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Why I Want City In The Prem!

Percy Parrot

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It may sound silly but often I'm glad City aren't in the Premiership. I can always get a ticket for my team, every time we go away I recognise loads of the following, I get to play in supporters teams for the forum and for the London Reds, I get the opportunity to speak to chairman, players etc, you don't get called a glory hunter, people have a strange respect for you, you don't get accused of being a glory supporter, our club is made up of many home grown players etc etc etc

BUT today reminded me of why I would love to see City at the top level. Normally I am reminded once a week why I want City in the Prem- every time I watch the Premiership opening credits I want City to be on them! But today the reminder was Arsenal vs Chelsea. What a superb game of skill and excitement. I give you- the last 15 mins were a little flat- but other than that it was a great game between two superb sides. All three goals were superb. Moreover, the whole game at times was sublime. Ashley Cole's first half chance came as a result of an outstanding passing move of short quick angled passes with the touches and runs to match.

Give it a few years we'll be there!

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Lets hope we can get a few more wins, get ourselfs into div 1 and that will be another step towards the prem! (And that godawful team Man U. FOREIGN!!!)

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City in the premiership in a few years as the Loch Ness monster becomes a tv presenter, trains run on time, Southmead becomes the next Clifton and Shergar wins the national ridden by Lord Lucan

We will never win a big trophy and will yoyo between the first and second division for the rest of time.

Would love to be proved wrong. But let's have a bit of realism.

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City in the premiership in a few years as the Loch Ness monster becomes a tv presenter, trains run on time, Southmead becomes the next Clifton and Shergar wins the national ridden by Lord Lucan

We will never win a big trophy and will yoyo between the first and second division for the rest of time.

Would love to be proved wrong. But let's have a bit of realism.

What sort of an attitude is that? I'm bloody glad the chairman, manager and players don't have your attitude.

It's happened for unlikely teams like Barnsley, Bradford, Swindon and Watford - and many more since we were last in the top flight. Each year I seem to look at a team who go up into to the top flight and think, "It's not so long ago that we were playing them."

There is absolutely no reason - NONE - why this club cannot make it into the top flight with the right stewardship at the top.

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There is absolutely no reason - NONE - why this club cannot make it into the top flight with the right stewardship at the top.
Hear Hear. Thats the beauty of having so many home grown youngsters. Nobody knows just how good they will become one day. Mixed with the right blend of experience, many could be premiership players one day, hopefully with us. The main thing to do when we reach the first division, is to build slowly for the next step up. Not expect it to happen in the first few years. If we can continue to produce players of the calibre of Hill, Lita etc. and make a slight improvement year by year, as we have done recently, we can certainly become a premiership club in the future. But it will take time.
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Agree with RedTop - why can't City become a premiership side???

I would love to see them there. But first let's get promotion and then stay in Div 1, one step at a time.

If we can consolidate in Div 1 then we stand every chance of attracting top players and getting a chance through play offs at Premiership.

Well you gotta dream haven't you :P

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Guest eviltaxman
City in the premiership in a few years as the Loch Ness monster becomes a tv presenter, trains run on time, Southmead becomes the next Clifton and Shergar wins the national ridden by Lord Lucan

We will never win a big trophy and will yoyo between the first and second division for the rest of time.

Would love to be proved wrong. But let's have a bit of realism.

I think that's what Wimbledon said a few years ago... around the time they were in the old 4th Div..... not sure where they have been since.. oh yes, the Premiership!

We may have been the first team to go from old Div 1 to Div 4 (setting the standards for a couple of others since), but having a belief in something really helps.

OK, so we may not get to the Prem this side of 2006/07 season, but get the right staff and right team together and anything is possible.

Here's to a run in the Prem in a few years time. :Party3:

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The gap between the premiership and the nationwide is getting bigger every year.

The Wimbledon example is sadly unlikely to happen again. Teams like Wigan and Portsmouth have huge financial backing so that would be the first thing we need.

The fact that Reading and Cardiff are now above us would have been seen as very unlikely ten years ago but they have moved above us.

Where do u think City naturally sit in the scheme of things. In terms of size and history probably about 40th out of the 92. So nr the top of the 2nd or bottom half of the first division.

I can remember this sort of talk the last time we got promoted and I just worry that people are starting to assume that we are almost promoted already in the same vein that earlier in the season this forum was full of intense and unjustified criticism for Wilson and the team.

Maybe the problem we have is that some of our fans truly believe that we are bigger than we are.

My attitude is 100% behind the club and I hate the whinging negativity at Ashton Gate. I sincerely hope you are all right and that we will be in the premiership sooner rather than later.

Just think we should keep it real and get out of this division first. Do not be unrealistic.

What next. Who would you like to draw in the Champions League 2010?

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Like many others I am fortunate to have seen City perform at the top level and certainly hope we will again reach those heights.Certainly there is an elite group and its difficult to imagine our involvement in that unless Bill Gates decides he holds a passion for our club.

Recent history records the fact that we did under the Dicks reign register 13th spot one season,that seems like a pretty fair objective as a challenge in the clubs future.For sure we know our market demographics can support prem. football,indeed should the F.A. ever permit franchising one would imagine Bristol would be at the top of the list.

We may be a million miles off prem. football today but 1st div.soccer next season is a damn sight closer,oh, and did'nt a certain Danny Wilson lead a relatively small & unfashionable club namely Barnsley to the promised land not so long ago.........

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"There is absolutely no reason - NONE - why this club cannot make it into the top flight with the right stewardship at the top." - very true as long as they are prepared to put in a great deal of money and there has been no sign of that as yet.

Charlton have done well but are now on the slide because they have no quality at that level because that takes money AND the ability to spend it wisely a la Manure, Arsenal and er um not Leeds or Derby or Nottingham Forest etc

The Premiership is a world away for BCFC unless someone new comes in with lots of money that they are prepared to lose and there are not many such idiots on this planet who have worked hard all their lives just to throw away their hard gotten gains on a hobby.

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Like others, I have happy memories of such League results as Arsenal 0, City 1; Man U 0, City 3, Leeds 0, City 2 and City 2, Liverpool 1 and i look forward to the (hopefully not too far distant) day when that sort of result is repeated.

The only reservation I have with the Prem is the pricing policy. All parts of AG could expect to pay double their current admission price. To make it worse:-

Highbury; half price for children is only applicable in the family enclosure and that is sold out at the start of the season, so it's full price to take your 6 year old in.

Stamford Bridge; £20.00 to park near the ground.

Most clubs; you have to apply two months in advance for tickets!

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Guest Harry May

I want us to become an established Division 1 club - anything more than that would be a bonus . Having said that , if City ever did become a Premier League team , I am not sure I would be able to watch them as much as I do now due to the huge increase that would be required in ticket prices.

Also , have a look at the bottom of Division 1 - all ex-premier league teams with money problems.

Let's get to Division 1 and stay there - that should be our only priority at the moment.

Caldicot Red.

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I agree with the last poster, let's just worry about getting to Division 1 and consolidating there for a few seasons. Last time we went up there was all this talk and despite spending a lot of money we went straight back down and took some severe beatings.

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looking at City, from where I live, I can honestly say, that there is no reason why City, and Baadiff cannot join the Prem party and stay. both clubs have a massive potential catchment area, with definite regional bias. both have loyal tight bands of existing fans, and ######lodas of prawn sandwich fans (unfortunately required for successfull clubs.) There is no club with in the Prem structure which can affect these strengths(Saints, not really, or Villa). All both clubs lack is the finance, which the Prem requires. With stability, and a sound financial base, in the 1st Div, who knows, as already mentioned, if done right, there is absolutely NO reason we we cant be a part of the elite, at all! :D

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Charlton have done well but are now on the slide because they have no quality at that level because that takes money AND the ability to spend it wisely a la Manure, Arsenal

On the slide? Last time I checked they were in 6th place, 1 point off a Champions League spot and one helluva role model for any club!

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An interesting post, living 2 minutes away from Charlton stadium and in Charlton itself i would say i have an inside view - Charlton are a club of superb achievement. I have been so impressed with what they do within the local community - with so many teams in London they look after their supporters superbly. Cheap £5 a ticket days, free replica shirts and a stadium that is for and used by the community.

The fan base is huge, which suprised (and horrified me) when i first tried to park my car on a Saturday at 3pm, they regularly sell out all their tickets, which for a team in london i find outstanding... Ok you might think, its London and its premiership footy - but Charlton itself is a tiny place - smaller than Patchway with only a handful of shops.

Every supporter tells me time and again how they cannot believe that one of the Westcountry teams are in the premiership, but they have all said that back when they were playing us they have said we have the making of achieveing what they have. Having a manager like Curbishley who can buy players on the very cheap and turn them into stars is a major plus for any side hoping to get out of Division one. Charlton have a huge academy for young players, and many of the students at my Uni also help out coaching the real young ones.. They seem to have a major crop of young talent that will emerge over the next five years, something they have neglected in the past, but now the focus is on home grown talent. Overall Charlton have impressed me with the work they do within the community and this is what every supporter who walks down my road to the stadium tells me about..

As for City, there is absolutley no reason why we cant be in the Premier. I have heard people say we are light years away, dont make me laugh! Ok, we might be further away than a lot of teams, but all it needs is a bit of luck and a good season or two and we could be challenging for the play offs like the Millwalls, Cardiffs, Readings and Wigans of this world that we were playing not so long ago..

I also had a £250 bet we would be in the premier before i graduate, so - graduating this summer i think I'm outta pocket!

But i might do a masters, then stay on another year and win that £250 :D

One point, look at Watford when the beat us to win the title, they went up to the Premier the year after, (we went back down.. :D ) but thats what we could do! Its so important to survive that first season - like we didnt when we last went up to the first - and its not all about spending money. I think supporters and bums on seats play a massive part in results. Sadly, it is the case nowadays that if a team is doing badly, supporters dont turn up when the team needs them the most. But last season, before Christmas, Charlton were staring at relegation, in the bottom 6, but sold out a game at home with Sunderland and had a quid a kid and £5 tickets for a game with Blackburn which put 6 points on the board and spurred them on to have a very succesful season.

It has been said we need a sugar daddy... no thanks! Looking at Leeds and Cardiff, at least we are in a great financial position and a team that is looking up. I would hate to be a Huddersfield, Leeds, Notts Forest, Sheff Weds, Carlisle, Wimbledon fan right now...

Up the reds! :D

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Percy, It looks like you are not the only fan with dreams of premiership football this is an intresting article by a non City fan about our chances of gaining top flight football.....
The article lost all believability when I reached this sentance -

Manager Danny Wilson is at present lucky enough to have the services of a man who, I believe, is potentially one of the best strikers outside the Premiership, namely Lee Peacock

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On the slide? Last time I checked they were in 6th place, 1 point off a Champions League spot and one helluva role model for any club!
Stucider and Swindon Hater - Charlton have done wonders this season and the best of luck to them but in my view 4 defeats on the bounce and not a point gained since the sale of Scott Parker shows how delicate the balance is and proves that selling clubs(whether they want to or not) will suffer and is why I said they are on the slide. No points from 12 certainly isn't success is it?
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