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Lee Peacock's Contract

Guest Bootylicious

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Guest Bootylicious

Does Lee P have a clause in his contract which states:

"My strike partner must always be substituted ahead of me, no matter how well he is playing" ??

It's really p!ssing me off now that even when Lee M is having a better game than Lee P, Lee M always finds himself trudging off the field at around the 60-70 minute mark! :dunno:

To quote the Radio Bristol commentator yesterday:

"Miller is probably having his best game yet in a City shirt"

And he was STILL stubstituted!


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Guest Mr Snufflelufagus

Although Peacock didn't score I think he was mentioned several times for good defensive work at corners something maybe why he is favored to stay on. Also Lee Miller is still a young un with this being his first season in English football.

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Although Peacock didn't score I think he was mentioned several times for good defensive work at corners something maybe why he is favored to stay on. Also Lee Miller is still a young un with this being his first season in English football.
If I were Miller I would think it was an ideal situation. I can play for 65/70 minutes as hard as I like and know that I am going to get a rest when LL comes on. Getting experience without getting flogged to death, great stuff.
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Guest Grannyjoy

I have nothing against Lee Peacock but really thought we were going to see Lee M and Leroy together for the last say 20mins of the game last night, a partnership I have been curious to see for a while now. I could only go on the radio commentary but it sounded like Lee M was on fire. I wonder if this partnership has been tried in training.

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Does Lee P have a clause in his contract which states:

"My strike partner must always be substituted ahead of me, no matter how well he is playing" ??

It's really p!ssing me off now that even when Lee M is having a better game than Lee P, Lee M always finds himself trudging off the field at around the 60-70 minute mark! ;)

To quote the Radio Bristol commentator yesterday:

"Miller is probably having his best game yet in a City shirt"

And he was STILL stubstituted! 


Yep, this guy is still the most over-rated striker we have had for years, and still dont get pulled off! He wants a new contract as well??
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If I were Miller I would think it was an ideal situation.

Getting experience without getting flogged to death, great stuff.

I'd agree and say that is probably the reason why Lee M gets taken off rather than Lee P.

In a game when we are winning 3 or 4-0, then maybe we should see the Lee M and LL partnership, when there is little or no pressure!

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"Yep, this guy is still the most over-rated striker we have had for years, and still dont get pulled off! He wants a new contract as well??"

I take it you didn't go last night then! Miller was class but Peacock worked just as hard and also played really well.

How can he be overrated when he's our top goalscorer and has played good stuff over the last few weeks.

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I cannot believe some comments about Peacock. His work rate and goals are one reason were in the position we are. However, he's not going to score every game.

I also think Miller is going to be a great prospect but I feel his fitness is not all it's cracked up to be. He struggles to get back onside from the previous attacking phase of play and generally tires around 60-70 minutes.

I'm sure this is the kind of support that Peacock really needs right now guys, top of the table and being slagged off, brilliant.


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I cannot believe some comments about Peacock.  His work rate and goals are one reason were in the position we are.  However, he's not going to score every game.

I also think Miller is going to be a great prospect but I feel his fitness is not all it's cracked up to be.  He struggles to get back onside from the previous attacking phase of play and generally tires around 60-70 minutes.

I'm sure this is the kind of support that Peacock really needs right now guys, top of the table and being slagged off, brilliant.


To be fair, there's only one comment that could be called 'slagging off' of Lee Peacock on this thread.

Nobody can doubt that Lee Peacock has been a far better player in recent times than we have seen previously, but the argument here is, that if Lee Miller is looking 'different class' during a game, then surely it's only fair to reward that occasionally by giving him the full 90 minutes and an opportunity to play alongside a different type of striking partner than Peacock.

If memory serves, Lee Miller has only had the chance to play alongside a pacey striking partner on two occasions. One was the game away to Brighton, where he partnered Roberts, when we won 4-1 (with Miller getting one of the goals). The other was away to QPR, when Miller and Lita looked electric, until the referee decided to send Miller of for running into Bircham while they were both watching the ball.

From the brief evidence, Lita and Miller looks a potentially explosive partnership and I hope we get the opportunity to see it in action again before the season's end.

Miller is a young player, still learning the game, who needs to be looked after by the management, but that isn't to say he should automatically be substituted, just because of that. If he's playing well (as he was last night) and his confidence is sky high, leave him on there so he knows it's appreciated and I'm certain he won't let anybody down.

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Peacock leads the line and works his socks of oh and is our top goalscorer. He will show our reject "strikers" in the first division next year. You wait and see.

Super Lee Peacock; ;)

Reject Strikers?

Lee Miller

A scottish youngster most sought after by Everton and other top english clubs, but WE GOT HIM!

Leroy Lita

Ex Chelsea Youth Star who is pacy and has a good finish on him with a superb goals to games ratio and has never started a league game for city.

Christian Roberts

Pacy Welsh Wizard can be a star on his day, and got a welsh Call Up!

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To be fair, there's only one comment that could be called 'slagging off' of Lee Peacock on this thread.

Nobody can doubt that Lee Peacock has been a far better player in recent times than we have seen previously, but the argument here is, that if Lee Miller is looking 'different class' during a game, then surely it's only fair to reward that occasionally by giving him the full 90 minutes and an opportunity to play alongside a different type of striking partner than Peacock.

If memory serves, Lee Miller has only had the chance to play alongside a pacey striking partner on two occasions. One was the game away to Brighton, where he partnered Roberts, when we won 4-1 (with Miller getting one of the goals). The other was away to QPR, when Miller and Lita looked electric, until the referee decided to send Miller of for running into Bircham while they were both watching the ball.

From the brief evidence, Lita and Miller looks a potentially explosive partnership and I hope we get the opportunity to see it in action again before the season's end.

Miller is a young player, still learning the game, who needs to be looked after by the management, but that isn't to say he should automatically be substituted, just because of that. If he's playing well (as he was last night) and his confidence is sky high, leave him on there so he knows it's appreciated and I'm certain he won't let anybody down.

Fair comment, but whenever I've seen Peacock, he aint performed, and no I wasnt there last night....

He scores in fits and starts, and I'd like to see Robbo, or Leroy partnering Lee Miller for the games where Peacock dont perform, and he DOES have games like that!

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I agree totallywith Madmax,I think some people on this forum just dont like Lee Peacock for some reason,week after week he works his balls off for the team from one penalty area to the other,so get off his back and give the team support not critisism!

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to be honest i agree with wilson substituting miller for only one reason that miller does a darm site more work in the game than peacock does so he tires and come off for some fresh legs

he put alot of work into his game so i fell sometimes it is a good desicion

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Guest Northern Cider-Dude

Peacock is a striker that works until the very end, he'll try to get his head on the end of anything and has got one mighty leap in him, he has been a superb signing for city and deserves more credit than he gets, some people on here dont realise just how much of an assett he has been to this club....

nothing against miller but peacock is a player that will get stuck in more and in a situation like last nights we needed players to get stuck in and really battle to win the ball, in those cases peacock is the player to have on the pitch

and in the end it payed off ;)

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Guest malaggro

Yeah, that Wilson hasn't got a clue.

Ten wins on the bounce, he's doing something right.

Stop moaning and enjoy this run.

Bloody misery.

Regards ;)

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Yeah, that Wilson hasn't got a clue.

Ten wins on the bounce, he's doing something right.

Stop moaning and enjoy this run.

Bloody misery.

Regards ;)

Indeed, ten wins on the trot, top the league and we are STILL moaning??

It always seems to work when Miller is subbed for Lita so why change it?! Lee Miller did work his soaks off at Grimsby and he needed a rest. A fresh pair of legs was needed and again Lita is the ideal candidate.

DW is doing something right so give it a rest and look forward to promotion :D:clap:

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I don't think anyone is having a go at Wilson, they are just debating why LM hasn't been able to compete 90mins. Before Lita started pushing into the first team he was doing 90mins no problem.

Given that he's the 'on form' striker of the two, it would be nice to see him get a full 90 under his belt on Saturday, it can only give him confidence for the future

Yeah ok fair enough. And when he does substitute Peacock and we dont get the win, i just cant wait to see the moans on here ;)
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I cannot stand Lee Peacock - a woeful player and not the 20+ goals a season man we need going forward.

Quite what Wilson sees in him is beyond me.

I don't think he's anywhere near delivered his potential or lived up to his 600K price tag.

Further more, its depressing he's keeping young talent out of the side.

BUT - I wouldn't drop him. 10 wins on the trot is incredible and I am an advocate of "don't change a winning side".

Quite what Peacock brings to that winning side I still haven't worked out (some people cite defending?! He's supposed to be on the pitch to score goals!) but the simple fact for me is that starting 11 with him in it wins matches.

And we're top.

I don't rate him in the slightest - but we win when he plays. Which is essentially as contradictory as my posting!

One Team

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I cannot stand Lee Peacock - a woeful player and not the 20+ goals a season man we need going forward.

Quite what Wilson sees in him is beyond me.

I don't think he's anywhere near delivered his potential or lived up to his 600K price tag.

Further more, its depressing he's keeping young talent out of the side.

BUT - I wouldn't drop him.  10 wins on the trot is incredible and I am an advocate of "don't change a winning side".

Quite what Peacock brings to that winning side I still haven't worked out (some people cite defending?! He's supposed to be on the pitch to score goals!) but the simple fact for me is that starting 11 with him in it wins matches.

And we're top.

I don't rate him in the slightest - but we win when he plays.  Which is essentially as contradictory as my posting!

One Team

Nice post.
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to be honest i agree with wilson substituting miller for only one reason that miller does a darm site more work in the game than peacock does so he tires and come off for some fresh legs
I wouldn't necessarily agree with that comment. Peacock works hard every game, indeed holding the ball up is argueably his greatest strength. I'm more than happy with his contribution this year, and combined with his strike rate (about a goal every 2 games) he's one of the more consistent performers in the 1st team. Miller is good and I think he'll come into his own as he gains more match experience in England, but for now Peacock merits his position as our No. 1 striker.


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I,ve can,t belive some of the rubish being spouted. yes miller is unlucky being pulled off for leroy but danny is using him as a battering ram to soften up their back four. young miller is cream crackered when he comes off having done his his bit. peacock has a little bit more guile and skill and links up well with leroy whilst doing the job miller was

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I've voiced my own oppinion on Leapy on many occasions....But lets be fair during this run despite not scoring often enough for some he has been one of our best players.....lets face it he has over the last 18 months gone AWOL on more occasions than we all care to remember but he seems to have finally clicked into gear....Lee Miller has been class for some time and keep taking him off after an hour can be frustrating for the fans but lets be clear we are not winning games 4 or 5 nil it is in general by the odd goal and Peacock's experience it could be argued better places him when it comes to who should be on the field for the last desperate push or hacking the ball to safety when defending corners.........BUT WHATEVER WE THINK LETS JUST ENJOY THE RUN AND REMEMBER "WE ARE TOP OF THE LEAGUE"

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