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Long Shot

Percy Parrot

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Right, I THINK I may be able to get up to Grimsby. Possible lift, if not train- BUT there are no trains BACK late at night, and my lift only goes as far as north London...so to get home it would mean a lift from Grimsby to north London then three and a half hours of night buses around London. Not good.

So this is my only chance of making it to the game- is anyone going up to Grimsby, who might be able to give me a lift back to Bristol and a place to crash for the night. I will then go back home to London the next morning.

A long shot I know...but if Brian Tinnion never tried a long shot...

many thanks

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OK, the last train out of Cleethorpes is 9.16pm. However, if anyone can give you a (fast) lift to Newark, the 10.24pm gets you back to King's X at midnight. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but as you say it is a long shot.

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