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In my opinion the criminal justice system in this country is more corrupt than inept and I can give examples. My favourite example being Police Constable Mark Milton from the corrupt Royalist West Mercia Gestapo Police and the hopelessly corrupt and toff/snob ridden West Mercia court service. PC Milton was recorded driving at 159mph by a video camera in his patrol car in December 2004. PC Gestapo Milton told the West Mercia court that he was just testing the new unmarked vehicle and was cleared of dangerous driving and speeding charges by the corrupt Judge - Bruce Morgan. :shifty: The decision even angered fellow Royalists in the Royalist Society for the Prevention of Accidents, who said that driving at speeds over 100mph was too dangerous, even in emergencies. The RAC also expressed concern at the decision, claiming that motorists could view the verdict as making one rule for the Police and another for everyone else. :whistle:

Just remember that some ordinary bods have gone to jail for driving at speeds over 130 mph - why was this copper let off ???!!!!!! My wife and mother-in-law have both been fined with points on licence for just a few mph over a 30mph limit !!!! :blink: You can come to no other conclusion other than regarding the West Mercia court service and West Mercia Police as being totally corrupt rather than inept. :dance:

come on, if you had a police car, wouldn't you be tempted..

get those lights flashing

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England, I don't dispute what you write. However, my wife and mother-in-law were both punished unlike the West Mercia Policeman caught doing 159mph. My wife was fined for doing 36mph on an 'A' road by a speed tax van and my mother-in-law fined for 35mph on the Portway - I think that speed camera that caught the mother-in-law has now been removed. :rolleyes:

What if that corrupt West Mercia Policeman had hit someone doing 159mph?

Sorry RG but you are either telling porkies (or having porkies told to you) or mistaken when you say 36 by a mobile unit or 35 by a speed camera on the Portway - the police nor safety camera units are going to do anyone for 35 or 36 in the circumstances you describe - I believe the police is over 10%+2.

I also understand the policeman doing 159 is having his case re-opened/reviewed.

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The speed tax camera that caught the mother-in-law was on the Portway just past the Avonmouth bridge flyover and she was caught doing this speed about 3 years ago. I often drive that way to Ashton Gate so I know it quite well - 70mph on motorway reducing to 40mph on slip road then 30mph for about a 100 yard stretch - where she was caught - if memory serves me correct. I do remember seeing my wife's £60 speed ticket as well, as for the mother-in-law I have to believe what she says or else. :whistle: I've got no interest in lying about this as my conscience is clear - I've never been caught speeding :w00t:

It's nice to know the West Mercia Policeman is having his case re-opened - but how do you know this to be true?

I too have been caught by a mobile unit - did not improve my mood at the time!

I know the camera to which you are referring - it used to be turned around from time to time to get people driving in both directions. I do think you will find however, that the 30mph limit was significantly longer than 100 yards(yes I still think in old money as well) and I believe, was put there to cover the Park and Ride junction.

As for morecider - I think you will find Einstein is spelt with a capital E

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Has that speed trap now been removed permanently? That speed tax camera used to be partially obscured by a tree and with no clear signs to show that the speed was reducing from 40mph to 30mph it must have caught a hell of a lot of motorists.

As for that corrupt West Mercia Policeman and the corrupt West Mercia court that cleared him of speeding at 159mph - when/where is there to be a retrial as you stated in your previous post? I have got a problem with the corrupt West Mercia Police scummers, the corrupt West Mercia court service and their corrupt puppet masters in the toff/snob led West Mercia Crown Prosecution Service - and I'll go way out of my way to expose their corruptions. :w00t::whistle:

I would guess it's permanent as there is now one of those speed activated "slow down" signs.

As for the 159 jobbo, I am sure his bosses decided the verdict should be challenged - when and where it will happen is presumably up to the local CPS.

By the way, I would never expect you to challenge she who must be obeyed.

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Has that speed trap now been removed permanently? That speed tax camera used to be partially obscured by a tree and with no clear signs to show that the speed was reducing from 40mph to 30mph it must have caught a hell of a lot of motorists.

The camera in question, was the 'victim' of a necklace party...............................

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Minor point Gobbo, not corrupt royalist CPS, and Dibble, more like pc and incompetant, pickin on easy targets and forking up prosecutions through sheer ineptitude.

Just an opinion :dunno::laugh:

cynical?? Me??? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :w00t:

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The people who make the rules that they try :laugh: and enforce are the one's I have the issue with.

A bit like referee's and teacher's I am often weary that pig's take up authorety because they are sad and bitter through being bullied all their lives and get into their line of work in an attempt to tip the scales.

Also this Bagdad, life on the line talk, I'm sure there are some doing it out of the goodness of their heart and upmost respect to them, not by any means do I believe they all do though.


And what wonderfull job do you do out of the goodness of your heart that plays a key role in protecting the public, and serves the country?

Who would ring the second a knife weilding crack addict entered your house? The local anti-this that or anything eles we can think of to march to brigade?

Do you really think police take on an extremely challenging, testing, dangerous, high-pressured and stressfull job just to "tip the scales" as you put it?

And as for peolpe who have been bullied in the past, how many policeman/women do you know?

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Reading RG's posts is like reading The Sun. The way he puts words like 'corrupt', 'puppet' and 'royalist' (side note: I don't think I've ever seen this word used with such venemous connotations :D ) reminds me of reading Sun stories on murder cases where they describe the accused as a 'monster'.

Blimey RG, if you got any more unbalanced you'd be constantly on the floor :whistle:

Tis an entertaining read mind you :w00t:

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And what wonderfull job do you do out of the goodness of your heart that plays a key role in protecting the public, and serves the country?

I have not realised my calling so far in life, I like to think that one day I will do a job that has a positive impact on society and not just end up in it for some egotistical reason. 'Serving the Country' you say, I'll point you in the direction of Red Goblin to cover that issue.

Who would ring the second a knife weilding crack addict entered your house? The local anti-this that or anything eles we can think of to march to brigade?

I'd like the authoretie's, who I was initially challenging, to create a law that state's if some knife weilding crack addict entered my house I was within the law to knock them out myself

Do you really think police take on an extremely challenging, testing, dangerous, high-pressured and stressfull job just to "tip the scales" as you put it?

Like referee's and teacher's, I think some of them probably do, yes. I'd also remove the word 'just' from the statement. It's not a completely un-heard of theory.

And as for peolpe who have been bullied in the past, how many policeman/women do you know?

I've encountered a fair few in my time, some of which are insightful and understanding of the situation in hand and credit to them, other's strike me as bitter power tripper's who smuggly seem to enjoy emposing their authorety.

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"I'd like the authoretie's, who I was initially challenging, to create a law that state's if some knife weilding crack addict entered my house I was within the law to knock them out myself."

but the point is, that law(which i would LOVE to see myself) is NOT law and therefore it is irrelavent. Also that is not the fault of the police. So i,ll ask again, who would you call? and if after you had been stabbed in the process of your confronting this person, who would you rely on to carry out the investigation into the stabbing so this person could be caught, so you could gain some justice, he/her be punished, and the threat of attacks on others be eradicated?

"Like referee's and teacher's, I think some of them probably do, yes. I'd also remove the word 'just' from the statement. It's not a completely un-heard of theory."

So a bad few bad apples? its going to happen in an oranisation so large, and should not detract from the job the majority of them do, and the reasons why they do it.

"I've encountered a fair few in my time, some of which are insightful and understanding of the situation in hand and credit to them, other's strike me as bitter power tripper's who smuggly seem to enjoy emposing their authorety."

"Encountered", suggests that you have briefly come across a few in your time, and probably in a non-social context i,e whilst they are doing their jobs? What i meant was how many do you actually know well?

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"I'd like the authoretie's, who I was initially challenging, to create a law that state's if some knife weilding crack addict entered my house I was within the law to knock them out myself."

but the point is, that law(which i would LOVE to see myself) is NOT law and therefore it is irrelavent. Also that is not the fault of the police. So i,ll ask again, who would you call?

As it so happen's, the few occasions I have resorted to calling the Police there has been no justice received either due to circumstance or to incompetance on their part.

and if after you had been stabbed in the process of your confronting this person, who would you rely on to carry out the investigation into the stabbing so this person could be caught, so you could gain some justice, he/her be punished, and the threat of attacks on others be eradicated?

I have little faith that when the Police are in fact needed for my benefit little benefit actually ensues. I have had three serious calls for criminal justice in my life, never once was it received

"Like referee's and teacher's, I think some of them probably do, yes. I'd also remove the word 'just' from the statement. It's not a completely un-heard of theory."

So a bad few bad apples? its going to happen in an oranisation so large, and should not detract from the job the majority of them do, and the reasons why they do it.

As it's a subjective matter I'm not going to confront your claim

"Encountered", suggests that you have briefly come across a few in your time, and probably in a non-social context i,e whilst they are doing their jobs? What i meant was how many do you actually know well?

I've only personally known two, why should this detract from my oppinion on them?

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Point taken about politically correct and incompetent but both Police and Crown Prosecution Service organisations are most definately royalist by nature and behaviour. The Police bear the nickel plate 'EIIR' and crown emblems on their hats and uniforms and owe their allegiance to their German descended 'God' Queen and not the English people. The Crown Prosecution Service by nature of being 'Crown' also see their Queen as their 'High Priestess' and Royal Kommandant. :shifty:

Only because you have to swear allegiance to the state. I did in the forces, and I am DEFINITELY not a royalist. The queen is the head of state, obviously all goverment departments have to do the same.

CPS? Royalist, naaaaaaaaaah, if they were it would be orf with their heads! Or social workers, judges :laugh: We've had English, Scottish, Dutch and French kings and queens before too. Part of the immense pride England (and Scotland- Stuff Wales) should feel, that half of the world chooses to be or be allied with this country.

Prefer a republic meself, but aint nobody you could trust as a president AT ALL...............

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