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Steve Phillips

Guest wishbone

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Guest wishbone

A big well done to Steve, who has kept us in several games recently.

The whole squad is playing well, which is why we're winning of course, but it's a shame that the people who were so quick to criticise Steve a while back do not dish out the praise when it's deserved too. :dunno:


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All this flapper stuff is trash and always has been. Its a shame we have to go on a run and get to the top of the league for some players to get noticed.

I have always been a big fan of Steve coming from a goalkeeping background myself, and he is still getting better.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Hang on a minute, is he now suddenly the best keeper in the world? Sorry but I havn't noticed.

Phillips has ALWAYS managed to keep us in games, that's the job of a goalkeeper and he does it well.

Critisicm of him has been justified the majority of times - Will you be coming out with this "I told you so" type stuff if he say, cost us the game againsy Plymouth?

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well done Steve and errrrrrr the post too for keeping us in the game.

yes he is a good keeper, yes he has kept us in games with great saves.

but and it is a big but! he is still poor on cross's, he does not command his box well and he does drop the ball too often.

He is not that exposed because we are in a poor division and he is playing behind a very good defence.

I think we should back him for now, but reserve judgement for maybe next season when the tests maybe a little greater.

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Guest wishbone

No, you hang on a minute - if Steve's always kept us in games cos that's his job, how is the 'flappy' criticism justified?

Save your sarcasm for someone who appreciates it, no one said he was the best goalie in the world, simply one of a squad who is playing well & deserves praise.


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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Yeah lets forget the shocking organisation at free kicks, the mass panic at corners.

Brentfords goal is where I'm coming from.

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Guest wishbone

How can one person 'mass panic' ?

Steve's part of our defense, so how come their record's so good if you're saying our goalie's so bad?

We don't agree, nuff said.

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Yeah lets forget the shocking organisation at free kicks, the mass panic at corners.

Brentfords goal is where I'm coming from.

That was nothing to do with Phillips and you know it. The defence was at fault for that.

You must be s####ing the barrel for examples of Phillips poor keeping when you are looking at a goal that was the fault of the defence, and even Matty Hill came out and said it was the defences fault. But i suppose he knows less than you about the ins and out of football defending.

I would like a LIST of every single goal that Phillips has cost us this season, to justify you constant bloody moaning.

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Guest wishbone

WillsbridgeRed are we reading the same posts?

Who's papering over cracks? What are you on about?

If SP is so bad, why is Danny playing him?

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I would like a LIST of every single goal that Phillips has cost us this season, to justify you constant bloody moaning.

EXACTLY! Any Ian Walker type own goals? Any Jerzy Dudeks through the legs? Barthez's mad rushes from goal? Given away any penalties? No he hasnt. Name me one big mistake he has made that has cost us any goals, let alone games?

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SPUD55 - you are wrong, wrong, wrong on this one, no matter what Matty Hill said after the event to spare steves blushes.

What happened here was Steve Phillips CALLED for the ball, then hesitated as did Matt Hill and the striker nipped in and scored. and if you do not beleive this version of events? then I invite you to listen to DANNY WILSONS post match interview that is still available on the World site - this is his verision of what happened not mine.

in reply to an early message the mass panic is caused because dispite what the players say they display little confidence in Steve coming for high balls, particulary from set pieces and corners (which nearly all our goals against have come from)

anyway on a great day like today for all supporters of city, why bicker about something which will always divide us!!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"I would like a LIST of every single goal that Phillips has cost us this season, to justify you constant bloody moaning."

Muppet, how can you say I constantly moan, I've been one of the most optimistic people on this forum, even when people were calling for Dannys head, saying the season was over and slating everyone possible.

"You must be s####ing the barrel for examples of Phillips poor keeping "

How many examples does one need to give in a post to make his posistion clear?

Philips is a great shot stopper, there's no debate about that - But I'd like a keeper I'm confident in to be honest and one who appears confident, especially at corners.

Sorry if I upset your happy clappy world where City are a team of world class players

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The figures suggest he is the best keeper in the division.

"It's Something like 5.4 saves per goal and I'll take that. Strikers always want to be top of their charts - and it's the same for keepers"

Steve Phillips (The Sun/ BCFC World)

So it seem he not as bad as some people make out....

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The real problem is with this thread and the previous one is it turns in to a for and against and begins to spiral out of control and verge on personal.

Everybody agrees Steve phillips is an excellent shot-stopper. Nobody on this thread or the previous one is saying he is a bad keeper.

They are simply saying he has some weaknesses which is surely a fair enough comment.

If he didn't and his alround performance was as excellent as his shot-stopping, surely he would have been in a higher division years ago?

Perhaps Stve should have a new nick-name? I would suggest "The Untouchable"

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Yes but wishbone you weren't the one turning the thread personal fella.

The problem with these "where's the........." is obvious, they're fishing for a bite and they always get one.

If I've made a comment about something in the past I will always come out and defend that comment at a later date if I belive in still, or admit being wrong.

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As someone who has seen a hell of a lot of City's games over the last few years , i must say how much i like and rate Steve Phillips. To all those people who say that he has cost us games i would agree. He has cost us some BUT he has won us a hell of a lot more!!!

After all he has been through at the club i.e. certain managers publicly slagging him off, some fans having a go, i think he done more than well.

His kicking has improved to a very good standard and his shotstopping is first rate. Yes there are still parts of his game that need to improve but remember that goalkeepers mature at a later age than other players. He's only going to get better and that can only help.

And one other thing. WHO SENT THE GAS DOWN!!!

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Like I said before, we don't agree. Nuff said.

Time to talk about something else.  ;)

1. If this is aimed at me, then what de firk is that about. I'm trying to cool things down and get some perspective on the thread.

2. Why do people say "Nuff said" all the time on these threads. Surely this point is only reached when people choose not to post on the subject any further.

3. Isn't it just a jolly holiday with Mary? :D

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"I would like a LIST of every single goal that Phillips has cost us this season, to justify you constant bloody moaning."

Muppet, how can you say I constantly moan, I've been one of the most optimistic people on this forum, even when people were calling for Dannys head, saying the season was over and slating everyone possible.

"You must be s####ing the barrel for examples of Phillips poor keeping "

How many examples does one need to give in a post to make his posistion clear? 

Philips is a great shot stopper, there's no debate about that - But I'd like a keeper I'm confident in to be honest and one who appears confident, especially at corners.

Sorry if I upset your happy clappy world where City are a team of world class players

You are always having a go at phillips. The thread was about Phillips, i wasn't even commenting about your position on the rest of the side and i do know you don't moan about the team and are generally an optimist, but as this is a thread about Phillips i'd have assumed that you might have thought that the moaning was to do with Phillips and nothing else. i'm sorry that you took it to mean about the club and team in general but i thought it was obvious.

I am far from happy clappy, and i never have been, i am a natural optimist but i can still see room for improvement, in every single area of the team and management and players.

A keepers job is i believe to stop goals, unless he is costing us jobs he is doing nothing wrong, and as i have stated god knows how many times, If the defence stays as consistantly good as it has been the Phillips will improve, but the fact STILL remains that he has spent the vast majority of his carrear behind a shambles of a defence, keepers are not NATURALLY good at commanding their areas it is something that is learnt by playing behind a solid defence. David seaman played behind a very good defence for the most part of his playing time, and consequently was far better than Nigel Martin, David James and anyone else at commanding his box. Equally ray Clements although a far weaker shot stopper, was picked ahead of Shilton for many years because he played behind the best defence in the world for Liverpool. Iker Cassillas, is arguably the best keeper in the world at present, but because he plays behind a defence that is rubbish his command of the box is far worse than someone who doesn't.

Yes Phillips has weaknesses, but are they really that important, when i have STILL not seen anyone point out the hordes of goals Phillips is costing us, so would you like to give me a list to prove your point. So far you have picked out one example of a goal where Phillips was not at fault so you are not doing to well really, one poor example a point does not make. Although WIllson seems to have a different acount than matty Hill, so what is going on there i don't know, but if stevie did call it was a bloody quiet one as i did not hear it, yet every time he calls and i'm in the atyeo i can hear it, but i did not hear a peep in the wedlocks and it was quiet for once at that time.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"You are always having a go at phillips."

I sure am, but I wouldn't say I go over the top about it, like some did about Burnell and I wouldn't say I constantly post about Philips, but then I don't memorise what I post.

"I am far from happy clappy"

To be fair that was out of order, and the mupper comment, I should know better and apologise

"A keepers job is i believe to stop goals, unless he is costing us jobs he is doing nothing wrong"

Yes it is, but it's such a vital role and I'm not happy with the lack of competition and i think it shows to be honest.

"Yes Phillips has weaknesses, but are they really that important"

yes, because they've been there for years and should have been sorted by now

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