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Old Bill Overkill

Guest Uncle Ern

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Guest Uncle Ern

Yeah I'm on it as well. Pity I haven't got a good side for the camera what ever the angle.

To reiterate a previous post these guys arent racist so much as anti-Welsh for the day (Their mate stood between them is Afro-Carribean) and the chanting is part of normal banter. What about the "tractor" type songs - did we get offended- no chance.

Did any Taffs get arrested for singing "always $ h1t on the English side of the bridge" ??

Thought not.

The arrests were petty, the alleged offences were nothing to what went on in the past and before anyone tells me "We live in a different world now" football always was and always will be tribal. It evokes passions and polarises peoples views.


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Put yourself in SteveL's shoes, here. The police tell you that unless you agree to their demands to only let your fans travel by official club coach, the capacity for one of the few matches guaranteed to raise a big crowd - let's say Notts Forest, for example - will be severely restricted if there is the slightest sniff of trouble. The club are left with little alternative.

I don't think the police can dictate the capacity, only advise.

I think the club could have done more to stand up to the police.

Whelan did it at Wigan.

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I don't think the police can dictate the capacity, only advise.

I think the club could have done more to stand up to the police.

Whelan did it at Wigan.

My point is that it amounts to more than advice. It is holding the club to ransom. Yes, Wigan did try and stand up to the police. When Whelan refused to pay, the police threatened to close the stadium and make them play behind closed doors. It's a disgrace they, and councils, have the power to do that, in my opinion, because they abuse it. In the end, after nearly a year of police threats to close the stadium, Whelan was forced to cough up the £300k that Greater Manchester Police had demanded.

Does that sound like 'advice' to you, or blackmail?

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They did of course video the whole event and rather than cause a riot by arresting those responsible at the scene, they will go and arrest them seperately and ensure justice is done.

Do I know this will happen, of course I don't.

But had I been in charge, that is the approach I would have taken and I hope the police will do likewise and arrest the murder threatening scum

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England Posted Today, 7:12 PM

They did of course video the whole event and rather than cause a riot by arresting those responsible at the scene, they will go and arrest them seperately and ensure justice is done.

Do I know this will happen, of course I don't.

But had I been in charge, that is the approach I would have taken and I hope the police will do likewise and arrest the murder threatening scum

That's reassuring!!

One question though, how will they identify the ones with their faces covered???

If you sit in a football ground with your face covered you will be asked to uncover it!! If they can go into hundreds or thousands of footie fans to do it, why not a few protesters!!

During anti capatalist rallys the police have confronted and arrested many protesters within marches tens of thousands larger than that piddly little one on friday!!

I know i don't have a very high opinion of the police, but i do believe they are only now saying they will do something because of all the outrage and publicity of their failiure to do their job properly in the first place!!

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The negative attitude shown towards the authoities really concerns me not just flipant remarks but really deep seated hatred for police and any other person in authority.One last question what is the alternative anarchy mob rule survival of the fittest is that the way we want to live this is my final post on this subject. :englandsmile4wf:

You REALLY don't have a scooby do you??? Obviously never had dealings wi dibble n plod either......... :pinch::doh:

They did of course video the whole event and rather than cause a riot by arresting those responsible at the scene, they will go and arrest them seperately and ensure justice is done.

Do I know this will happen, of course I don't.

But had I been in charge, that is the approach I would have taken and I hope the police will do likewise and arrest the murder threatening scum

Yep, they arrested two people exercising their right to protest at the fanatics........a German and an Irishman.

don't hold yer breath with Blair the pc cop who cant understand the press interest in the soham murders....

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Well, apparently they couldn't arrest people at the time for fear of causing unrest. So what happens at the end of the march?? Does Scotty beam them all up, or do they all go off on mass to the same house?? Surely the police could have tracked the worst offenders and picked them off one by one.

But no, they expect us to believe the best policy is to let them return to their community's, whilst they use countless officers time to identify the culprits. Then what?? How many more officers are going to be needed when they finally track them down, check that they are actualy at these addresses then go in and arrest them!!

How are some of these community's likely to react when van loads of police turn up. In the last couple of years there have been a number of incidents of serious rioting within asian/muslim community's!! The people on this march are quite clearly extreme in their views and may very well be the sort to agitate people against the police. They are also unlikely to want to be arrested and some may very well be prepared to resist, so hey ho, mr senior plod decided to announce to the world today that they are going to be coming after them. Might possibly give them some time to prepare a reception??

If the agreed policy had been to film, identify, and arrest at a later date, why now tell everybody what they are doing. Surely it would be better to take the criticism from politicians and the press and be vindicated when the aressts happen. And if that had been the policy all along, that shouldn't have taken very long at all as they would sensibly have had officers working tracking them down straight away!! But it seems that that part of the operation is only now getting into first gear..... why the delay???

Mr senior plod seems to like his pork pies as well, anything to deflect criticism!!!

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Guest Bluebeard

Why did we need so many plod in amongst our fans ?

The Welsh had but a mere smattering, at the bottom of Dullmoan we were outnumbered,video'd and generally intimidated.

Felt like Walsall away

Sod 'Em

Because you have a high proportion of neanderthals hell bent on causing trouble. Most law abiding citizens would feel reassured by a heavy police presence.


Sir Ian Blair QPM, MA, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis. In 1999, he was awarded the Queen's Police Medal for Distinguished Service and he was awarded a knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honours, 2003, for his services to policing.

Is this senior royalist blue belly a relative of another known liar - Tony Blair perchance? :doh:

IPB Image

And if the royalist fascist police blah blah blah were disbanded ...... gobby, irritating little twots like you would be at risk of a very severe beating.

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Bluebeard Posted Today, 9:22 PM

Because you have a high proportion of neanderthals hell bent on causing trouble. Most law abiding citizens would feel reassured by a heavy police presence.

Bluebeard Posted Today, 9:22 PM

And if the royalist fascist police blah blah blah were disbanded ...... gobby, irritating little twots like you would be at risk of a very severe beating.


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Guest Bluebeard

:w00t: You dopey blue belly, have you not read the thread? :whistle: The consensus is that the policing within Ashton Gate against Swansea was both costly to the club and totally unnecessary. :rolleyes:

You foolish red neck do you not have a life away from your computer? I am aware of the concensus on this thread. I am also aware that concesus amongst the population of HMP Horfield is that Bristol in general is over policed and the laws of this land are a darned nuisance.

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Guest Bluebeard

You foolish blue belly :w00t: I'm aware that the consensus amongst the criminal fraternity in Bristol is that they'd rather have massive numbers of Police concentrated within Ashton Gate leaving them free to commit petty crime elsewhere in Bristol. :whistle:

You intellectually challenged red ar*ed babboon. At last an explanation as to why BCFC82 includes non attending season ticket holders in their attendance figures!

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Because you have a high proportion of neanderthals hell bent on causing trouble.

Simply not true Mr Sagman :me?: .



We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control.... (Pink Floyd)


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119 POSTS, thats close to a record for nothing about football, or much else.

We have another forum for cops and robbers.

With the upper most respect considering your apparent age, I fail to see how a post inspired by the policing of City fans at the Football has nothing to do with Football even if it has transpired to turn into more of a political and historical educationally slanted debate.

We don't have another forum for cops and robbers btw, at least not one I am aware of anyway.



...but I know we'll meet again some sunny day.... ('We'll Meet Again' - Veera Lynn)


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