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It`s Sunday evening and i decide that my hair needs a trim.

I always do my own, so i settled down in the kitchen with my trusty clippers.

So far so good.

After i had finished, an excellent job as usual, i called Mrs Potbelly downstairs to tidy up the back bit that i can`t reach and do the tricky bits around the ears.

Now, Mrs Potbelly has performed this task on numerous occasions without incident.

As she was running downstairs i removed the #3 plate and lowered the blades ready for her to do her bit. (you`re ahead of me now arn`t you?)

I turned the clippers back on, the loud vibrating sound muffled her saying something about missing a bit.

The next thing i know she has thrown the clippers down as is lying on the floor in uncontrollable laughter.

Wanna see it??











What the ##** !!!

What do i do now?

Do i shave the rest off?

Any ideas greatly appreciated, I could also do with some ideas for punishment, remembering that she wears the trousers in this house and i am in fact a wimp.

Yours in a state of shock,


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:D Sorry Potbelly but that has me in stitches :D

Now if I was you, I would insist on doing Mrs Potbelly's hair for her as a punishment.

I guess I would have to take the whole back and sides down a little but not totally off.


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Can't you do a few wiggly lines in it and say Roberts is your new fav player?!

The weather is getting colder again now can you get away with wearing a hat?

A similar thing happened to my nephew last summer, right on the front of his head. He cut it all shorter all over and it grew back really quick.

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Guest eviltaxman

When I read this to Mrs Taxman, she said "you're having a laugh!"

9 o'clock, Dream Team (on Sky One) has finished and I'm off to the kitchen for a trim. Like Potbelly, I do the donkey work and Mrs Taxman is called upon for the finishing touches. 9.20 I visit the forum and see this.

Potbelly, all I can say is do what I have done.... a number one ALL OVER. It saves shampoo and a quick wash is dunking your head in the sink.

Mrs Taxman says "should I give lessons to Mrs P?"

Sorry, gotta snigger though.. :D

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Well, it must be a consolation that it isn't Tinman's testimonial evening in a few days time where you'd see a couple of hundred of people who know who you are though.....

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