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Guest wishbone

It's good for a city the size of Bristol to have 2 teams in the Football League - as long as they don't pose any threat to us, leave 'em be!

Why waste energy on negativity?


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Guest pogue mahone
City have a core support of around 5,000 - no more than that.
which must be why there are around 7500-8000 season ticket holders
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You're talking about core supporters, I'm talking about our fair weather friends.  City have a core support of around 5,000 - no more than that. Rovers have about 4,000. If City were relegated we would struggle to get what Rovers get, no more than a 1,000 between us.  If Rovers were in divi 2 and us in divi 3, they would get bigger gates than us. Fact.  Cuckoo land if anyone thinks otherwise.

There are thousands of fair weather fans in Bristol who will float between the clubs - more than die hard reds or blues. We need 'em all.

I hope Bristol Rovers go out of business and then this city can concentrate on one football team with one worthwhile stadium and one set of loyal fans.

City have 8,000 "core" supporters at present.

By whatever definition you use, any fan who buys a season ticket for a Div.2 club with no glamour visitors likely to make getting a ticket too difficult, must be considered a core supporter.

I think there are hardly any supporters in Bristol who float between the clubs, simply extra City and Rovers fans who attend when the going is good and not otherwise. Do you really think many choose to follow one club or the other depending on how they're doing at the time?

There can't have been many seasons in the last 35 years when Rovers have had a higher average attendance than City - a comparison of the seasons we have been in the same division would be most pertinent.

Much more than a thousand in it in City's favour in most years i would think, and basic support can only be judged on respective home attendances over a prolonged period.

Or as i say, season tickets, where we must outsell Rovers by at least 2 to 1.

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"I'm talking about our fair weather friends. City have a core support of around 5,000 - no more than that. Rovers have about 4,000. If City were relegated we would struggle to get what Rovers get, no more than a 1,000 between us. If Rovers were in divi 2 and us in divi 3, they would get bigger gates than us. Fact. Cuckoo land if anyone thinks otherwise."

And you're talking total bollox!

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  • Admin

To all those calling cynic stupid for describing City's core support no higher than 5,000: yes we may have 8500 STHs whilst challenging year after year at the top of Div2 but can anyone seriously see us selling 8500 STs for an annual battle against relegation from the FL? If you can you need to reduce your prescription of happy pills.

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To all those calling cynic stupid for describing City's core support no higher than 5,000: yes we may have 8500 STHs whilst challenging year after year at the top of Div2 but can anyone seriously see us selling 8500 STs for an annual battle against relegation from the FL? If you can you need to reduce your prescription of happy pills.

Hard to tell really.

How many more season ticket holders did we have last time we were in the First Division? How many did we lose on being relegated?

City fans have always been pretty loyal. Sometimes when the chips are down, i.e. relegation, fans are even more determined to show their support.

I reckon we'd lose a quarter, at most, if we went down.

After all, there's nothing especially mouth watering about repetitive 2nd Division football to induce an annual season ticket scramble. It's called loyalty, or to put it another way, core support.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Cynic you're having a laugh mate.

Footballs changed since the 90's - Women/familys make up more of support than ever.

I'd say our hardcore is 8,000

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I don't believe that Rovers fans would suddenly come to support City any more than the other way round. If City went bust, I would rather not watch footie at all than watch the Gas, and I'm sure they feel the same.
That's not the point. I have no doubt Gasheads would not come t the Gate. The point is that over a period of a few years NEW fans would come to the Gate rather than go down the Mammary Ground.

If you're a father in the Bristol area with a kid who comes home from school and says, "Dad, I wanna go see a football game" where are you going to take him/her?

It happens throughout the city every week, and today's first time fans are tomorrow's loyal supporters. The trick is to get them down your ground for a few games and get them hooked. Up until now, I guess nearly half of newcomers in the city would go down the Gas. That number has probably fallen off since they went down to a division because the dads are likely to take them to see the highest level of football they can in the city.

But imagine if we were the only league team in the city. Firms looking to promote themselves locally at league football grounds would no longer have a choice of two. Also, some who previously wouldn't want to advertise at one league club for fear of actually alienating themselves from fans of the other would no longer have that worry to anywhere near the same extent with only one league team and a secondary side drawing small Conference attendances (how many do you think they'd get in non-league?)

Students coming to the city and wanting to watch games are also a great source of new fans - where do you think they would throw their allegiance with just one league team in the city?

So the point is not how many core Gasheads are suddenly going to come to Ashton Gate. The answer is very few, if any. What will happen is that Gas gates will dwindle dramatically in the Conference, with many Gasheads simply giving up the ghost and deciding not to waste their money any longer watching dire rubbish, and new fans coming into the game - crucial to retain the lifeblood of any club and to the future - would increasingly choose City over non-league Gas. Ditto companies looking for corporate entertainment and sponsorship.

All of which has to be good for our club.

And anyway, it'd be hilarious, wouldn't it? :D

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Well I have to admit when my family moved to Bristol and we were looking for a local team to support we went to both City and Rovers games. Actually before we chose we went to City,rovers and a derby game at AG. While Rovers were ahead in one (ok two ways if you count pasties) way, it really was no contest.

But as a couple of them my brother mainly decided to support Yeovil, if there was no City I'd probably attend Yeovil games when in town, but would attend rovers game if the alternative was no football.

I still wish rovers were playing like drivel in Div. 2. I seem to remember an interview with the Sheffield United manager last year hoping Wednesday would finish one spot above the relegation zone.

ok not sure i really said anything in this post, oh well

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