for higher catagory games.

To make the 3 or 5 season attractive then the saving would have to be significantly greater.

The saving WOULD be significantly greater as in 3/4/5 years time the ticket prices for an individual game would be hgher than they are now. Basically you're playing against inflation.
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Guest dronkula
How about multiple tickets ?  I'm thinking about people that can't, for whatever reason, make use of or afford a full season ticket or even a half season ticket. But if a block of say 6 or 8 tickets could be sold at a discount to use for league games  at a reasonable discount, this may be affordable and convenient and give the club up front money.

i'm advocating that these tickets simply allow people to pick and choose league games to attend - there are plenty who do this anyway, may as well get the money up front and help the cash flow.

Simple discount for block booking, no frills.

I'd vote for this one as well.

This would be a pretty darn nice present to give a city supporter but without having to spend hundreds of pounds on them.

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As it seems most if not all the catering staff are agency

If you pay the staff 5 pounds a hour it costs the club eight pound fifty

Better idea employ your own staff

Then with them (the catering staff)attending every other week they would then

become experienced in serving footy fans

A fully stocked catering outlet.

The staff do not have a lot to do from 130pm till 245pm

Then its quiet from 305pm till 340pm

It does irk me when I hear we have run out of coffee at say 350pm ish

Although I would like a self service hot coffee vending machine that is a no-no cos

if some one got scalded the club would be liable

But we could have vending machines with crisps and chocholate

A possible return of the TV so at least we would could see what is happening on the feield of play while waiting in the queue

Staff not to keep chatting about the enjoyable time they had friday night down town

Name badges would not go a miss

Most companies who serve the public have name badges

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Further to what Bobby said- veggie options. They are APPALLING! I admit I haven't tried for a while now because it was so bad.

I don't mind pies or pasties. But last I tried at City I tried for a veggie pasty half an hour before kick off and the kiosk didn't have any!!!!

If you are to be fair to veggies have TWO options- a Cheese and Onion pie/pasty and a Veggie Balti pasty (Brentford used to do LOVELY ones). And make sure they have some left at half time!!


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Although I would like a self service hot  coffee vending machine that is a no-no cos

if some one got scalded the club would be liable

But we could have vending machines with crisps and chocholate

Iv never thought of vending machines and they would certainly decrease the quees. We'd also have to pay less wages. The problem is they have to be refilled quite regualrly.
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