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Battle Plans For Walsall Game

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It seems that the THUGS have been in action again today

and I don't refer to the cardiff fans

For SIX city fans(and thier familys) the autumn of 2004 was not a happy time

I still have ALL the paper cuttings from western daily press and evening post

from the autumn of 2004

Okay if our club wants us to attend the walsall game

may I suggest that colin sexstone and steve lansdown

come and stand with his fellow fans on the terraces with us for the trip to walsall

I am thinking of writing to LIBERTY to ask for thier thoughts on the way

footy games are policed in the area

Maybe we could ask LIBERTY to attend the match with us city fans

as long as we ALL made a contribution to thier costs

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It seems that the THUGS have been in action again today

and I don't refer to the cardiff fans

For SIX city fans(and thier familys) the autumn of 2004 was not a happy time

I still have ALL the paper cuttings from western daily press and evening post

from the autumn of 2004

Okay if our club wants us to attend the walsall game

may I suggest that colin sexstone and steve lansdown

come and stand with his fellow fans on the terraces with us for the trip to walsall

I am thinking of writing to LIBERTY to ask for thier thoughts on the way

footy games are policed in the area

Maybe we could ask LIBERTY to attend the match with us city fans

as long as we ALL made a contribution to thier costs

What happend in autumn of 2004?

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The best thing we can do is attend en masse and roar the lads on the a big victory.

I agree with your point regarding SL & CS.

Be an eye opener for CS to attend a "Football Game," as a Fan :w00t:

Would also show solidarity with our wronged supporters.

I can feel as mass protest march in sombre silence from the nearest boozer to The Bescot :ph34r: coming on.

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The best thing we can do is attend en masse and roar the lads on the a big victory.

I agree with your point regarding SL & CS.

Be an eye opener for CS to attend a "Football Game," as a Fan :w00t:

Would also show solidarity with our wronged supporters.

I can feel as mass protest march in sombre silence from the nearest boozer to The Bescot :ph34r: coming on.

He would end up in their end :unsure: Seriously, if we got together and walked to the ground in silence only a handful would get to the ground, the rest would be turned away if they smelt of booze! :angry:

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The best thing we can do is attend en masse and roar the lads on the a big victory.

I agree with your point regarding SL & CS.

Be an eye opener for CS to attend a "Football Game," as a Fan :w00t:

Would also show solidarity with our wronged supporters.

I can feel as mass protest march in sombre silence from the nearest boozer to The Bescot :ph34r: coming on.

Bristol Boy, I'm disappointed with you.

The head honcho from the Walsall constabulary pointed out that the arrested City fans last year were "drawing attention to themselves".

So, a mass protest is likely to end in mass arrests. We can't be seen to be "drawing attention to ourselves". That's an arrestable offence.

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Bristol Boy, I'm disappointed with you.

The head honcho from the Walsall constabulary pointed out that the arrested City fans last year were "drawing attention to themselves".

So, a mass protest is likely to end in mass arrests. We can't be seen to be "drawing attention to ourselves". That's an arrestable offence.

I can confirm that other heinous crimes included:

Being in possesion of a Bristol Accent.

Being over 18 and having a drink.

Screaming far to loudly, whilst being assaulted.

Being to tall.

Being Ginger-------OK, they can have that one. :D

Being to small.

Refusing Assault.


In possesion of money---------well, you can buy beer with that, can't you sonny???

Coming The Hard Man, whilst being 12.....er, and female, your honour!

Attending a Football Match and Coming it!!

Having a Ticket.

Not Having A Ticket.

Trying to Buy A Ticket.

Being in Walsall, Sunshine!!

Can anyone confirm if civil preceedings have been instigated against any of the officers involved or if any internal action has been taken against them?

If a statement made by a senior police officer said that Video evidence was available and the cations therein were compelling enough to justify arrest in the first place, then surely it would satisfy the basic rudimentary evidence required by a Magistrates Court??

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may I suggest that colin sexstone

come and stand with his fellow fans on the terraces with us for the trip to walsall

:rofl2br::rofl2br::rofl2br: I'll believe it when I see it - credit WILL be given btw.

All stero-typycal predudices placed at the feet of the OB seem to be reinforced every time I come into contact with them. The concept of the friendly old Bobby on the street lives no more. Jumped up, power-crazed, arrogant to55-faces is what I seem to encounter on virtually every occasion I have to deal with them.

Been to Walsall a couple of time's a number of seasons ago but am really unsure this season as I would clearly be kicked out for criminal acts' such as breathing without a licence and accidentally making eye contact with someone dressed in florescent yellow who'd been staring me out all game.

your aommitting the potential appocolypse enducing crime that is standing up , singing and taking the p155 out of the foreign fans, just cos it has to be done crime if what I've been reading is to believed.

Brummies though innit? I wouldn't know where to start :blink: ?

EDIT: WTF would like to explain that he did try to not post under certwin circumstances but never mind.

Also that the final paragraph seems slightly odd even tohim.

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Guest Cary Grant supported City

Why does your caps lock keep sticking every so often? :huh:

It's the Forum equivilent of "SHOUTING!".

Kenny Everett based his Mr Angry of Mayfair on NTTDS!!.


The head honcho from the Walsall constabulary pointed out that the arrested City fans last year were "drawing attention to themselves".

Anyone got some art paper and some crayons??.


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Guest bad_shrek

i remember the walsall plod being far to heavy handed with fans when we went up there a few years back, one police man actually threatend to stove my head in with his truncheon if i didnt back off, i was only trying to stop some bloke getting attacked by the police by dragging him back and i was about 14!

walsall police are scum!

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I have to admit to feeling very fortunate that I wasn't nicked at Walsall last season.

I travelled up from Portsmouth by train on the Saturday morning to Bristol and was a few ciders worse for wear by then. Then went up in car from Bristol to Walsall with the lads and continued drinking at a fair pace until kick off.

I'd say I'd had a good 7-8 pints and so when you hear about City fans being charged with drunk and disorderly after trying to enter the ground after having 1 or 2 drinks then it certainly makes you think twice about drinking AT ALL before the match this time around.

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The best thing you can do this season is just be willing to be a witness if you see any fan beiong unfairly treated by the WM Police.

Also, if it is legal for the police to film you without your consent that it is legal for you to film them. So if you do see any thing get your phone out and film it.

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Guest Blue-Gashead

I cant wait to go this season, just to see what happens this time.

I can't understand why your looking forward to going to see the possiblity of violence and hooligisim.

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