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City Support At Walsall Official Figure


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I'd estimate about 2,000 in our end at Walsall with a fair amount of staunch English Republicans ready to take the battle to the corrupt West Midlands Royalist Gestapo Police should they have tried subjugating our fellow BCFC Bristolians as per last season. :shifty: English Republicans - undisputed occupiers of the moral 'high ground' against the Royalist filth. :laugh: The Royalists can stick their 80th birthday 'God' Queen celebrations up their arses - SIDEWAYS !!!!! :englandsmile4wf:

This forum is a dull place without you, Gobby! What are you going to do with the tank now?

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I'd estimate about 2,000 in our end at Walsall with a fair amount of staunch English Republicans ready to take the battle to the corrupt West Midlands Royalist Gestapo Police should they have tried subjugating our fellow BCFC Bristolians as per last season. :shifty: English Republicans - undisputed occupiers of the moral 'high ground' against the Royalist filth. :laugh: The Royalists can stick their 80th birthday 'God' Queen celebrations up their arses - SIDEWAYS !!!!! :englandsmile4wf:

"I'd estimate about 2,000 in our end at Walsall"

Last season there was 2092 city there, and that was including the bit to the right of us being full aswell, so I`d say more 1700 ish

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The German descended imposter 'God' Queen Elizabeth Windsor AKA Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is a German descended imposter - say no more. :dance: However, the more legitimate heir to the English throne, that Tony Robinson met in Australia, seems more my kind of monarch if I was to become a royalist. The rightful heir to the English throne was even sharing a few cans of Australian lager with 'Baldrick' - say no more !!!!! :laugh::shifty: I'd personally convert 'King Michael', as he would be, to the delights of BCFC and cider in no time. :w00t::whistle:

Another top post from my favourite anti-royalist.

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Ahhhh, I traded in my Soviet Union made T34 tank for the German WWII tank below. By using a German tank the 'Saxe-Coburg-Gotha' West Midlands God Queen Police will think I'm on their side - that's part of my dastardly plan to infiltrate their organisation and cause havoc. :shifty:

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Hey Gobbo, I'd stick to the Russki tank, thats a Pzkw 4J and barely a match for the British/Yank ronson aka the Sherman, the average T34/54/62 is a tad better :laugh:

now if twas a Panther, a Tiger, or King Tiger, THEN you's be talking, and you could even have the classic line of "my little tank" with suitable republican irony. :laugh:

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Nice pics of Harry at his passing out parade (after passing out at the lap dancing club.... allegedly). Would Gob convert this battle hardened warrior to the republican cause?

I had a leaflet delivered wanting me to part with £5 for that £5 coin. :blink: .....

2006 Queen's 80th Birthday £5 for £5 :blink:

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Melt the 'God' Queen birthday coins down and re-issue this one instead to commemorate Oliver Cromwell and the English Republic..... :laugh: ......

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Reverse of the 1658 Cromwell Crown......

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A bit much though, for Cromwell to replace the unjust blah blah royalist blah, etc., then to produce coins with his own mush on it. Replace the king, and then play at being the king, eh? Ugly b####r too.

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How could I do that? :blink: Not only is Harry a Royalist but he's also a senior Royal - third in line for the throne? Harry, unless he's as mad as his ancestor King George, is hardly going to throw away all his privileges that are at taxpayers expense to be a penniless English Republican like me. :rolleyes::laugh:

Harry Hewitt for King :englandsmile4wf:

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Sounds about the right number to me.

As for the King Tiger, did you know it took 3,000 Man Hours to build compared to 30 hours for the T-34. And it was too wide for the tank transporter trains and had to be partly dissembled before transit. Also, apparently it was a pig to drive, but a quality tank in battle.


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myol'man is right with that comment, Harry definately is a likeness for Lady Diana's ex-boyfriend Major Hewitt. :dance:

Dear revkev - what say you ???!!!!! :whistle:

I think you could be onto something there. Mind you, history is filled with illegitimate kids, giving a bit of breadth to the otherwise dangerously small gene pool.

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Tony Benn 'Old' Labour MP for Bristol up until 1987 if memory serves me correct. :shifty:

Whilst you might be right RG - I half remember voting for him when he lost his Bristol seat in '83 before going up to Chesterfield? An MP who knew what the term 'debate' meant.

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1983 or 1987, the fact remains that Tony Benn often represented the interests of his constituents above his own personal and political ethics. A great loss to the Bristol political scene when he lost his East Bristol seat to a shallow minded Thatcherite Tory boy.

Have to agree with that. Whilst I would not say I agreed with 100% of his views, he was one of the very few politicians I have ever made the effort go to and see 'live'. In these days of soundbites, he was somebody that couldn't half hold his own in a debate with anyone - one of the best orrator's of his generation. Cannot remember the exact facts, but I think got shifted from a pretty safe seat to a marginal on boundary changes.

Used to talk with passion about a 'group' from history that had campaigned for a whole raft of changes - universal franchise type stuff, the only one of which had not come about yet of which was annual elections!

My history and memory then fails me - levelers?

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Guest maidenheadred

Sounds about the right number to me.

As for the King Tiger, did you know it took 3,000 Man Hours to build compared to 30 hours for the T-34. And it was too wide for the tank transporter trains and had to be partly dissembled before transit. Also, apparently it was a pig to drive, but a quality tank in battle.

now, i don't know my tanks that well, but i do know that they're quite big. Could one clever Russian bloke really put one together in 30 hours? that's basically a long weekend! Did it come in kit form?

(although, maybe if they put two clever Russian blokes on it they might have mitigated some of its weaknesses - including 2 man turret, poor vision for the commander and poor crew layout. Plus the inadequacy of the 76.2mm gun against Tigers and Panthers)

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I recently toured a tank collection, hence the useless facts, such as only 500 King Tigers were produced. The T34 had it's faults and was very basic, but had 2 features making it superior to the early German tanks. The 76.2mm gun could out-fire the 50mm in the Mk3 and the short barrelled 75mm in the Mk4 German tanks. Also, it had sloping armour effectively doubling the thickness. The Mk5 Panther tank was a copy of the T34, but with a great deal more sophistication, however by the time that the Germans had sufficient Tiger and panther tanks, the Soviets had overwhelming numerical superiority. Later in the war, the T34 was upgraded to have an 85mm gun, and here is my very sad photo of the one in this collection!


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