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Mark Robins!

Guest gibmonkey

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Guest gibmonkey

After 9 matches won on the trot I'm sure even most of the fans are slightly won over by DW. However all those anti wilson and we need robins fans who were posting 2 months ago seem to be rather quiet. Are they willing to come forward and continue to argue their case or can they eat humble pie!!!!

I have actually seen more plymouth games than city games this year due to being based in Gibraltar and plymouth. I can honestly say Citry have nowt to fear from from plymouth!!! I've backed wilson 100% this year and hope those doubters who did'nt can come forward and beg for forgfiveness!!!

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Guest red army

wilson have done a very good job as manager, hes going to get city into the first divion. ok city went into a bad patch at the start but now look.

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If we had bought Robins when we were offered him (last season!) we would now be playing in the div one! nuff said. I would still take him now if it was not for our large wage bill.

I have always supported Wilson, but as a paying fan, reserve the right to construtively criticise team selection and some of the decision making process's.

Otherwise what is the point of following a team, I cannot believe that anyone supports city for the glory!

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Agreed, and I don't mean this as a criticism. I believe we would be putting sides away earlier in games with a Mark Robins in the team. Take the chances we missed against Brentford for example.

Still, decision made and we have done extremely well. I bet Robins scores against us at Wednesday though :D

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He is suffering from a swollen knee and may be out against us.

Wednesday are playing Blackpool in the Ldv Northern final next week and that can only help us.

On a bizzare note Ken Bates is meant to be sniffing round for a takeover at Hillsborough.

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I was not, am not, and will not be a Wilson fan. I have to say that he always seems like a pleasant bloke so any criticism is purely professional.

In my opinion, DW gets in the way. Note how this long run has coincided with virtually no injuries. The team has picked itself. Just wait until DW starts tinkering again.

If we go up it wil be despite Wilson not because of him. Witness all those dire early season performances when he couldn't quite work out which position most of his players preferred.

On the plus side, I think that Roberts, Miller and Wilkshire are all good buys so he deserves credit for that.

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Another boring post from someone who didn't endure the agony of our early season tribulation and doesn't watch the team much.

Players so obviously out of position and the tedious Burnell/Doherty midfield combo of fitness, lacking in TD and present in JB and the reverse with skill.

No right winger-and then we sign a guy who'd be far happier on the left!

A non scoring £350k Div Two Striker??

Like another poster says, we're here in spite of a lot of what DW does, not because of it and the advantage we have in terms of squad size, finance etc.

DW's done OK, but the time to gloat is when we're up-Not now.

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If we go up it wil be despite Wilson not because of him.  Witness all those dire early season performances when he couldn't quite work out which position most of his players preferred.

It's taken 4 years and a weak division for us to get to where we should have been a long while ago.

There's no arguing with the fact that Wilson has (finally) got it right since Xmas but surely no-one can dispute that he got it wrong for long periods - most notably with the Burnell-Doherty combination in midfield.

The current success is welcome - but long overdue.

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Wilson got it wrong earlier in the season and the team was playing absolute drivel. The performances were dire, the entertainment value below that of watching a party political broadcast and Wilson stubbornly refused to change anything until things looked like they were slipping away. #### performances against the likes of Chesterfraud away, Fartlepool at home, Grimsby at home ****il he got rid of the ineffective Burnell) Peterboro at home and Wickham (oops sorry HTV, it should be WYCOMBE) away were not acceptable, made all the more infuriating by the Blair type spin uttered by our manager refusing to say it was dire and he picked the wrong team again.

Now the results are going our way but worryingly the performances have been highlighted on other threads by other people as not being all that good. What happens in our last 8 games when we come up against the teams up with the city? I sincerely hope Wilson doesn't fiddle and rollock it all up. If he does I expect to see calls for his head. There is no reason for the team to muck it up this time round as the main challengers to us are Swinedon and the Hollowhead-led QPR in the chase on Plymouth.

I'd like to see the balance of the team kept as it is now as it is far better than it was earlier in the season which goes some way to explain why we were struggling so badly.

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Guest exiledred

people were fair to criticise wilson earlier in the season when city were playing rubbish. many people said he should go if things didn't improve. things have improved and people have stopped moaning.

there's nothing wrong with that and no- one needs to be eating humble pie


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What team do you manage then?
City. In my spare time. I can't tell you how many times I've picked the team for tonight. I'm thinking of playing Goodfellow on the left, Roberts on the right and Tommy and Wilkshire in the middle. Tinnion needs to go for a rest; Brown just needs to go.

Then again, we may need Tins experience to counter the psychological pressure of the moment.

It's a tough one but that's what us professionals are paid for.

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Hells Bells!!! Are none of you moaners satisfied?!!!!

The argument being put forward against Danny is one of the weakest and most painfully mediocre campaigns I've ever seen waged on this site.

"We're in this position despite of DW not because of him" Please....What are some of you on? I'm all for putting your oppinion across across, but think about what your saying.

You could quite easily say that Man Utd are in the position there in despite Sir Alex. After all, he does have loads of cash to splash and it was only a conicidence that Becks, Scholes, Butt, Brown, Nevilles X2 and Giggs came through their youth development. See. How daft does that sound?

Danny has got the lads playing some good football and on an other winning run. This isn't the first long unbeaten run this club has been on under Danny. Yes, things go wrong in a football season and you have to put up with that. Every club goes through a rough patch. Ours just happened to be at the start of the season.

Some of you forget the terrible managers we've had in the past. Some of the terrible terrible football those terrible managers had us play. We're a football club and for the first time in a long while I can honestly say just that we ARE a FOOTBALL playing club.

Long live king Danny and all those who serve under him.

Grow up dunderheads!!!!!!

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Robbie, you may well defend DW because City are currently doing well, but it wasn't that long ago we were struggling to hold mediocre teams at home and playing poorly. The reason in the main was because the manager, Danny Wilson, was putting defenders in midfield, midfielders on the wing and stubbornly refusing to change desite pleas from people on this forum and at the ground on match days.

Wilson insisted his team were unlucky and played sides like Sheffield Wednesday who "would be there at the top come end of the season". Well, Wednesday are as mediocre now as they were when they held city to a 1-1 draw at AG, a deserved result between two very poor sides may I add.

I shoot from the mouth and if I think the manager got it wrong in Sept-Oct last year I'll damn well say so. He IS stubborn and often refuses to concede he made mistakes, and this stubbornness has cost city points this season when a little far-sightedness and flexibility would mean city would be top at present, a place they ought to be given the general dreadful quality of sides in this poxy division.

I just hope Wilson sees that his judgement in the first part of the season was wrong and does not go back to that, or else, given our last 8 games, we may well blow up.

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why has this turned into a wilson debate again... :dunno:

People will always have different views and i can see all points of views, danny does have his moments (replacing murray, playing brown and other team selections) however, 9 wins in a row and a manager of the month cannot be sniffed at.. I'm a great admirer of what he has done for the club structurally and financially, (obviously with the help of the board) we are i feel in an excellent position... so there :blink:

As for the original post, we need a killer instinct up front, a poacher, but i think who we have up there at the mo, with lita in the wings are ok for this division and possibly 1st div survival - if that happens and it hasnt yet... remember the gas 4/5 years ago?!

Take it easy... :Cool27:

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I think we cant look at where we have gone wrong cos all in all everything has contributed to where we are now.

I'm not saying fair play to Joe Burnell and calling for his recall but i mean he contributed something this season like Clayton Fortune and other fellow bit part players have.

I think we need to consider that football is a squad game which Wilson has exploited fully and remember : "It's a marathon not a sprint!!"

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Managers are judged by results and Wilsons City have lost just 4 out of 30 games so far this season.His City have meanest defence in the league and have the third highest goal difference.They have won over half thier games incuding 6 wins away from AG and are averageing almost 2 points a game.

City are third in the league on goal difference with a game in hand over thier nearest rivals and there is competition for starting places in all but one or two positions.

So?........What has Wilson got to do to convince the doubters that he's doing a good job.

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The people who attack those who dont rate Wilson, do forget the God-awful pre Xmas performances. Wycombe, Wrexham are examples, and we play both sides again shortly. Stability in the team, has removed his urge to tinker, and we have a good squad to use if required now. Also remember that our goal scorers are spread about, and our strike force is probably our weak link, in comparison with QPR, Plymuff, Swineden, & Brighton.

The time for questioning comes when the run ends. I worry we'll do the same as we did last year, fade after a good run. how many was it last year prior to the bad run we had in January.

The positive this year is although we played awful for large periods before Xmas, we didnt lose touch, and the hope is we maintain our standards between now and the end of the season. The players, mostly, were there last year during the bad runs, and will not (I hope) not want a repeat, but we do have a hell of a tough run out to the season.

The test of all of us will be the next month or so. DW tends to be less than convincing if we aint doing well, but reasonable while we are doing well.

Its the same manager in charge, and faults as well as good points dont go away, it might be worth all of us remembering that, not the pointless point scoring we indulge in. Several players attact equal devotion, and slagging here, and they are all DW's men. Aaron, Leapy, Steve, Louis, Butler, Robbo, Wilks, Miller, Doc, Joe, Marvin, and Clisty all attracted venemous criticism at some point this season or other. Fact is most of them were bought, or brought (or ignored by)into the team by DW. He will stand or fall on the performance. Anything other than promotion is not an option for him now.

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I agree that our strikeforce has been faultering all season but it faultered last season too. Take Scotty out of the equation and your left with pretty woeful reading. We simply don't have the killer instinct. Going back to the original post I really do think we would benefit from having Robins or a Tony Thorpe type player.

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Guest Ricky BCFC

Firstly on a side note I am sick of all this "Where are all the so and so crew now then?" when one thing happens, and then 2 weeks later when something different happens another group comes along "Come on then where are you all now, been proved wrong eh?", and then 2 weeks later the reverse happens again. It's stupid, calling eachother out and accusing eachother of hiding because one group have been proved wrong when the other groups do exactly the same themselves when they are proved wrong.

Now onto the topic. Yes I would still like Mark Robins to play for us. He is a proven goalscorer and done very well for us last season while on loan and I would deffinately welcome him back if we signed him again as he would do a good job for us.

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Ya cant aregue with the run, his management style aint changed, so I'll wait & see.
Hmm...I disagree slightly here. I think the run is down to the fact that DW HAS changed management style. He's cut out his obsession with partnering defensive central midfielders, he's cut out the dodgy, non-sensical substitutions and there's no doubt he is managing to motivate his players at last. For all of which he deserves credit.

I said at the end of November that he had the Christmas period to show me that he's the right man for the job. And he's obviously done that. So full credit to him. Now we have to all get behind him and show the team we're all pulling in the same direction - upwards.

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Guest twaters

This is one of the reasons i hate some of my very own city fans. I pay so i have the right to moan etc. SHUT UP PLEASE! Try getting behind the team, you might actually enjoy it a bit more!

And as for this wilson is cr@p talk. OH MY GOD, we have won 9, yes 9 games in a row! Atleast save it for when we eventually lose.

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Guest twaters
This is one of the reasons i hate some of my very own city fans. I pay so i have the right to moan etc. SHUT UP PLEASE! Try getting behind the team, you might actually enjoy it a bit more!

And as for this wilson is cr@p talk. OH MY GOD, we have won 9, yes 9 games in a row! Atleast save it for when we eventually lose.

Sorry if i sound harsh, but it really winds me up.
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DW has done well with a very mediocre group of players - sorry but that is what I see - I still am desperate for promotion but still wonder about the current crop of players ability to achieve it, we have got a string of terrific results but as yet have not played well with many important games to go - I just live in hope.

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Guest gibmonkey
DW has done well with a very mediocre group of players - sorry but that is what I see - I still am desperate for promotion but still wonder about the current crop of players ability to achieve it, we have got a string of terrific results but as yet have not played well with many important games to go - I just live in hope.
yeah your so right!!! wilson has trimmed the wage bill and given us a fantastic squad with the potential to devolop. why would we want something like that!!!

to get back to the original robins question I'm glad we did'nt sign him. it would have been a step backwards. He wanted a minimum of 2 years contract plus at his age he's prone to injuries so why would we want to commit a large amount of money on something like that? If robins could garuntee promotion then I'm sure we would'nt be the only team after him.

He's worked miracles at hillsborough has'nt he?

Although I'm concerned we have'nt a prolific scorer we are showing we don't need one as the goals are coming from throughout the team. Last time we had a prolific scorer (BTAYLOR) we lost the league when he got injured. This year we are a team!!!! Lets back um!!

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