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Future Academy Stars?

Guest Pinamonte

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Guest Pinamonte

Does anybody know who the future stars from our academy are? After producing a number of regular first teamers in the past three or four years, it all seems to have gone a bit quiet. Obviously Fortune and Lita are exciting talents but neither are home grown players. Otherwise, Craig Woodman is the most recent player to become a first team regular from the academy and he made his debut more than three years ago. Players like Hawkins, Simpson and Harley don't seem to be getting a look in at the moment and if we go up it will be even harder for players to break through. Is the academy just going to become a schooling ground for future Cheltenham and Forest Green players?

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Players like Hawkins, Simpson and Harley don't seem to be getting a look in at the moment and if we go up it will be even harder for players to break through. Is the academy just going to become a schooling ground for future Cheltenham and Forest Green players?
As you say Clayton and Woody have though.

A lot of the last generation came through because of necessity as much as anything else.

Who would you like to see the next generation replace at the moment?

In every generation of the academy there will be those who wont stay here, either they don't progress as expected (Clist maybe) there are better players in front of them (Darren Jones) or they get poached (Rose to ManUre).

There can be a problem that when you have a young side it can be harder for the next generation to breakthrough, but Bosman and freedom of contract negates that a little.

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Guest Lympstone1

Definately agree with you.

Whilst it is obviously good to give these players opportunities to go out on loan as part of their development I cannot see them getting any opportunities in the first team this season.

This means that in the case of Darren and Sekani they have only 1 season left on their contracts to try and make a break through so really must be looking at futures elsewhere.

I think Darren Jones is a prime example of this.

Darren Hawkins is good enough to play in the first team - is a proven goal scoring midfield player unique in City's squad but obviously not classed as one for the future he will be looking for another club on loan again.

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Guest Pinamonte

Hornbeamred, it's not really a question of wanting to see any of the current side replaced. At the moment we have a very strong side which is obviously a good thing. This means though that it is going to be almost impossible for players from the academy to break through unless they have exceprtional talent. As you say, we were more or less forced to bring the likes of Brown, Coles, Hill, Burnell, Woodman and Amankwaah through in the past due to the circumstances at the club. If these players were around 18 now would they get the oppurtunity to break through? There is definitely the talent in the academy at the moment but most players need to get a run of games to get used to the higher standard of football at first team level and it's hard to see them getting many oppurtunities at the moment.

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Kyle Allcock is going to be the next big star of the future - a right or left winger with bags of skill and pace, seen him play twice this season and has impressed me both times, think he is still only 17.

Also with regards to Darren Jones - all he would of needed is a lucky break, remember that Danny Coles came from no where to being established in the first team.

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Guest Lympstone1

I would question the word quality.

Great kid - great attitude and good with the ball coming onto him

However his distribution is poor especially his long ball game.

I know this isn't the way City play but it is an important feature of a defenders game knowing when and being able to play the long ball in the right cirumstances.

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There is definitely the talent in the academy at the moment but most players need to get a run of games to get used to the higher standard of football at first team level and it's hard to see them getting many oppurtunities at the moment.
I obviously agree with that argument I have seen it happen before in the 70's there was a whole generation of players that couldn't break through (my favourite was John Bain), I could rattle off the first 11 for you now (I wont though unless you beg of course) that's how settled the team was.

My point is I think that although it is a problem for the individuals concerned it's a great problem for the club, only the VERY best will get through.

If there is an alternative solution I would love to hear it.

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hmmm maybe we can clinch the championship with 3 or 4 games left and play the kids. :D

Then again he didn't really even play the kids when he was throwing away the LDV, just a reserve team, to bad. I thought I'd see Simpson,Hawkins ,Marvin, Clisty, Fortune, and maybe Darrne Jones if he was around get a go.

It has always been my major issue with DW that he doesn't bring in the youngsters. It seems we have a lot of talent in these players but don't get them match experience, which may lead to an expensive propasition next year in D1. I'd honeslty prefer to lose a few games this year and play the youngesters, than just keep the status quo (well I'll clarify this by saying I'd prefer to win all the rest of the games but it would be nice if he included an academy player in the squad every week)

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